IT:Manuale Wiki per Gramps 5.1

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Questo è il wiki manuale per Gramps versione 5.1. Tutti gli utilizzatori sono incoraggiati a contribuire alla stesura di questo manuale in modo da migliorare la sua leggibilità ed utilizzo.

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L'accuratezza di questa pagina potrebbe essere compromessa a causa di informazioni obsolete. Si prega di contribuire aggiornando tale informazioni in modo da migliorare Gramps Wiki.


Questo manuale per Gramps aiuta l'utente nell'utilizzo del software Gramps. Sono trattati tutti gli argomenti, inclusi i dettagli generali, i trucchi nascosti, le preferenze, gli strumenti, relazioni, ecc.


Perchè utilizzare Gramps?
Convenzioni tipografiche
  1. Cosa c’è di nuovo?
    1. Prima di aggiornare
    2. Cambiamenti visibili al nucleo
      1. Struttura dei dati
      2. Modifiche primarie
      3. Interfaccia grafica utente
      4. Luoghi
      5. Resoconti, Strumenti, Gramplets
      6. Importa/Esporta
      7. Nuovi Addons
    3. Modifiche del motore
      1. Dipendenze
    4. Ulteriori informazioni
      1. Miscellaneous
      2. Localization
      3. Roadmap
      4. Changelog
  2. Come iniziare
    1. Panoramica
      1. Connessioni
      2. Privacy
      3. GEDCOM
    2. Avviare Gramps
      1. Linux
      2. MS Windows
      3. Mac OS X
    3. Scegliere un Albero Genealogico
    4. Dimmi come iniziare subito!
    5. Ottenere aiuto
  3. Finestra Principale
    1. Finestra Principale
      1. Barra del Titolo
      2. Barra dei Menu
      3. Barra degli strumenti
      4. Navigatore
      5. Area di Visualizzazione
      6. Barra di Stato e Barra di Avanzamento
      7. Barra in basso e laterale
        1. Barra Menu Gramplet
          1. Finestra di dialogo Ripristinare ai valori predefiniti?
        2. Barra ricerca
    2. Cambiare le modalità dal Navigatore
    3. Cambiare Categoria
    4. Cambiare Visualizzazione
    5. Filtri
  4. Categorie
    1. Categorie del Navigatore
    2. Categoria Cruscotto
    3. Categoria Persone
      1. Visualizzazione Persone raggruppate
      2. Visualizzazione Persone, lista
      3. Categoria Persone, Schede della Barra in basso
        1. Dettagli
        2. Galleria
        3. Eventi
        4. Figli
        5. Citazioni
        6. Note
        7. Attributi
        8. Riferimenti
      4. People Category Sidebar tabs
        1. Filtri
    4. Categoria Relazioni
      1. Visualizzazione Relazioni
        1. Persona attiva
        2. Genitori
          1. Finestra di dialogo Seleziona Famiglia
          2. Fratelli
        3. Famiglia
          1. Finestra di dialogo Riordiana le relazioni
          2. Figli
      2. Configura Relazioni
    5. Categoria Famiglie
    6. Categoria Grafici
      1. Visualizzazione Ascendenza
      2. Grafico a Ventaglio
      3. Visualizzazione Ventaglio Discendenti
    7. Categoria Eventi
    8. Categoria Luoghi
      1. Visualizzazione della Lista dei Luoghi
      2. Visualizzazione Albero dei Luoghi
      3. Servizio Mappe
    9. Categoria Geografia
      1. Le differenti visualizzazioni
        1. Tutti i luoghi conosciuti per una persona
          1. Tutti i luoghi noti per una persona con informazioni grafiche (KML files)
        2. Tutti i luoghi conosciuti per la famiglia
        3. Hanno mai avuto la possibilità di incontrarsi?
        4. Hanno mai avuto la possibilità di incontrarsi, queste due famiglie?
        5. Tutti gli spostamenti di una persona e dei suoi discendenti
        6. Tutti i luoghi correlati ad eventi
        7. Tutti i luoghi conosciuti
      2. Uso
        1. La configurazione
          1. Tutte le visualizzazioni
          2. Visualizzazioni specifiche
        2. Come zoommare e scorrere la mappa?
          1. Ingrandire e rimpicciolire la mappa
          2. Spostarsi sulla mappa
        3. Le azioni del mouse sulla mappa
          1. Pulsante 1 (pulsante sinistro)
          2. Pulsante 2 (pulsante centrale)
          3. Pulsante 3 (pulsante di destra)
          4. ll mouse su un indicatore
        4. Il menu a comparsa
        5. Cliccare su un indicatore
        6. L'aggiunta o il collegamento ad un posto
        7. Aggiungere posti da file KML
        8. Come cambiare il fornitore di mappa?
        9. Si possono cambiare i colori degli indicatori?
        10. Come aggiungere/rimuovere il mirino?
        11. Come bloccare/sbloccare la mappa?
      3. Prerequisiti per vedere la vista Geografia
      4. Problemi possibili
    10. Categoria Fonti
      1. Visualizzazione dell’Albero delle Citazioni
      2. Visualizzazione Lista delle Fonti
    11. Categoria Citazioni
      1. Visualizzazione Lista delle Citazioni
    12. Categoria Depositi
      1. Visualizzazione della Lista dei Depositi
    13. Categoria Multimedia
      1. Visualizzazione Lista Multimedia
    14. Categoria Note
      1. Visualizzazione lista delle Note
  5. Gestire gli Alberi genealogici
    1. Iniziare un nuovo albero genealogico
      1. Finestra di gestione degli Alberi Genealogici
    2. Aprire un Albero Genealogico
    3. Aprire una base dati GEDCOM o XML
    4. Cancellare un Albero Genealogico
    5. Rinominare un Albero Genealogico
    6. Fare una copia di sicurezza di un Albero Genealogico
      1. Finestra di dialogo Copia di Sicurezza
      2. Impostazioni avanzate
    7. Archiviare un Albero genealogico
    8. Estrarre un Archivio di un Albero genealogico
    9. Sbloccare un Albero genealogico
    10. Riparare un Albero genealogico danneggiato
    11. Salvare le modifiche al tuo Albero genealogico|Salvare le modifiche al tuo Albero genealogico
    12. Importare dati
      1. Finestra di dialogo Importa albero genealogico
      2. Importare una base di dati GRAMPS V2.x
      3. Importare Gramps XML e Pacchetti XML
      4. Importare Gramps CSV
      5. Importare GEDCOM
        1. Finestra di dialogo statistiche di importazione
        2. Finestra di dialogo rapporto di importazione GEDCOM
        3. Limitazioni nell'importazione di GEDCOM
          1. HEADer, SUBMitter and SUBmissioN
          2. INDIvidual
          3. FAM_RECORD
          4. SOURCE_RECORD
          7. NOTE_RECORD
    13. Esportare dati
      1. Finestra di dialogo Salvataggio dei dati
      2. Filtri e riservatezza
      3. Esportare nei formati di Gramps
      4. Esportare nel formato GEDCO
      5. Esportare in altri formati
        1. GeneWeb
        2. Foglio di calcolo Gramps CSV
        3. Web Family Tree
        4. vCard
        5. vCalendar
    14. Spostamento di un database di Gramps 2.2 su Gramps 3.x
  6. Importare ed esportare CSV
    1. Importare/esportare i fogli di calcolo Gramps
    2. Esporta
    3. Importare
      1. Persone
      2. Matrimoni
      3. Famiglie
      4. Luoghi
    4. Dettagli
      1. Esempio CSV con più aree
      2. Esempio reale
  7. Probabilmente in vita
    1. In che modo Gramps determina se qualcuno è vivo?
    2. Delega del probabilmente in vita
    3. Filtro del probabilmente in vita
    4. Gramplet Calendario
  8. Inserire e modificare dati: panoramica
    1. Per inserire o modificare una persona
    2. Per specificare una relazione
      1. Specificare uanrelazione usando la Vista Relazioni
      2. Specificare una relazione usando la Vista a Lista di Famiglie
    3. Per specificare genitori
    4. Per specificare i figli
    5. Aggiungere foto e altri oggetti multimediali
    6. Per modificare eventi, citazioni/fonti e depositi
  9. Inserire e modificare dati: dettaglio
    1. Entering and editing data: detailed - part 1
      1. Editing information about people
        1. Edit Person dialog
        2. Preferred name section
        3. General section
        4. Preferred image
        5. Edit Person tab pages
          1. Events
            1. Select Event selector
          2. Names
          3. Source Citations
          4. Attributes
          5. Addresses
          6. Notes
            1. Select Note selector
          7. Gallery
            1. Select Media Object selector
          8. Internet
          9. Associations
            1. Person Reference Editor
          10. LDS
          11. References
      2. Editing information about relationships
        1. Family Editor dialog
          1. Select Father selector
          2. Select Mother selector
        2. Family Editor tab pages
          1. Children
            1. Select Child selector
            2. Child Reference Editor
              1. Source Citations tab
              2. Notes tab
          2. Events
          3. Source Citations
          4. Attributes
          5. Notes
          6. Gallery
          7. LDS
            1. LDS Ordinance Editor
      3. Editing dates
        1. Date selection dialog
        2. Date validity indicators
        3. Date Quality
        4. Date formats and parsing rules
        5. Calendars
          1. Swedish calendar
        6. Dual-dated dates
          1. Alternate new year day
    2. Entering and editing data: detailed - part 2
      1. Editing information about events
        1. New Event dialog
        2. New Event tab pages
          1. Source Citations
          2. Notes
          3. Gallery
          4. Attributes
          5. References
      2. Editing event references
        1. Event Reference Editor dialog
          1. Reference Information
            1. Reference Information tab pages
              1. General
              2. Notes
              3. Attributes
          2. Shared Information
      3. Editing information about media objects
        1. New Media dialog
        2. New Media tab pages
          1. Source Citations
          2. Attributes
          3. Notes
          4. References
      4. Editing media object references
        1. Select a media object selector
        2. Media Reference Editor dialog
          1. Top section
            1. Top section tab pages
              1. General
              2. Source Citations
              3. Attributes
              4. Notes
          2. Shared Information
            1. Shared Information tab pages
              1. General
              2. References
              3. Source Citations
              4. Attributes
              5. Notes
      5. Editing information about places
        1. Place Editor dialog
        2. Place editor tab pages
          1. Enclosed By
            1. Select Place selector
          2. Alternative Names
          3. Source Citations
          4. Notes
          5. Gallery
          6. Internet
          7. References
        3. Place Name Editor dialog
        4. Supported longitude/latitude formats
      6. Editing information about sources
        1. New Source dialog
        2. New Source tab pages
          1. Notes
          2. Gallery
          3. Attributes
          4. Repositories
            1. Select Repository selector
          5. References
      7. Editing source citations
        1. Select Source or Citation selector
        2. New Citation dialog
          1. Citation information
            1. Citation information section tab pages
          2. Shared source information
      8. Editing information about repositories
        1. New Repositories dialog
        2. New Repositories tab pages
          1. Addresses
          2. Internet
          3. Notes
          4. References
      9. Editing information about notes
        1. Note tab
        2. Note editor
          1. Link Editor
          2. References tab
          3. References tab
        3. Note markup and preformat in reports
    3. Entering and editing data: detailed - part 3
      1. Name Editor
        1. Name Editor dialog
          1. Type
          2. Given Name(s) Section
          3. Family Names Section
        2. Name Editor tab pages
          1. General
          2. Source Citations
          3. Notes
      2. Attributes
        1. Attribute Editor dialog
        2. Attribute Editor tab pages
          1. Source Citations
          2. Notes
      3. Addresses
        1. Address Editor dialog
        2. Address Editor tab pages
          1. Source Citations
          2. Notes
      4. Merging records
        1. Merge People
        2. Merge Families
        3. Merge Events
        4. Merge Sources
        5. Merge Citations
        6. Merge Places
        7. Merge Media Objects
        8. Merge Repositories
        9. Merge Notes
  10. Navigation
    1. Using the People Category
    2. Using the Relationships Category
    3. Using the Families Category
    4. Using the Charts Category
    5. Using Gramplets
    6. Setting the Home Person
    7. Using history-based tools
    9. Finding records
    10. Using the Clipboard
    11. Main Menus
      1. Family Trees
      2. Edit
      3. View
      4. Go
      6. Reports
      7. Tools
      8. Windows
      9. Help
  11. Plugin Manager
    1. Plugin types
    2. Registration and loading
    3. Hide/Unhide
    4. Actions
      1. Registered Plugins
      2. Loaded Plugins
      3. Install Addons
  12. Gramplets
    1. What is a Gramplet
      1. General Usage and Configuration
      2. Summary of Gramplets
    2. Gramplets
      1. Age on Date
      2. Age Stats
      3. Ancestors
      4. Attributes
      5. Calendar
      6. Children
      7. Citations
      8. Descendant Fan Chart
      9. Descendants
      10. Details
      11. Events
      12. Fan Chart
      13. FAQ
      14. Filter
      15. Gallery
      16. Given Name Cloud
      17. Image Metadata
        1. The interface
          1. Data Fields
          2. Buttons
        2. Prerequisites
        3. Usage scenario
      18. Locations
      19. Notes
      20. Pedigree
      21. Preview
      22. Quick View
      23. Records
      24. References
      25. Relatives
      26. Residence
      27. Session Log
      28. SoundEx
        1. Soundex what is this?
      29. Statistics
      30. Surname Cloud
      31. To Do
      32. Top Surnames
      33. Welcome
      34. What's Next
  13. Reports - Index and Summary.
    1. Generating Reports
      1. Report Settings
      2. Report Format Style
    2. Substitution Values
      1. The Substitution Keys
        1. Other Substitution Keys
        2. Default displayed formats
        3. Deprecated variables
      2. Format Strings
        1. Formatting names
        2. Formatting Dates
        3. Formatting Places
        4. Rules for format strings
      3. Control Variables
      4. Grouping
        1. Rules for groups
        2. Examples
      5. Attributes
      6. Events
        1. Event format strings
        2. Notes for attributes and events
      7. Separators
    3. Books
      1. Book main dialog
        1. Book name
          1. Book name toolbar
        2. Available items
        3. Available items selections
          1. Alphabetical Index
          2. Custom Text
          3. Table of contents
          4. Title Page
        4. Current book
          1. Current book toolbar
      2. Book second dialog
        1. Paper Options
        2. Document Options
    4. Graphical Reports
      1. Common options
        1. Paper Options
        2. Document Options
      2. Ancestor Tree
        1. Tree Options
        2. Display
        3. Size
        4. Include
      3. Calendar
        1. Report Options
        2. Content Options
        3. Text Options
      4. Descendant Tree
        1. Tree Options
        2. Display
        3. Replace
        4. Size
        5. Include
      5. Family Descendant Tree
        1. Tree Options
        2. Display
        3. Replace
        4. Size
        5. Include
      6. Fan Chart
        1. Report Options
      7. Statistics Charts
        1. Report Options
        2. Charts 1
        3. Charts 2
      8. Timeline Chart
        1. Report Options
      9. Scale and Resize options
        1. Scale tree to fit:
        2. Resize Page to Fit Tree size
        3. inter-box Y scale factor
        4. box shadow scale factor
        5. Know what you want to print on
    5. Graphs
      1. Common Options
        1. Graphviz Layout
        2. Graphviz Options
        3. Note
      2. Family Lines Graph
        1. People of Interest
        2. Family Colours
        3. Individuals
        4. Include
      3. Hourglass Graph
        1. Report Options
        2. Graph Style
      4. Relationship Graph
        1. Report Options
        2. Include
        3. Graph Style
        4. Example
    6. Text Reports
      1. Common options
        1. Paper Options
        2. Document Options
      2. Ahnentafel Report
        1. Report Options
      3. Birthday and Anniversary Report
        1. Report Options
        2. Text Options
      4. Complete Individual Report
        1. Report Options
        2. Include
        3. Sections
      5. Database Summary Report
        1. Report Options
      6. Descendant Report
        1. Report Options
      7. Detailed Ancestral Report
        1. Report Options
        2. Content
        3. Include
        4. Missing information
      8. Detailed Descendant Report
        1. Report Options
        2. Content
        3. Include
        4. Missing information
      9. End of Line Report
        1. Report Options
      10. Family Group Report
        1. Report Options
        2. Include
        3. Missing information
      11. Kinship Report
        1. Report Options
      12. Note Link Report
      13. Number of Ancestors Report
        1. Report Options
      14. Place Report
        1. Report Options
      15. Records Report
        1. Report Options
        2. Person Records
        3. Family Records
      16. Tag Report
        1. Report Options
    7. Web Pages
      1. Narrated Web Site
        1. Dialog tabs
          1. Report Options
          2. Page Generation
          3. Privacy
          4. Download
          5. Advanced Options
          6. Place Map Options
        2. Example Web Site output
          1. Home
          2. Introduction
          3. Individuals
          4. Surnames
          5. Families
          6. Events
          7. Places
          8. Sources
          9. Repositories
          10. Media
          11. Thumbnails
          12. Download
          13. Address Book
          14. Contact
      2. Web Calendar
        1. Dialog tabs
          1. Report Options
          2. Content Options
          3. Jan - Jun Notes
          4. Jul - Dec Notes
          5. Advanced Options
        2. Example Web Site output
    8. Quick Views
      1. Making your own Quick view
  14. Tools
    1. Analysis and Exploration
      1. Compare Individual Events
    2. Family Tree Processing
      1. Database Owner Information
      2. Extract Event Description
      3. Extract Information from Names
      4. Extract Place Data from a Place Title
      5. Find Possible Duplicate People
      6. Fix Capitalization of Family Names
      7. Merge citations
      8. Rename Event Types
      9. Reorder Gramps ID
      10. Sort Events
    3. Family Tree Repair
      1. Check and Repair Database
      2. Rebuild Gender Statistics
      3. Rebuild Reference Maps
      4. Rebuild Secondary Indices
      5. Remove Unused Objects
    4. Utilities
      1. Media Manager
        1. Replace substrings in the path
        2. Convert paths from relative to absolute
        3. Convert paths from absolute to relative
        4. Add images not included in database
      2. Not Related
      3. Relationship Calculator
      4. Verify the Data
        1. Verify the Data tab pages
          1. General
          2. Women
          3. Men
          4. Families
        2. Data Verification Results window
        3. Examples
    5. Debug
      1. Check Localized Date Displayer and Parser
      2. Dump Gender Statistics
      3. Generate Testcases for Persons and Families
      4. Populate Sources and Citations
  15. Settings
    1. Preferences
      1. General
        1. Tip of the Day dialog
      2. Family Tree
      3. Display
        1. Display Name Editor
      4. Places
      5. Text
      6. ID Formats
      7. Dates
      8. Researcher
      9. Warnings
      10. Colors
        1. Pick a Color selector
    2. Other settings
      1. Column Editor
      2. Sorting columns
      3. Setting Home person
      4. Adjusting viewing controls
      5. Export View
      6. Modularity and plugins
      7. Customize report output formats
        1. Document Styles dialog
        2. Style editor dialog
          1. Style editor dialog tabs
            1. Description
            2. Font options
            3. Paragraph options
    3. Customizing
      1. Preferences
      2. Language
        1. Linux
        2. Mac OS X
        3. MS Windows
      3. Advanced manipulation of settings
  16. Filters
    1. Filter vs. Search
    2. Regular Expressions
      1. Groups and Sets
      2. Examples
        1. Common variations of a surname
        2. testing regular expressions
    3. Custom Filter Editor
    4. Which filters in which Category?
    5. Ancestral filters
    6. Child filters
    7. Citation/sources filters
      1. Persons-, and Relationship Category
      2. Families Category
      3. Events Category
      4. Places Category
      5. Media Category
    8. Descendant filters
    9. Event filters
      1. Persons-, and Relationship Category
      2. Families Category
    10. Family filters
    11. Father filters
    12. General filters
      1. Persons-, and Relationship Category
      2. Families Category
      3. Events Category
      4. Places Category
      5. Sources Category
      6. Citations Category
      7. Repositories Category
      8. Media Category
      9. Notes Category
    13. Mother filters
    14. Position filters
    15. Source filters
    16. Relationship filters
    17. Tagging
      1. Concept
      2. Differences with markers
      3. Tags and Filters
      4. Operations with tags
        1. Filtering
        2. Tagging a selection of objects
      5. Tags Column

Appendix A: Frequently Asked Questions
   1 General
       1.1 What is Gramps?
       1.2 Where do I get it and how much does it cost?
       1.3 Does Gramps exist in other languages?
       1.4 How do I keep backups?
       1.5 Does Gramps support Unicode fonts?
   2 Installation
       2.1 What is needed to install Gramps under Linux, Solaris, or FreeBSD?
       2.2 Does Gramps work on Windows?
       2.3 Does Gramps work on the Mac?
       2.4 What are the Minimum Specs to run Gramps?
       2.5 How do I upgrade Gramps?
   3 Preferences
       3.1 Can I change the dates in reports to 'day month year'?
   4 Collaboration-Portability
       4.1 Is Gramps compatible with other genealogical software?
       5.1 Can Gramps read files created by other genealogy programs?
       4.3 Can Gramps write files readable by other genealogy programs?
       4.4 What standards does Gramps support?
       4.5 How do I import data from another genealogy program into Gramps?
       4.6 Can I install Gramps on a Linux Web Server and use it via a web browser?
   5 Reports
       5.1 Can Gramps print a genealogical tree for my family?
       5.2 In what formats can Gramps output its reports?
       5.3 How can I change the default language in reports?
       5.4 Is Gramps compatible with the Internet?
       5.5 Can I create custom reports/filters/whatever?
       5.6 Why are non-Latin characters displayed as garbage in PDF/PS reports?
       5.7 I would like to contribute to Gramps by writing my favorite report. How do I do that?
   6 Database - Gramps file formats
       6.1 What is the maximum database size (bytes) Gramps can handle?
       6.2 How many people can Gramps database handle?
       6.3 My database is really big. Is there a way around loading all the data into memory?
       6.4 Can I run Gramps from a database on a NFS share?
       6.5 What does "portable" mean?
       6.6 Why is the database format (GRDB) not portable?
   7 Bugs and requests
       7.1 What do I do if I have found a bug?
       7.2 Requests
   8 Adding to and editing my database
       8.1 What is the difference between a residence and an address?
       8.2 How do I change the order of children?
       8.3 How do I change the order of spouses?

Appendix B: Keybindings reference
List Views
Common bindings
All List Views bindings
People View bindings
Editor Tab bindings
Editor bindings
Handy Shortcuts
See also

Appendix C: Command line reference
Available options
Format options
Opening options
Import options
Export options
Action options
List options
Environment variables

Appendix D: User Directory
POSIX - style systems
Mac OS X
MS Windows

Appendix E: Error and Warning Reference
When something goes wrong
Seeing all the error messages

Appendix F: About Gramps
Original author
Have an issue or idea?

Precedente Indice Successivo

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