MediaWiki talk:Sidebar

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Change link to User manual

Please consider changing the following sidebar User manual target page link. The original link {edit: since renamed to User_manual_translations} is more oriented toward translation and updating by wikiContributors than toward end-users of Gramps. It requires effort to identify the the next link toward the actual manual content. It also takes several clicks (and superfluous webpage serves) for the typical user to get to the ToC of the user manual.
(Note: The targeted page has been modified with a link back to the original WikiContributor oriented content)

** User_manual|User manual


** Gramps_5.2_Wiki_Manual|User manual 

Along with the other User Manual links just changed, this may reduce the very appropriate newbie grumblies about finding it hard to find the manual.

08Jun2020 15:07 Template:Main page/gramps (+23)‎ (re-focus User Manual link on a more immediately useful page (which has been modified with a link to the orginal page) than a page more oriented toward wikicontributors)
08Jun2020 15:04 Template:Main page/intro (+201) ‎(hotlink subsections, re-focus User Manual on a more immediately useful page (which has been modified with a link to the orginal page more oriented toward wikicontributors)
08Jun2020 14:45 Gramps 5.1 Wiki Manual (+64)‎ (Abstract: begin switching primary user manual target page to reduce number of clicks to get to user docs)

With this note containing the excerpted change list above, it would be easy to run an extended experiment to determine if end-user satisfaction is improved AND to revert the changes should the experiment meets with increased dissatisfaction.

Bamaustin (talk) 15:57, 8 June 2020 (UTC)

Done, Great suggestion let's keep this permanently, Sam888 (talk) 00:30, 9 June 2020 (UTC)
Taking this a step further I'll:

Sam888 (talk) 00:42, 9 June 2020 (UTC)

Done the majority of the links I could find, I'll be back tomorrow to check if anything remains to be redirected. Sam888 (talk) 01:56, 9 June 2020 (UTC)

This makes it so much easier to point users to the manual, thank you to both of you Gioto (talk) 02:57, 9 June 2020 (UTC)

Thanks guys!

Revised a half dozen of "What links here]" pages that pointed to the old User Manual pages that truly intended to go the translation status page.

Some of the remaining User & translated pages that may need to be repointed to translating/updating the manual. But they are in a foreign language so I didn't want to risk messing them up.

Bamaustin (talk) 03:25, 9 June 2020 (UTC)

Revisit links in Sidebar

Maybe the links in the sidebar need to be reorganized/added/removed etc what do you think? Gioto (talk) 00:12, 10 June 2020 (UTC)


  • Remove the redundant word "Community" from "Portal:Community" or name it something else?
  • Change the section titled "wiki" to "Wiki" with an uppercase "W"
  • Mark or Group external links that lead away from the Gramps website eg:
    • Gramps Github site
    • Donate
    • Help (in wiki section) goes to mediawiki

Sent a few suggestions in the same vein last night. I was wondering about the capitalization too. Then came to the conclusion that it was a style decision to reduce the prominence of the section headers... refocusing attention towards the menu items.

Most of the 2nd section (except the user manual) are portal pages to a category of resources from different communities. I suspect the original webmaster couldn't think of a more accurate phrase. I can't either.

BTW, all the sidebar menu linked targets (with the exception of the MediaWiki 'Help') are administered by teammates of the project. The usual way to do hide that in a commercial site is to put a wrapper around the content to hide the foreign domain. Our project hasn't gone to that extreme. In fact, the seams between the old WordPress & newer MediaWiki content are still all too visible.

Bamaustin (talk) 01:20, 10 June 2020 (UTC)

>> the seams between the old WordPress & newer MediaWiki content are still all too visible.

I get it now, to make it more seemless they should share a common css theme. --Gioto (talk) 00:35, 23 June 2020 (UTC)

When and if this is done it will have to be coordinated with the the existing translations see Gramps:Side_bar_translation Gioto (talk) 03:47, 23 June 2020 (UTC)