צוות גרפמס שחרר את גרסת 5.2.3, גרסת תחזוקה חדשה.
- תרגומים מעודכנים: da, de_AT, en_GB, es, fr, he, hr, hu, mk, nb, nl, pt_PT, ru, tr, zh_HK, zh_TW.
- תקן תקל עם ביטויים רגולריים בתסריט check_po.
- עדכן תבנית תרגום עבור מהדורה חדשה.
- תיקון מינוח. הוחלפה "matronymic" ב־matrilineal" כדי לשקף במדויק הורשה גנטית ולא מוסכמת שמות. (לא בא לידי ביטוי בשפה העברית)
- הבהרת מינוח לתיאור שושלת האב. שינוי "patronymic lineage" ל־"patrilineal lineage" לשם דיוק. (לא בא לידי ביטוי בשפה העברית)
- 10696: תיקון כשל בהפקת PDF עם דוחות מבוססי LaTeX בוינדוס.
- 13310: תקן הסגה לאחור לפונקציית השירות `image_size` שימוש ב־Gdk אם לא ניתן לקבוע את גודל התמונה מ־imagesize.
- השבתת עיגול איות גליפים במחולל המסמכים של קיירו.
- חבילת גרמפס 5.2.3 עבור macOS.
- תיקון ערכי NoteType בייבוא CSV.
- 13307: לא ניתן להזין כמה קיצורי שמות חודשים בצרפתית.
- הסרת דגל ניתוק תהליך בעת הפעלת lualatex.
- 10696: בדיקה שקובץ פלט pdf קיים בדוחות אילן־יוחסין.
- 13282: תיקון שגיאה בעת שינוי סגנון מילים באיות שגוי. בעורך ההערות, שינוי סגנון המלל שכשל בבדיקת האיות גרמה לשגיאה.
- עדכון תווי טווח עבור zh_TW. הוספת תווי טווח כך שתסדיר התצוגה החדש יתקבל כתסדיר קלט תיקני.
- החזרת BerkelyDB, Gramps כיוון שעדיין יש מי שמשתמש בו.
- עדכון gramps.modules:
- הסרת הערות קוד מיושנות והסרת הערות קוד מ־private include.
- עדכון הענף ב־gramps-git.
- הסרת התלות ב־BerkeleyDB ו־pybsddb.
- הסרת טלאים שאינם בשימוש.
- 1325213272: תיקון מדיה חסרה בעמודי 'אדם' בדווח מילולי במרשתת.
- 13274: הסרת רווחים שמרפדים את המקף בשם משפחה בני שתי מילים ויותר. מתקן קוד קודם שהחליף " - " ב־"-" בתוך השם כולו.
- 1321813197: URL-quote norm_path ושימוש ב־urljoin לצרוף הסכמה. בהנחה שאם הנתיב הוא כבר URI הוא גם כבר ייצוטט.
- 13267: מניעת הוספת תיוג היפר-קישורים כפעולת שניצנת לביטול. ללחיצה על לחצן ה'ביטול' בעורך ההערות, לא תמיד הייתה השפעה ניכרת.
- 13258: שינוי כותרת המאגר מ"כותרת" ל"שם", בעורך המקור.
- טיפול טוב יותר בשגיאות בדוח מרשתת מילולי.
- 13216: המטפל לא נמצא בעת יצירת דף עדכוני דוחות מילוליים.
- הוספת תזרים עבודה לבניית בדביאן.
- חבילת גרמפס 5.2.2 עבור macOS.
- שימוש ב־ לתיאור ארוך של PyPI.
- תיקון בניית ה־AIO של וינדוס.
לקריאה נוספת יומן שינויים.
צוות גרמפס שחרר את גרסה 5.2.2, גרסת תחזוקה חדשה.
לקריאה נוספת יומן שינויים.
צוות גרמפס שחרר את גרסה 5.2.1, גרסת תחזוקה חדשה.
- עדכון תרגומים: de_AT, fi, fr, ga, he, it, nb_NO, pl, sk, sr, tr, uk, zh_Hans.
- 13233: תיקון שגיאה בעת התקנת תוסף שלא יירשם.
- 13232: אפשור רישום של תוספים ניסיוניים וביטא.
- עריכה וסידור קובץ ה־README.
- תיקון תרשימי מניפה במסכי HiDPI.
- 10016: החלפת PIL ב־Pillow בקובץ README.
- 12579: תיקון שיטת Tag.is_empty(). שיטת `Tag.is_empty()` החזירה ערך הופכי לזה הצפוי.
- 13228: לא ניתן ליצור מקום עם נקודות־ציון מתוך מצג גיאוגרפיה.
- 13222: תיקון כותרת מקום כאשר שמות מקומות משתמשים בטווחים פתוחים.
- 13221: תיקון שפת תוסף התרגום עבור תרגומי ליבה.
- עדכון דרישה מזערית לגירסת וינדוס ל־8.1 64 סיביות.
- מניעת פלט לא רצוי ביומני בדיקות יחידה.
- 13212: תיקון בדיקות יחידה בעת הפעלה בסיסת Python 3.12.
- החזרת סמל פטירה ברירת מחדל מהצלב הלטיני ל־"+".
- 13194: שנוי סמלי הצלב וסימני הבקרה המשמשים בחלון הדרישות של מנהל התוספים לתווים תקניים ב־Mac.
- 13192: תיקון הצגת תאריכים לא תקניים בלשוניות עורך מובאות.
- הכללת מטא-מידע במקום קבצי יישומון 'its'.
- עדכון קובץ AppStream MetaInfo כך שיתאים למפרט העדכני ביותר.
- 13187: תיקון כללי סינון שחסרים את המשתנה use_case.
- שנוי שם קובץ המטא נתונים שיתאם למפרט.
- הוספת מידע מהדורה ל־appdata.
- חבילה גרמפס 5.2.0 ל־macOS.
למידע נוסף נא לעיין ב־Changelog.
צוות גרמפס שחרר את גרסה 5.2.0, גרסה ראשית חדשה.
- תרגומים מעודכנים: ca, cs, da, de, de_AT, en_GB, es, fr, hr, hu, id, it, nb, nl, pl, sk, sl, sv, tr, uk, zh_CN.
- עדכון מצב פיתוח לגרסת ייצור.
- הסרת מסווג Trove "שפה טבעית :: גרמנית (אוסטרית)".
- 13021: שליחת אות "נטען מחדש" כאשר תוסף חדש מותקן. הדבר מבטיח שמנשק המשתמש יעודכן כך שיכלול את התוסף החדש.
- תיקון בניית AIO של וינדוס.
- עדכון פעולות GitHub לגרסאות האחרונות. חלק מהפעולות הוצאו משימוש.
- חבילה גרמפס 5.2.0-rc1 ל־macOS.
See the Changelog.
צוות גרמפס שחרר את גרסה 5.1.6, גרסת תחזוקה חדשה.
- עדכון תאריך זכויות יוצרים.
- תקל 12884: מרשתת מילולית: בעיה בתמונות קטנות.
- תקל 12882: יישום "<CTRL>J" עבור מצג משפחה.
- תקל 12658: מניעת קרישת היישומון בגלל קלט משתמש לא חוקי, אם המשתמש מזין תאריך לא חוקי. שינוי זה מונע מהיישומון לקרוס. פרטי התאריך הלא חוקיים מדווחים למשתמש ביומן.
- תיקון ייצוא שבו מובאות פרטיות לא אמורים להכלל.
- תיקון כלי השוואת אירועים כך שיציג מקומות מוכלין בצורה תקינה.
- תקל 12638: בדיקה שמצג קיים, לפני שביצוע קריא לשיטת post_create. מניעה מעצם 'NoneType' תכונת אין שגיאת 'post_create'.
- תיקון באג מפעיל שגוי בדוח יומן המרשתת.
- תקל 1243712697: החזרת "צרוף נתיב תמונה של דוח אילן־יוחסין ושם קובץ בסוגריים" עקב דיווחים על נסיגה שבה עיבוד קובץ TeX שנוצר כשל עקב מפרט נתיב לקוי עבור קובצי תמונה.
- תקל 12718: מצג גאוגרפיה: תיקון מספר משתנים בשיטת add_bookmark.
- תקל 12763: שימוש במקום תלוי־תאריך במשתני החלפה בדוחות. תיקון כותרת המקום בדוחות גרפיים בעלי מבנה תצוגה מותאמים־אישית כדי להשתמש בשם חלופי תלוי־תאריך. משפיע על דוחות אבות־קדמונם, צאצאים ועץ צאצאי משפחה.
- נסיון לייבא berkeleydb אם bsddb3 לא נמצא. berkelydb שמיש עבור python >= 3.6 ונדרש עבור python >= 3.10. לקריאה נוספת:
- HtmlDoc: יצירת שם קובץ ייחודי לתמונות שנקטמו.
- תקל 12709: תיקון תג NOTE פגום בייצוא Gedcom. הסרת קוד Python2 שהתיישן בקוד Python3, שקודם פגע בייצוא Gedcom של מלל הערות גרמפס הכולל תווי UTF־8 מרובי־בתים.
- תקל 1263612304124291262312695: תיקון שגיאת מפתח שמתרחשת לפעמים בעת שינוי מצג, מתרחש בעת אתחול גרמפס.
- תקל 12854: תיקון קריסה כאשר קישור הערה לא חוקי.
- תקל 12866: תיקון תגים עם שמות צבעים במצג אילן־יוחסין.
- קריסה כאשר תאריך אירוע לא חוקי.
- פרקן רשימה: תיקון נתיבים ברמות מרובות כאשר אנו משתמשים בתיבות סימון בעמודות. השביל הוסב בעבר ל־int.
- עדכון את זרימת העבודה של גרמפס CI להפעלה על אובונטו 20.04. אובונטו 18.04 לא נתמך לחלוטין ב־1 בדצמבר 2022.
- תיקון כשלים בהתקנת חבילה ב־CI.
- תקל 12391: תיקון את שם בן/בת הזוג ושמות שיחות עם קו תחתון ברשומות.
- עדכון רשימת INCOMPLETE_TRANSLATIONS. הסרת: he, הוספת: zh_HK, zh_TW.
- עדכון מחיצת דביאן לאחר שחרור 5.1.5.
- מק:
- תיקון bsddb לשימוש ב־berkeleydb במקום בפרקן bsddb3.
- תיקון berkeleydb להגדרת עבודה על Apple Silicon.
- עדכון כתובת האתר להורדת Exiv2, הועברה ל־github.
- אריזה מחדש של גרמפס 5.1.5 עם עדכוני Gtk המתקנים שימוש ב־macOS 13 Ventura.
See the Changelog.
צוות גרמפס שחרר את גרסה 5.1.5 , מהדורת התחזוקה חדשה.
- עדכון תרגומים: de, pl, sv, zh_CN.
- הסרת תיצור Travis CI.
- תיקון תקלים בקובץ README.
- עדכון תאריכי זכויות יוצרים.
- 12438: התנהגות מוזרה של סרגל־הגלילה בסרגל התחתון.
- 12500: תיקון סדר רכיבי עצם 'מקום' ב־DTD ו-RNG. תוכן רכיב placeobj לא מתיישב עם DTD ו־RNG, היה צפוי (ptitle? , pname+).
- 12423: פתרון InterpolationSyntaxError אם "%" במחרוזת. פרקן ה־grampletpane שומר נתונים בקובץ תצורה לכל ההגרמפלטים שנוספו בלוח המחוונים. פרקן python configparser לא 'אוהב' שמופיע תו "%" במחרוזת.
- 12467: '<' לא נתמך בין 2 אדגמים של IndexMark.
- הסרת תדפיסי ניפוי־תקלים מבדיקות יחידה.
- 12525: תיקון טווח שלילי כאשר התאריכים אינם גרגוריאניים.
- קיבוץ שגוי כאשר אין שם משפחה מאטרונימי/פטרונימי.
- 12395: התעלמות מעקיפה 'קיבוץ בשם' בשמות משפחה של מא/פטרונימי. ראה:
- הוספת הערות לשדה lat-lon של editplace.
- 12374: עורך מקומות, מלל קו־רוחב וקו־ארוך שוכלו.
- 12373: תיקון התקדמות סרגל־המצב שמוצג לפני האתחול.
- 12367: תיקון חריג בעת הסרת שם קבוצה במסד־נתונים Sqlite כאשר שם הקבוצה כבר חסר.
- 12328: תיקון שגיאה בעת ניסיון לסגור את עורך השמות במהלך בנייה מחדש של מצג מיפוי קבוצות שמות ארוכים.
- 12352: OsmGpsMap-CRITICAL: הגדרת מקור המפה נקרא פעמיים.
- תיקון פעולת בדיקת יחידה – 'כנראה בחיים'.
- שימוש ב־GitHub Actions כדי להפעיל בדיקות כילול מתמשכות.
- מק OS:
- עדכון Exiv2, PYExiv2, ו־json-glib.
- ** אריזת מחדש והתאמה לעבודה עם מק OS 12.
- הוספת נתיב הרשאות לקובץ החבילה, כך ש־ ייחתם על ידו.
- הוספת python-fontconfig לבניית מק OS. נדרש על מנת לאפשר שימוש בסמלים גנאלוגיים.
- 12370: הכללת גופני fontconfig/גופנים ועוד בחבילת מק OS.
Graphviz משתמש כעת ב־fontconfig כדי למצוא את הגופנים שלו.
לקריאה נוספת, Changelog.
צוות גרמפס שחרר את גרסה 5.1.4 , מהדורת התחזוקה חדשה.
- עדכון תרגומים: cs, de, es, fi, fr, hu, nl, pt_BR, ru, sv, zh_CN.
- עדכון תאריך זכויות יוצרים.
- תיקון כנראה בחיים במקרה של פטירה ללא תאריך.
- 12349: עורך מקום, העתקת/הדבקת מלל קו רובח/אורך לא מאכלסים אוטומטית את שדות רוחב ואורך.
- 12048: תיקון קריסה בעת שינוי תצוגה אם חלק מסרגל הכלים אינו מוצג בגלל מסך קטן בעת שינוי מצג.
- 12338: תיקון סרגל־תחתון המוצג תמיד לאחר אתחול, גם כשלא רוצים בכך.
- 12343: שימוש בשמות איסוף מסוננים תמיד. אחסן אוספי Sqlite3 במערך __collations ליצירת מעגל קצר.
- תיקון בעית מחשבון קשר־גומלין הגרמני, בעיה קבועה כאשר יש יותר מ־24 דורות בין שני בני אדם.
- הוספת רישום קבצים עבור מק OS. כאשר גרמפס מושק מ־LaunchServices למק OS אין חיבור ל־sys.stderr ולכן יומן ההזרמה המוגדר כברירת מחדל הולך ל־ /dev/null. שימוש ב־ FileHandler במקרה זה, וכתיבת היומן ל־ $TMPDIR/gramps-pid.log. יעזור במיוחד בניתוח קריסות בהן פייתון נסגר כיוון שאין דוח קריסה במקרה זה.
- 12263: תיקון libplaceview כדי למנוע חריגה כששירות מפות כבר לא קיים.
- 12248: תיקון הפניות Gramplet לעדכונים לא מספקים כאשר אובייקטים אחרים משתנים.
- תיקון קריסת גיאוגרפיה במקרה כשלמשפחה אין אב.
- 12235: הגדרת אדם־הבית אינה מועברת במיזוג.
- 12158: תיקון ייצוא CSV של מצג כדי להציב רק תו CR יחיד.
- 12212: הוספת כלל מסנן מדיה 'HasMedia' לרשימת כללי המדיה לעורך.
- צריך להגדיר locale.textdomain בלינוקס. _build_popup_ui() מתעלם ממחרוזות מתורגמות ללא הגדרת locale.textdomain.
- שינוי סוג־אב 'MatchesEventFilter'.
- 11973: תיקון בעיה שבה המפריד בין סרגל התצוגה העליון והתחתון משתבש.
- 11691: תיקון Gramplet Locations (מוכל על־ידי) כדי להציג כראוי מקומות מקוננים כאשר המקום הקטן ביותר המוכל, ללא תאריך ומקומות גדולים יותר מתוארכים.
- 10734: תיקון שגיאת מהנל־אילנות־יוחסין בוינדוס.
- 12000: תיקון שגיאת exportvcalendar הוא " הוא לא" מילולית (בעית פייתון 3.8)
- 12170: טיפול ב'לא נמצא' בעת העתקת המקור מעץ המובאות.
- תיקון הקריאה לפונקציה 'קובץ', שאינה קיימת בפייתון 3.
- 12150: תיקון חריג של write_lock_file כאשר USERNAME העדר.
- 12139: תיקון EditPlace כך שמפתח Tab לא יתקע בסמל הפרטי.
- 12124: תיקון דוח תגים למקומות עם מדרג.
- 12063: תיקון חריג בעת ביטול שדרוג dbב־GUI.
- שינויים בקובץ הסמלים:
- התיקון סמלי יישומים 128x128 ו־256x256.
- התיקון סמלים מסוג MIME בעיצוב צבעוני.
- הסרת קידומת gnome-mime־משמות הקבצים סמלי.
- התיקון סמלי יישומים בספריות הנכונות.
- 11766: תיקון שגיאה בדוח יומי־הולדת ויומי־נישואין. מתיקון שגיאה שהופעלה כאשר לאדם הראשון ברשימה יש אירוע פטירה, אך אין אירוע לידה ואין לו יחסי משפחה. תנאים אלה מובילים לכך שהמשתנה המקומי short_name לא הוכרז לפני שהוא מגיע לעיבוד אירועי פטירה.
- 11741: תיקון גרפדוקט כדי להימלט כראוי מתווים במזהים עבור Graphviz.
- 11874: החלפת inspect.stack () ב־inspect.currentframe (). עובד סביב שגורם לכל קריאה ל־inspect.trace () להיכשל מכיוון ש־__main__ היא תמיד נקודת ההתחלה.
- 11750: תיקון מיון קריסות בעמודות ב Selectors עם TreeModels.
- 11642: תיקון הקפאת סרגל התקדמות עקב שינויים ב־Gtk.
- 11929: תיקון svgdrawdoc למלל המכיל תווים לא חוקיים של XML.
- מק:
- עדכון PyICU ל־2.7.2 בבניית מק OS.
- עדכון תלות. כולל העברת מסד נתוני ברקלי ו־pybsddb מ־gtk-osx.
- שינויים נוספים עבור חבילת פייתון 3.8.
- 11874: הגדר __file__ אם גרמפס מופעל כ־__main__.
- הוספת geocode-glib לבניית.
ראו גם: Changelog.
צוות גרמפס שחרר את גרסת 5.1.3, מהדורת התחזוקה החדשה.
- עדכון תרגום: ca, de, fi, fr, ja, pl, ru, sl, sv, uk, zh_CN
- מצג אירועים: העמודה "משתתפים עיקריים" אינה מציגה את רשימת המשתתפים המלאה כאשר היא מורחבת.
- mac / gramps.modules: השתמש בשחרור Gtk הנוכחי במקום ב- Gtk-3.14.
- mac / gramps.modules: שדרג pymodules לתאימות Python 3.8.
- תיקון ייצוא XML כאשר שם 'Group-as' מכיל תווים לא חוקיים של XML
- תיקון NarWeb: סוג המקום של המחוז אינו מוצג
- תיקון ManagedWindow כך שחלונות חדשים לא יופיעו מחוץ למסך כאשר גדלי 'מסך' המערכת משתנים בהגדרות רב צגיות במשרה חלקית.
- תיקון תפריטים כאשר db לא נפתח בגלל שדרוג / שדרוג לאחור וכו '.
- תיקון בעיה בכלי מקור לצרף, בחלונית התוצאות
- תיקון ייצוא GEDCOM; אל תכלול ADDR כשכתובת חסרה
- EditPlace: אפשור קואורדינטות המכילות פסיק במקום נקודה
- NarrativeWeb:
- צריך להראות פטרונימי אצל אנשים. ביחידים ובדפי שמות משפחה, עלינו להציג את השם המלא כפי שהוגדר בכרטיסיית התצוגה מתצורת האינטרנט הנרטיבית.
- תיקון חיישן האזהרה של פלט מפות Google של JS חיישן אזהרה לא נדרש
- תיקון סוג קישור שגוי עבור קבצי osm css
- תיקון מגבלת גודל התמונה אינו תואם את תיאור הכלים
- עדכון כל התרגומים לשינויים מ'ברירת מחדל 'לאדם' בית '
- שנוי הפניות של ממשק משתמש ל- 'איש בית' במקום 'אדם ברירת מחדל'
- שימוש בסוגי מאפייני אירועים בעורך הפניות לאירועים. בעורך הפניות לאירועים, יש להשתמש בסוגי תכונות אירועים מותאמים אישית ולא בסוגי ברירת המחדל של אדם.
- תיקון אימות כלי הבאג שנגרם כתוצאה משינוי רע בתצפית פנימית של GObject
- תיקון הכלי RemoveUnused עבור התרסקות שנגרמה על ידי באג התבוננות פנימית ב- Gtk
- תיקון בדיקת ייבוא בגין שינוי לפי שינוי קודם שהיה:
- תיקון ייבוא GEDCOM עבור כותרת מקור שגויה כאשר מקורות קודמים להפניות.
- תיקון ייבוא GEDCOM עבור כותרת מקור שגויה כאשר מקורות קודמים להפניות.
- תיקון כמה דוחות עבור CLI שבהם הודעת אזהרה לגבי ערך לא נמצאה
- תיקון דיווחים על עץ יוחסין על קריסה ב- CLI
- הוספת האיסטאט לתצוגת אתחול המסנן של תצוגות העץ
- תיקון כמה שגיאות תחביר של Python המופיעות ב- v3.8.x
- תיקון לוחות המחוונים לעדכון בזמן סגירת db כאשר הם לא מוצגים
- תיקון ההפעלה של מצב GUI עבור קריסה עם כמה שפות
- תיקון dbapi כדי לתמוך בתכונה "לנטוש שינויים & צא"
- תיקון GrampsType להשגת באג עם מחרוזת ריקה כערך אחד
- תיקון תצוגת התאריך כך שתשתמש ב- LC_TIME אם הוגדר
- תיקון StyledText כך שהסידורי יהיה תואם לשינויים בהזמנת רשימת הסגנון
- נסיון לתיקון חריגים בסגירת ManagedWindow
- תיקון באג המקומי של SQL SQLite3 כאשר האזור מכיל תווים שאינם של ASCII
- תיקון בעיה כאשר לאדם יש תאריך לידה ופטירה זהה; תוצג שגיאה.
- גיאוגרפיה: הוספת חלון צץ לנתיב רעפים רע
- תיקון ייצוא GEDCOM של תאריכים משוערים / מחושבים באמצעות משתנים
- דיכוי הגיל אם אפס ימים ברשימת האירועים. אם תאריך אירוע ההפניה שווה לתאריך האירוע, אל תציג את הגיל אלא אם התאריך מוערך, מחושב וכו'.
ראו גם את רשימת השינויים.
Gramps team releases version 5.1.2, A new maintenance release.
- Narweb: Private notes for home, intro and contact. If the notes are private, we can't use them in these pages.
- 11414: Referenced regions problems. When image width > 800, the referenced regions are incorrectly placed
- 11382: Ancestor's tree display looks weird Solves the following:
- Person boxes overlap
- Some person boxes partially visible or hidden
- some cleanup in ancestortree.css
- ancestor tree and long names.
- Adapt ancestor tree css file for all themes
- 11357: dates not localised in place pages
- 11349: Mainz problem with short text in one note, Issue occurs on the homepage and introduction page.
- bad event links on media pages
- 11500: Navweb: Don't use media regions in some case:
- If we don't show families
- If we don't show events
- Don't show the media regions for a thumbnail
- WEBCAL: home link translated to lowercase
- 11354: Wrong web calendar title on home page. This solves the possibility to have ">", "<" in the title
- Update LDS Temple list
- 11917: Make GuiDestinationOption Folder Icon start in users directory
- 11463: Allow import file filter to accept case insensitive extensions
- Fix db to warn/prevent opening newer schema versions
- 11462: Fix Progen import dialog and progress meter for correct parent window
- 11462: Fix Progen import to correctly handle AKA surnames
- 11457: Fix ExportPkg so errors are not lost, and has progress bar for media
- 11457: Fix Export Assistant so error messages get correct parent window
- 11472: Fix GEDCOM import when family is missing; import created a missing note
- 11491: Fix Dashboard for adding Gramplet crash in Slovenian
- Update cs, ca, fr, uk, he, fi, hr, de, sv translation
- 11470: Update date parsing for czech locale
- Fix Spanish translation for dates
- fix private proxy tagref support. Add missing code for event, repository, source, citation and place
- [Tree doc Tex] fix "-" char on place name "-" can lead to confusion, generating text out of the box with PDF file format
- [Tree doc Tex] fix typo on custom size
- 11429: Fix duplicated "døde døde" Norwegion Translation for libnarrate
- 10124: Fix up Event Editors Place display for bidi text with Gramps ID
- 11335: Fix issues with RTL languages and LAT/LONG
- Fix display of GPS coordinates in Places view for RTL languages
- Fix place editor lat/long entry for RTL languages
- 11410: Fix GEDCOM export to avoid translated GrampsType strings
- 11762: Allow Tools with Notbook tabs to expand to fill the window
- Limit Age Stats gramplet settings to appropriate values.
- Max ages should be divisible by 5 to avoid out of range errors.
- The chart width should be greater than 45 to look right and avoid division by zero errors.
- 11384: Fix the Preferences 'Age display precision' value getting lost
- 11390: Fix Window family tree title for non-ASCII chars on Windows
- 11395: Fix Preferences/Genealogical Symbols when only one font is present
- 1138011339: Fix various Entry fields so Undo/Redo works
- 11363: Fix tag colors on PedigreeView
- Fix Gramps -v error when Gtk is not present
- 11366: Fix for PedigreeView not reflecting changes to birthday or death
- 11378: ODF DOC - Fix improper escaping in odt output for TOC/Bookmark etc.
- 11381: Fix CLI parser to accept negative integers as valid
- 11365: Fix Descendant Tree report for HandleError when no parents on family
- 11346: Fix Reorder ID tool so subsequent db additions used next possible ID
- 11316: Upgrade export VCalendar to v2.0, so can export all utf8 characters
- 11351: Fix Preferences so <ctrl>PageUp/PageDn doesn't stick on Dates tab
- Graphs: Escape for name, dates and places in graph reports with XML illegal characters
- 11341: Fix 'Go' menu direct object selection, goes to wrong place
See the Changelog.
Gramps team releases version 5.1.1, A new maintenance release.
- Update translations: cs, de, fi, fr, he, hr, pt_PT, ru, sv
- Disable development warning message
- Add options to sandclock in tree document generator
- 11321: Using regex in the sidebar gives different result from previous gramps release
- 11327: Fix odt output when db owner has XML unfriendly chars
- Update README
- Bump required Python version to 3.3
- Add optional fontconfig package
- 1131811213: Fix CLI crash when generating reports
- 113201129411279: Fix Statusbar HandleError on merge families
- 11289: Fix missing tooltip translations in the Note editor toolbar
- Fix bugs in withinarea filter rule
- Avoid bad coordinates in the ref place
- Avoid alphabetic characters in filter rules
- Could not convert string to float by using withinarea filter rule
- Difference between sidebar filter and filter rule
- 11305: Fix Graph outputs for multiple page PDF Postscript
- 11291: Fix to make Gtk 'action names' always valid
- 11292: Fix missing menus/buttons when operating in non-English languages
- 11310: Fix cursor position error in lat and long fields
- 11308: Avoid all characters looking like a dash in 'Clean input data' tool
- 11282: Mainz Style sheet weird looking
- Fix bugs in relationship view
- Set symbols for the active person
- Set good symbols for marriage, baptism, cremation and burial
- 11295: Reduce the size of the sexuality symbol
- 11284: Fix exception when editing Note with italics/bold etc. in non English
- 11297: Restore keybindings for gramplet bars
- 11280: Fix bug in web connection menu launching incorrect web site
- 11293: Fix translation problem when creating event filter
- 11290: Error when checking option to add Quit to Taskbar
- 11283: Make the narratives notes placement an option
See the Changelog.
Gramps team releases version 5.1.0, A new major release.
- Bump required Python version to 3.3, Gtk version 3.12
- Update translations: ca, cs, da, de, en_GB, eo, fi, fr, hr, hu, is, it, nb, nn, pl, po, pt_BR, ru, sl, sv, uk, vi
- Change default database backend to SQLite
- New feature to allow Filter Rules to be added via addons.
- New feature to use Genealogical symbols. Includes support for views and reports. Edit/Preferences/Genealogical Symbols to enable.
- New: On restart after crash, offer to run Check & Repair
- New CLI commands; 'safe' mode and 'default' to help user with debugging Gramps
- Narrative web fix:
- some strings not translated
- The confidence and the date are not translated in the family map page.
- The date doesn't use the specified date format.
- Markers incorrectly placed. In the map pages, the markers are not placed where it should be. Reproducible when zoom in/zoom out.
- Background not correctly set. If you use the Web_Basic-Cypress.css, the foreground and background use the same color, so you see nothing. You must hover the fields to see the text
- Places list is not sorted depending on the selected language. If you start gramps in english or another language then try to generate a narrative web report in another language, the navigation alphabet is incorrect. This is true for the place list and the person list.
- OSM forward all http resquest to https.
- When we are on a mobile phone or a small device, we suppress the navigation tab. In place, we have a new icon on the upper left which is used to show the dropdown menu.
- For Home, Introduction and Contact, If we have an image and this image contains regions, show the regions. We can go directly to the person page associated to this region. If we click on the image, we go directly to the associated media page. This will be true only if we selected "include images and media objects" and "create and only use thumbnail" is unselected
- The first line identifying a family will be more legible. The link is not useful in the parents and pedigree section for the current person.
- Adapt some css files.
- sort the place references either by date or by name.
- Add extra page to narrativeweb.
- extrapage can now point to joomla, drupal, ...
- add enclosed by and encloses (place)
- Add compact Ancestry trees using Buchheim/Walker algorithm This enhancement adds a new 'compact' field to the Narrated Web Report. A compact tree is one that is not a simple binary layout but uses the algorithm of Buchheim/Walker to create a layout that is sensible but also compact. Creating a compact layout is slower than a simple binary tree but the results are significantly improved and do not leave large areas of whitespace where there are no nodes to be shown.
- Make relationships optional in narrative web
- Option to have Places and Sources pages
- Narrative should come first right after the name, gender and parent information in individual page
- References section at the bottom of each place with people related to this place have birth year behind it in parenthesis
- Sort "Surname" web page by given name and birth date.
- Surname list doesn't use default name format
- Display Lat/Lon optionally on places list page
- Update the uimanager to avoid deprecated Gtk warnings (changes things not visible to the user):
- Add config option to use Toolbar Text
- Fix duplicated accelerators in charts <ctrl>P for print is now <ctrl><shift>P
- Geography:
- fix pins very big when related to 2 places
- add color for custom places name
- fan charts view: Add option to show the Gramps ID in parenthesis in the fan chart.
- Gramps 'Views' are now named in the window header
- Allow Home person to be set in Relationship and Charts/Pedigree view
- Filter Rule editor, save pane position
- Person Sidebarfilter:
- Fix Person Sidebarfilter when using 'Event' and Reg expressions
- In personsidebarfilter, search on each part of name Instead of requiring that the entire search string matches a single one of the Person's names, the function will require that each word in the search string matches any of the Person's name fields.
- filters rule has attribute: Check all values of an attribute type and not only the first one.
- filters rule have children person filter: Check all families of a person for children and not only the first
- Graph reports:
- Better typography in graph reports Replace hyphen with en-dash.
- enable Graphviz node port selection, optionable. This enables the headport and tailport attributes for all edges in the Graphviz file. The default (off) value makes the arrows between persons and/or family nodes attach their ends to the respective node at any position. When this option is selected, the position facing the node on the other side of the arrow is always chosen.
- Fix graphs on Windows for font selection not working
- relationship graph:
- Allow an option to not use hexagons for those of unknown gender
- Father and Mother are connected by an invisible line.
- Add an option to omit "irrelevant" family nodes
- Family lines graph: Replace rounded corners checkbox by dropdown It now allows rounded corners to be set more explicitly for different genders (None/Male/Female/Both).
- Hourglass graph:
- Add Ahnentafel option on hourglass
- Do not use hyphen for living persons in hourglass graph
- edit link: Add a mailto choice to Internet Address
- New Clean input data tool: New tool to suppress leading and trailing spaces. This tool is looking for people and place names with leading or/and trailing spaces. For each entry which contains leading or trailing spaces, a row is added in a table. You can see where the spaces are for each row as the name is underlined. If you double click on the row, you can edit the Place or the Person.
- CSV import: Add occupation and residence events and attributes in the import User can now add the following columns in the csv import file for a person:
- Occupation description
- Occupation date
- Occupation place
- Occupation source
- Residence date
- Residence place
- Residence source
- Attribute type
- Attribute value
- Attribute source the corresponding events will be added to the person. The user can put several lines for the same person if two occupations are known, one event per line will be created.
- Fix CSV import for multiple place enclosed by on multiple imports
- Pro-Gen import: expanded functionality and fixed minor bugs.
- Enhance layout of the preferences dialog
- Webcal:
- better help msg for the after year option.
- Include only events after year
- add death event
- Edit Person/Family/etc. Gallery Tab: Add buttons for arrangement of GalleryTab media order
- Add tooltip for Gramplet Bar To improve discoverability of the Gramplet Bar Menu (Currently a nameless down arrow at end of each Gramplet bar title tab)
- Use theme settings for the error state of entry widgets. This avoids problems with dark themes.
- vCalendar export: Convenient display on mobile devices.
- Add first class support for Occupation attribute
- Statistics chart:
- Add option to hide empty information on statistics chart
- the Statistics Chart report will show a year as an ordinal number in Croatian.
- Detailed descendant report: Show death/burial information only if person is probably dead
- Birthday report:
- Include death anniversaries as an option in the birthdays and anniversary reports.
- Added an option to the birthday report that allows for the year of birth (or in the case of a wedding it's year) to be printed in the report.
- Added symbols to the birthdays report showing the type of event
- Fixed the birthday report so the dead icon is able to be set within the options window
- Added a text option to have a string that will show after a persons name in the birthday and anniversary report. This works for both birthdays and anniversaries.
- Selection Dialogs: fix to avoid long delay before display on large trees
- Geography Maps:
- Changed behavior of "Look up with Map Services" Removed the section that looked up by city, and country from the Map Services lookup for Google and Open Street Map.
- Geocoding: associate a lat/lon to a place name
- End of Line Report: sort generation during output
- update the German date handler: added some missing Latin month names and some old German month names
- Relative Gramplet: Person Relatives Tab should use the type from the relationship
- Fix crash when addon/plugin contains an id with space
- Fix Delete dialogs: to support canceling the multiple deletes operation more easily
- Fix Find Duplicate People; exception when deleting someone shown outside of the tool
- Fix CLI import so that different db types can be used
- MetaData Viewer Gramplet: Fix so that metadata is actually detected and displayed
- Fix exception when merging with active sidebar filter
- Fix GEDCOM importer for SOUR/REFN combinations
- Add support for GEDCOM import _FREL/_MREL tags in INDI/FAMC
- Improve support for GEDCOM export of _FREL/_MREL in INDI/FAMC
See the Changelog.
Gramps team releases version 5.0.2. A new maintenance release.
- Update translations: cs, da, de, fi, fr, hr, it, ru, sl, sv
- Fix some Gramplets not updating during tree changes after db change.
- Fix Events Grampslet for bad sort order on dates/ages
- Fix References Tab to update on Deletes of items when editor is open
- Fix GEDCOM import for better support of TMG
- Fix Edit Link 'New' button to work
- Fix GEDCOM importer to properly handle multiple surnames per 5.5.1
- Narrative web: Sort problem with places.
- Fix Navigator sidebar so can change view type with proper resize
- Fix crash when using sidebar filter and merging in another view
- Fix AncestorTree so add siblings to center person works
- Fix graphs on Windows for font selection not working
- Fix dbapi reindex_reference_maps tool to properly close transaction
- Fix zoom via mouse wheel in media event editor selectionwidget, also fixes zooming with scroll bars always present
- Fix metadata viewer so that metadata is actually detected and displayed
- Avoid comma in a lat/lon entry field.
- Avoid invalid characters and leading or trailing spaces in the entry field
- Fix crash for multiple deletes in one transaction
- Adjust translation strings for unmarried partners to give correct text in English
- Fix failure after Gedcom import if missing objects were found
- Mac: Fix none type has no len() error. Set correct font resolution when drawing text directly to cairo.
- Fix Gedcom import so it doesn't create completely empty Birth events
- Fix Relationship view so ages are according to Preferences
- Fix Person Editor Events to properly update during external changes like Event delete or update.
- Gedcom import/export fixes for mime and finding media
- Fix Unhandled exception in Geography editor
- Fix relationship path between filter rule when parent is missing
- Fix Graphs that use graphdoc pdf via Ghostscript with multi-page for poor font rendering of some characters
- Fix finddupes tool when run from Match Threshold screen again after merge.
- Fix Gedcom import for multiple notes on OBJE (MULTIMEDIA_LINK)
- Deal with SQLite db corrupted by None name mapping
- Fix XML import to add tags to Events, Sources, Places, Repos, Cits when requested.
- Fix for delete of a referenced primary obj while editing an added obj. Also fixed to update the referenced obj on changes from outside the editor.
- Fix Place Tree view when using enclosed by sidebar filter
- Fix EditFamily for adding a child to single parent family with Surname guessing set to combination.
- Fix Descendent Tree report for crash when person has multiple families and one of them doesn't have a spouse.
- Fix Name editor crash after clearing a group_as name on dbapi dbs
- When we merge two objects:
- We should stay on the selected row in list views.
- In case we select the first family and select the gramps_id of the second family, the new gramps_id is ignored
- Fix Relationship Graph; extra people when using filters & subgraphs
- Fix Place Format Editor file save/load for difficult names
- Fix Not all place types appears on family lines Graph
- Remember location of Sort Events Tool
- Fix Media editor when using double click the preview of added media
- Avoid leading and trailing spaces when copy/paste coordinates from a map provider.
See the Changelog.
Gramps team releases version 5.0.1. A new maintenance release.
- Media Manager: add help button and remove '...'
- Edit/Preferences: add Help button
- Style Editor, Document Styles dialog: add help buttons
- Fix Select Person dialog Help button URL
- Fix Select Repository dialog Help button URL
- Relationship Calculator: Add help button
- Reorder Relationships dialog; add Help button
- Generate Book Dialog; Fix Help URL
- Manage Book dialog; add help button
- Fix Detached Gramplets Help button URL when 'help_url' not in .gpr
- Fix help URLs when they contain illegal characters and to match wiki section targetID algorithm Issue
- Update translations: hu, hr, de, ru, fi, pt_PT, fr, sv, sl
- Fix contents of enclosed_by secondary dbapi column (fixes scrambled places in tree view)
- Google maps URL problem
- Fix ODT reports with links when run in non-English languages
- Allow addon Reports to specify a help button URL for options dialog
- Fix Rebuild Secondary Indexes tool for dbapi backends. For dbapi backends, this tool will update the secondary columns that are used for indexing.
- Fix dbapi set_name_group_mapping to properly close transaction
- Fix Russian date handler crash when Russian language isn't installed
- Fix Quickview for missing table data on some Gtk Versions
- Fix startup messages when command line contains a bad filename
- Restrict Place view Name col to the primary name while allowing searchbar to find alt and primary names
- Fix Person Sidebarfilter when using 'Event' and Reg expressions
- Fix Find Duplicate People; exception when deleting someone shown outside of the tool
- Gedcom export, upgrade OBJE handling to Gedcom 5.5.1 style
- Fix CSV import to set marriage event role to family
- Update gramps bugtracker URL in all po files
- Narrative Web:
- thumbnails bad alignment.
- thumbnails problems in some cases.
- use latest version from openlayers.
- fixes Space between place, description and the event note when there are many sources.
- Change the css order between print and screen. The chosen theme can erase prior values.
- Add a width for the source column in all themes.
- Events difficult to read (screen and mobile)
- Fix typo in CitationListModel for sort change
- Fix Adding "ToDo" note crash when no active object
- Fix Citation List view Source Last Changed Column to sort properly
- Fix for re-entrant main window close when user hits 'x' again
- Fix exception when closing early editor in tree of editors
- Fix 'Generate Book' dialog for crash on 'x' close
- Fix ToDo Gramplet for multiple attempts to edit a note
- Fix Dashboard for multiple copies of a Gramplet
- Fix Dashboard to recall minimized or undocked Gramplets
- Fix Statusbar update to avoid intermittent exception on closed db
- Fix FilterParser for much older 3.x custom_filters.xml files
- Fix IsDuplicatedAncestorOf filter rule to avoid crash on tree loop
- Fix StyledTextEditor EditLink for root text changed to zero length in the background Fixes
- Fix AgeOnDate and some reports using SimpleAccess for missing surname
- Fix crash when a filter with loop in definition is defined
- Fix HandleErrors related to LDS
- Fix ReferencedBySelection proxy for 'None' LDS Parents
- Fix HandleError in Citations Gramplet for lds place missing
- Change PlaceView drag from whole row to just icon during drag
- Add drag Icon to drags from DisplayTabs Gramplet lists
- Fix dialogs for 'Help' button closes the dialog, and non-functional 'Help'
- Fix Family Tree manager for 'Help' button closes dialog
- Fix selectors for 'Help' button closes dialog
- Fix 'Generate Book' dialog for 'Help' button closes dialog
- Fix TestcaseGenerator for 'Help' button closes dialog
- Fix Selectors to enable the 'Help' buttons to actually work
- Avoid HandleError when dragging an Added Family from EditFamily
- Avoid HandleError when dragging an Added Person from EditPerson
- Fix Clipboard rows cannot be sorted via drag/drop
- Better default directory choices for import/export file dialogs
- Records Report: call name not underlined in HTML
- Fix InteractiveSearch for find before model is populated
- Fix Gedcom export for incorrect escaping with @#DFRENCH R@
- Fix reports for shared event attribute and note errors
- Fix Fan and Descendant Fan charts in Quadrant and Half Circle modes
- The Descendant Fan chart had several bugs:
- a bug that affected the centering of the chart for these modes
- the chart was drawn in the wrong quadrant
- the centering of the chart for printing was incorrect (the legend was off the page some of the time).
- the sizing of the chart for printing was incorrect (for very small charts of one generation, the legend would overwrite the chart).
- The Fan Chart for the quadrant view:
- the centering of the chart for printing was incorrect (the legend was off the page some of the time).
- The Descendant Fan chart had several bugs:
- Fixed issues in the Dutch relationship calculator
- extended the ordinal and removed lists till 50, like the English lists.
- Fixed bug in which uncles/aunts, nephews/nieces (niblings), siblings and cousins with an unknown gender show up as female.
- Fixed some misspellings
- Setting the year as an ordinal number in Croatian; two more reports now show a year as an ordinal number in Croatian
- fix name-note is not being cleared in Complete Individual report
- Fix View Column sizing so last column size setting is maintained
- Fix view so column widths are preserved when using filters
- fix the place-format option in Detailed Descendant and Detailed Ancestor text reports
- Fix bsddb for person sort with empty Surname list
- Webcal: link problems in some cases Year 2016 is highlighted by default instead of current year.
- Webcal: Missing links when muliyear unselected
- Geoclose: exception when a family has no father
- Family Descendant Tree; fix HandleError
- fix unhandled exception parsing "future dates" in some locales
- fix Julian/Gregorian calendar issue when entering only year as date when running gramps in Norwegian
- Fix and restore Statistics Gramplet to 4.2.x status
- Fix Check and Repair to deal with bad references empty handle string
- Speed up Check and Repair, backlinks check stage.
- Fix strings containing deprecated (Python 3.6+) illegal escape sequences
- Whatsnext: check if db is open, fixes error if not.
- Fix usage of posixpath; should be os.path for os independence
- Fix generate_checksum routine to avoid MemoryError crash
- Fix corrupted Bookmarks that can happen after Gramps crash
- Fix Merge Family when same parent is missing from both families
- Fix <ctrl>c in view to get selected item to clipboard
- Fix Quickview Gramplet so updates work when changing active
- Fix place reference editor for bad cut/paste on set_latlongitude
- Fix Find Database Loop Tool (bad import of _collections)
- mac/gramps.modules: Switch included moduleset to
- mac/gramps.bundle: File copy doesn't work if the glob can match directories.
- mac/gramps.bundle: Install the docs/gramps directory in the bundle.
- debian/changelog: Update the Debian changelog after the 5.0.0 release
- mac/Info.plist, mac/gramps.modules: Release Gramps-5.0.0 on Mac.
See the Changelog.
Gramps team releases version 5.0.0. A new major release.
- 10646: Correct binary test logic for primary mask.
- 10634: Fix BaseSelector to avoid long delay before display on large trees.
- 10576: Export options > Gui alignment issue.
- 10585: Fix dialog button order on non-Mac systems.
- Update Debian directory after Gramps 5.0.0-rc1 release.
- 10620: Fix Custom filter update when created via sidebar.
- Fix Gramplet configure (View/Configure) for large options.
- 10626: Fix IndexError crash in Statistics Charts.
- 10619: [Mac] Change accel for Undo History. So that it doesn't conflict with a system binding for hiding the window.
- 10623: Fix Family Lines/Family Colors picker for bad transient parent.
- 10622: Fix import_as_dict to utilize user gramps_id prefixes.
- 10615: Fix error when opening bsddb db in read-only mode.
- 10613: Fix dbapi dbs for closeing read-only db crash.
- 10614: Fix menus when operating with read-only db.
- 10420: Fix Name formats to show all parts.
- 10607: Fix dialogs for crash when canceling via 'x'.
- Remove obsolete omeat-python-modules dependencies.
- Update translations: cs, da, de, en_GB, eo, fi, hu, is, it, nb, pt_BR, ru, sk, uk, vi
See the Changelog.
Gramps team releases version 4.2.8. A maintenance release. (Final stable version 4.x.x family of releases before 5.x.x major upgrade.)
A one-bug-fix release that corrects:
- 10417: Fix Geography views for bad 'dbstate.is_open()'
See the Changelog.
Gramps team releases version 4.2.7. A maintenance release.
- 10404: Fix Export View to CSV when Unicode characters are present
- 10196: Fix several intl date displayers for missing parameter
- 10377: DescendantTree report; fix crashes and Title spacing
- 10387: Fix Book XML handler to deal with unusual characters in Book name
- 10223: Add support for new genealogy tree report category
- 10332: Fix Media Preview Gramplet for closed db
- 10285: Suport FTM 2017 Gedcom tags on import
- 10112: Fix Person, Family Sidebar Filters to add custom Event types
- 10298: Fix QuestionDialog display for html like characters in title
- 10275: Fix FamilyRelationshpType _DATAMAP order to correspond with values
- 10262: Fix Gedcom import for illegal Gedcom Family Attributes
- 10245: Fix Gedcom export for bad Hebrew Months
- Change INSTALL to replace 'python' with 'python3 for script invokes
- 10239: Fix CSV importer for place event name using gramps_id
- 10229: Fix Geography view 'Find' when db is closed
- 10226: Fix interactive search for exception on click then down arrow
- Create where_is utility to locate a binary in the standard places
- 9783, 9395, 8080, 6782, 6108, 6431, 4164, 6108, 6108, 1485, 2964, 2790: Fix relationship Graph so Unicode chars on Multiple pages works
- Update authors file
- 10188: Fix Gedcom import for "1 MARR Y" issue
- 10364: Fix Export Web Family Tree for errors on file write
- 10351: Fix Citation Editor to Tab out of Confidence ComboBox
- Reset the dependencies on the new meta-module
- Use online modules
- Consolidate Python2 and Python3 meta-modules
- 10365: Use None as the foreground colour for untagged rows in list views
- 7749: Fix shading colour in relationship view for dark themes
- 7749: Fix link colour for dark themes
- 7749: Fix default foreground colour in list views for dark themes
- 9932: Fix Undo; crashes due to race in Gtk
- 7593: Gedcom import with OBJE/FORM URL on event
- 8788: EOFError [Ran out of input] in Clipboard
- 7532: Cannot drag & drop textual value via clipboard
- 10219: Fix 'DbBsddbRead' object has no attribute '_Callback__callback_map'
- 10206: Reports - Narrated Web Site Failure
- Fix link path in gramps-launcher compile instructions
- Update translations: fi, de
See the Changelog.
Gramps team releases version 4.2.6. A maintenance release.
- 10076: Fix HasCitation rule in citation filter sidebar
- 10136: Fix use of regular expressions
- 10135: Date Editor had 'Type' and 'Quality' labels swapped
- 10077: Fix FamilyGroup Report
- 10093: Fix names not displayed in relationship graph
- 10100: Fix outdated Bugtracker link in reporting wizard
- 9862: Fix replacements in Ancestor tree
- 10105: Fix Default Browser Setting
- 9865: Fix linking place on OpenStreetMap view
- 10096: Fix Family Lines Report having unescaped characters
- 10095: Fix non-local character in DB name (Windows OS)
- 9130: Fix checking for "event.string" in "treeview_keypress"
- 8366: Fix invalid February 29th date in Julian dual-dated
- 10033: Fix Note on CIR when it is attached to a (preferred or alternative) name through the names dialog.
- 9880: Improve time loading for person selector in census forms, see also 8785, 9700 and GEP041
- 9975: Fix incorrect SoundEx result
- 9904: Fix Error printing on ancestor tree graphical report
- 9564: Fix custom filter creation with 'Events occurring on a particular day of the week'
- 9995: Bug in the Name Editor / Group As
- 9945: Gramps CSV export of Places did not generate correct Title.
- 9908: Add custom Family Relations not shown in the filter siderbar
- 9899: Fix non-textual value on Tag report
- 9878: Fix 'interface.dont-ask' config key ignored on Note edition
- 8128: Fix Reorder Relationships dialog
- 9235: Shrink size of Break Lock (and other QuestionDialogs)
- 9470: Only selection of Active or Home person if commited
- 9478: Fix quick search exception when nothing in searched list
- 9612 10005: Fix problem adding parents
- Fix bookmarks keybinding on Mac
- Fix failure to load default gramplets if GExiv2 is missing or too old.
- Update API doc for place displayer
- Add datestrings to Turkish translation
- Update translations: cs, de, fr, fi, hu, it, ru, sl, sv, tr
In Memory of Peter Landgren.
See the Changelog.
Gramps team releases version 4.2.5. A maintenance release.
- 9340: The configparser is assuming the wrong encoding
- 9563: Sorting in family tab of narrated web report
- 9801: Silence remaining PyGIWarning
- 9563: Sorting of relationships in family tab of narrated web report
- 9799: Use latest valid date rather than today
- 9813: Modify endonym handling in place displayer
- 9737: Fix house number concatenation
- 9818: Allow merging of families with one or more parents in common
- 7309: Jump to Gramps ID functionality doesn't work
- 9276: Ability to search alternate place names when selecting place
- 9815: Fix clear map action on Geography
- 8555: Database repair tool always edit all source objects
- 9812: Database repair tool ignored some objects with tag
- 9534: "Enclosing" gramplet includes places outside valid date ranges
- 9767: Fix icon and tooltip in LDS editor
- 9733: CSV import fails
- 9755: Fix duplicated Gramps IDs on Gedcom import
- 9685: Unexpected error Preferences > Dates > Markup for invalid date format
- 9458: Fix Import Vcard, can create multiple surnames with all selected as 'Primary'
- 8993: Fix Gedcom import in some alternate languages; improper date parsing
- 9736: Export options 'Preview' buttons create hidden quickreport
- 9721: Alignment radio buttons in the style editor do not work
- 9700: Select Place search & Source/Citation hierarchy should NOT be expanded
- Tweak improvement on Tag editor
- Support for Windows Python3 pythonw.exe
- 9739: Wrong parsing Numeric date format for cs_CZ locale
- 96939696: Fix Icelandic and German translations
- Fix Norwegian relationship calculator
- Update translations: cs, de, fi, fr, hu, is, nb, ru
See the Changelog.
Gramps team releases version 4.2.4. A maintenance release.
- 9322: fixes for the PHON, FAX, EMAIL and WWW Gedcom tags to support Gedcom v5.5.1
- use more relative import
- Support for FTM and others Custom Gedcom Event Tags on import
- 9341: fix '_deeprelationshippath' filter rule
- Narrativeweb: some dates are incorrect in tar archive.
- MacOS: Update graphviz to 2.38 and change to a binary launcher in app bundles.
- 8250: Gramps crashes when closed while exporting
- 9596: Some events are not shown in familymaps page.
- 9608: remove old debug bloc on place selection.
- Add GUI and CLI config option to allow easy setting
- 9549 Chinese characters are not rendered properly in pdf reports
- Variety of changes to Media support on gedcom, mostly having to do with embedded OBJE tag lines.
- Support v5.5.1 OBJE/FORM/MEDI tag on embedded OBJE
- Change OBJE/BLOB tag from "not understood" to "Recognized but not supported"
- Detect multiple FILEs in a single embedded OBJE >> v5.5.1 feature not supported
- Changed OBJE/FORM/TYPE to internationalize the data (same as SourceMediaType)
- Corrected XREF/OBJE/FORM to correctly save and use its value (was a typo in original code) and to accept any case.
- Added test for missing title on embedded OBJE, and use filename if missing.
- Added test for missing FILE on XREF style OBJE, with warning like the embedded OBJE.
- Support _PRIM tag to handle primary photo for Legacy Family Tree, Ancestral Quest, Family Origins, MyHeritage Family Tree Builder, and others.
- Some of these changes would have required making patches to six different nearly identical pieces of code. So I combined the similar methods and the two functions they called into a single function.
- Added function to check for a subordinate line with a specific tag, and report unexpected lines as not understood. Used that function in OBJE/REFN/TYPE and OBJE/_PRIM processing.
- Test files imp_FTM_PHOTO.ged and imp_MediaTest.ged have been updated to include testing on these changes.
- 9475: Sorting of Sources on gedcom
- Change "class xxx(object)" to "class xxx"
- Use "with open" instead of "try: except:"
- change "raise NotImplemented" to "raise NotImplementedError()"
- fix Trailing Whitespace on
- 9427: Add new argument to IsEnclosedByRule
- Narrativeweb: place title must agree the configuration
- 9501: 9499 improvements on CSV file format support
- update Finnish holidays
- 9578: Some strings in tools and report dialogs will not translate
- 9575: Gedcom import improvements in media area to support v5.5.1 and FTM
- Trailing whitespace
- Gedcom import of FTM .ged file containing _LINK tags not supported
- Change pycairo-python3 to pycairo.
- pycairo for python2 is now py2cairo.
- Remove pango modules from bundle, pango no longer uses them.
- 9479: Gedcom import loses spaces in text fields from FTM
- 9580: Gedcom import of FTM file containing _PHOTO tags
- Missed initializer
- 9362: Attempting to select an "Available item" for the Book Report gives an error
- Fix for either valid or invalid FTM Gedcom
- 9579 Gedcom import of FTM file with OCCU record crashes import
- 9570: crash - 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_child_ref_list'
- 9560: Family Page maps are non-functional in Narrative Web report
- 9479: Gedcom import loses spaces in text fields from FTM
- 9566: String not translated in geoplaces
- 9556: Descendant Report does not recognise auto. place title generation
- 9557: Translated text will not be printed in the program
- 8452: Geography: Attempting to print crashes (add parent to dialog)
- 9124: GEDCOM doesn't accept CR as a line terminator
- Original code used readline() when file was in binary mode; this works
- only if file contains '\n', true only for CRLF and LF line endings.
- Switched to file text mode with correct encoding and universal newline support.
- 9537: Wrong Numeric date format for cs_CZ locale
- 9495: Narrativeweb: inconsistent & incomplete display of place hierarchy labels
- 9494: Narratedweb: surname listing errors for people with multiple partners
- 9517: In "Verify" people w/ death event w/o date are not thought dead
- 9453: While starting gramps, it fails to pop up "tips of the day"
- 9459: GEDCOM import in CLI mode with .ged file containing ANSEL encoding tries to pop up gui
- 9459: fix merge conflict
- 9472: Use first matching name when generating place titles
- 9123: GEDCOM import with media files that have no path fails
- 9474: [Geography] Geoclose and mother handle
- 8729: place names empty if Gedcom ADDR record contains no street
- Tidy up place configuration options
- Use CSS to fade background colour in ValidatableMaskedEntry
- 7949: crash on GEDCOM import with empty _AKA lines
- 9427: Add inclusive option to IsEnclosedBy rule
- 9075: Saving/closing new person window with Alt-o does not find gender
- Fix to allow deferred translation of place type
- 9466: Include all place types in place report
- 9314: Allow place selection both individually and by filter on textual report
- 8785: Expand tree in selectors automatically
- 9381: Fix Encloses gramplet to display correct place references
- Update for appdata stuff
- 9408: UnboundLocalError on ODF doc backend
- 8429: Media Preview: wrong frame
- fix signals
- 9416: GEDCOM import PLAC:FORM in local mode doesn't work
- 9414: fix empty Place Alternate Names on import
- 9448: Merge unit test for PlaceCheck not working correctly
- 9425: GEDCOM import some Place Names & Titles are blank
- 9430: GEDCOM import PLAC or ADDR attached Notes etc. are lost
- 9443: Gramps not appearing in Gnome Software
- 9173: fix broken GEDCOM import PLAC:FORM handling
- 9415: Place Alt Names gets duplicated entries
- 8809: Multiple GEDCOM imports creates duplicate event IDs
- 9417: The place page in webreport is complete mess
- 7390: Gallery tab of Source view does not display .ods files
- 9405: Narrated Web report - Individual sort order not correct on the Surnames tab
- 8981: Specify required GtkSpell and GExiv2 version
- 9377: Narrated web report link to thumbnails is broken on certain pages
- 9389: Narrated Web report - Individual page sort order has changed
- 8563: Gramps reports that it can't find dictionaries.
- Turns out it was really that enchant couldn't find its backend because an environment variable wasn't set.
- Update translations: cs, da, de, fi, fr, hu, pt_BR, ru, sl
See the Changelog.
Gramps team releases version 4.2.3. A maintenance release.
- 9363: Creation of the "graphic calendar report" failed
- Fix "TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment
- 9335: Fix experienced an unexpected error
- 9316: Unable to build narrated web site
- 9347: [NarrativeWeb report] Places index and Media index are incorrectly sorted
- 9345: Error when trying to create narrative report (residence event)
- 9315: Fix filter set by default on selector, 'Show all' button
- 9320: Detailed Ancestors Report has ? for locations when [private data is excluded]
- 8602: Age in the event family view column is wrong.
- 9278: Crash when dragging multiple media items to clipboard
- 9151: vCal Export File format invalid
- 9294: Error occurs for Complete Individual Report -- complete database
- 9297: Narrated Web Site Report: places page is no longer sorted alphabetically
- 8950: Narrative web: html elements emitted in different order
- 9163: Narrative web: "errno: 1, operation is not permitted" when creating archive.
- 9293: Narrative Web report further stops in error.
- 9242: multiple lines on firstname can corrupt ODT file
- fix gramps XML file via import or export
- 9006, 9111, 9274: fix scrolling in persons view after typing some letters
- 9207: Location on geography view could not convert string to float
- make typeout more accurate
- 0743: Searching in people view when surnames are collapsed
- Fix error when changing database in new locations gramplets
- 9178: Error loading Participants add-on in French locale
- Restores setting the stdout encoding to sys.getdefaultencoding() for Python3
- Fix comment about getting the right encoding for stdout.
- 9159: Date format does not match system.
- Make US English a special-case locale, where en_GB is the default for english based locales
- Enhance the Locations gramplet
- New "Encloses" gramplet to the display places that the active place encloses
- 2060: Individuals with incomplete names, not updated when name completed
- 6873 : Children gramplet in Family view does not get updated when a birth/death events are added to a child
- 5417 : Non-image media objects don't appear in the main window gallery.
- 9136: Pressing tab stops at element in gui places
- 9094: Double-clicking on a source in the citation gramplet causes exception
- 9200: "Find text in record" filter crash
- 9153 : Fix vCard Export
- 7619 : Notes used in the "To Do" gramplet are found by the Remove Unused Objects tool
- 9191: Unable to select Unicode
- 9121, 9146, 9162: Cannot import gedcom generated by RootsMagic custom place details ignoring PlaceName()
- 9166: Fix people sorted by surname view
- 9122: Complete Report about person (whole database) - PDF - crash
- Update for travis
- Only consider the values of LC_ALL, LANG, and LANGUAGE, in that order, when choosing the default locale.
- New Icelandic date and relationships handlers
- Fix Finnish translation in keywords of desktop entry
- Update translations: cs, de, el, fi, fr, hu, is, it, ru, sl, sv, uk
See the Changelog.
Gramps team releases version 4.2.2. A maintenance release.
- 9014: "Show all" checkbox of "Select Family" window not unchecked when the filter is cleared
- 8988: Name of user defined filter is not shown
- 8128: ErrorDialog and GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent
- 9028: 'Find' is broken when used in the Family selector
- Fix default selection in selectors
- 8888: comment currently-unused bogus wiki URL pointers
- 9057: fix counter for filtered entries and indentation on TreeBaseModel
- 9008 9055: Faulty headline in start up screen
- Check that gramplet is in notebook before setting tab label
- Fix creation of focus change events
- 9065: Interactivesearch gives "TypeError: unorderable types: str() < NoneType()"
- 9027: Put tag selection list in alphabetical order
- Remove redundant code
- 9079: Fix delete error in undoable entry widget
- Fix deprecation warning
- Re-enable selection in MultiTreeView on a grab_broken event
- Add validation to gender field
- 9155: Unhandled AttributeError when db.get_tag_from_handle returns None
- 9058: ReferencedBySelectionProxy can forget some referenced tags
- Remove encoding on stdout and stderr
- Handle citation objects in glocale.trans_objclass
- 9003: Locality data in address was not imported
- Plugins:
- Don't check SSL certs when fetching addons
- Catch urlopen TypeError when context arg isn't supported
- Fix undefined variable error
- 8897 - Can not download new or updated add-ons
- 8556: ValueError: underlying buffer has been detached
- 9137: LaTeX backend crashes
- 9127: Geography: performance issue due to bad initialization and performance issue when selecting the events or places views.
- 8950: Narrated Web Site Report: html elements emitted in different order
- 7426: unused *_init.jpg are created in the narrated website
- 7322: Some media files are not exported to the NAVWEB report
- 8048: Narrative web report: add author to citations
- 8950: TypeError: unorderable types: EventRef() < EventRef(), events list and family list are differents between two reports
- 9650: permission denied: change mtime to origin instead of destination
- 5905: thumbnails html file missing in the narrative web
- 9016: Narrativeweb: Place title based on current date not that of the event
- 8946: Webcal: make the month name clickable in the year overview page
- 9040: 'Narrative' word not translatable
- 9073: 'Unknown' spouse uses an harcoded string name on Simple Descendants textual report
- 9041: Father/mother's age attributes are not translated on reports
- improve Russian date handler and unittests
- 9114: mars month instead of Marzec on Polish locale (Date Editor)
- Translations update: cs, de, fr, fi, nl, pl, ru, sv
Happy new year!
See the Changelog.
Gramps team releases version 4.2.1. A maintenance release.
- 7601: Support for Retina and HiDPI Display, added 24px icons
- 8799: Fix verification tool with "Estimate missing or inexact dates"
- 3670: Fix missing link in hourglass graph report
- 8168: Sort custom place types in editors
- 8971: Allow Easter calculation with python3
- 8936: Fix crash on Descendants-detailed report
- 8914: FanChartDescendants View should at least have 2 generations
- 8930: Allow hyphenated gramps-id in Graphviz reports
- 8889: Complete Individual Report fails to run
- 8888: Fix broken wiki help links
- 8833: Set TextOption widget to expand vertically
- 6684: Unused Object Dialog box too small
- 2531: Short cut keys does not work in 'Change Event Types' dialog
- 6824 8481: Update some Tips of the day
- 8863: Error when extracting place names
- 7595: Custom filters for note text repaired
- 8824: Fix Pedigreeview crash when selecting Compact view
- 8471: Set "visable_window" in GtkEventBox to fix transparency
- 8377: Faster scrolling
- cache database access for column values
- cache do_get_path lookups
- speed up load access on treeviews with no filters
- new LRU size of 1k (was 250)
- use cache in do_get_path from siblings
- 8775: Avoid using person-centric date matching for places
- 8789: Use place title as default name in GEDCOM import
- 8810: Ensure place names are not empty after upgrade
- 8842: Fix proxy to include all referenced place objects
- 8897: Fix bug that prevented any addons being loaded onto the Mac version
- 8517: Remove copy button from family tree manager
- 8112: Consistency for name fields on Person Editor
- 8902: [Geography] Place.set_name(name) requires a PlaceName()
- 8637: [Geography] Fix and improvements on place selection
- 8188: Limit problems with existing selection in media reference editor
- 8849 8956: Stability fixes on Mac port
- 8959 8929: Mac port localization crash with non-standard locale (e.g. en_IT).
- Fix color on history
- Fix countries selector for holidays
- Fix missing markups into textual reports
- All sidebars with Types now show custom types in combo list
- [New] Added Places to CSV import/export
- Some fixes on installer (
- Various improvements on gen.plug.utils
- 8937: Fix graph reports [in Greek locale]
- 5505: New date handler for Hungarian locale
- Updated translations : cs, de, el, en_GB, fi, fr, hu, is, sv
See the Changelog.
Gramps team releases version 4.2.0. A new major release.
- New date and language fields on place name
- Review on GtkBuilder, fix some Gtk3 warnings and move from deprecated methods
- Change icons and buttons handling methods
- Enhanced Place Editor and new Place Name editor
- New widget: use own interactive-search
- Ability to import kml data into Geography views
- Enhancement for removing multiple selected items from Views (action group)
- Add drag support on more Views, Selectors and Editors
- Add right-click "Copy all" to ListModel and all QuickTables
- Review Alternate Place handling and edition
- New 'Place' configuration keys set by user (settings)
- New filter rule: is enclosed by
- Consistency on Privacy option for reports
- Consistency on "Name-format" options for reports
- Add DeferredFilter class (a subclass of GenericFilter)
- New textual Report: Links on Notes
- Fix alphabetic index and toc bug in books
- Enhancements on Style Editor
- Enhancements on End Notes into textual reports
- Changes on Individuals complete textual report
- Changes on Ancestors Tree draw report: Include Siblings
- Add name-format option, and deferred translation on Records report
- Add deferred translation on Timeline draw report
- Enable attributes gramplet on Source and Citation Views
- New place locations gramplet
- Optimizations around index, Flat and TreeView models
- Enhanced samples files
- All importers return now an ImportInfo object
- Experimental gwplus (geneweb) import file format support
- Remove experimental HTML renderer view
- New test scripts
- New Date handler for Japanese
- Review on Slovenian and Czech Date Handlers
- Implement both "traditional" and "simplfied" Chinese (translations and dates)
- Serbian review
See the Changelog.
Gramps team releases version 4.1.3.
- 8483: Fix db upgrade failure
- 8128: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent
- 1360: [Gedcom} SUBN and SUBM record handling
- 2370: [Gedcom] Import/export round trip causes lost information
- 4412: [Gedcom] Entering a witness to an event such as marriage might be ignored
- 8355: [Gedcom] Gramps can't import estim. date period exported by itself
- 3082: [Gedcom] 1/4 and 1/2 ANSEL characters not supported on importing ANSEL
- 8014: [Gedcom] Importing file containing multibyte UTF-8 characters fails
- 8279: [Gedcom] Import fails for ANSI file under python 3
- 7134: [Gedcom] Failure importing ANSEL encoded gedcom file.
- 4439: [Gedcom] Characters ignored on a Gedcom encoded ANSI (cp1252 West Europe, USA)
- 8401: [Gedcom] NameError in importer
- 8322: [Gedcom] Event address is lost on import, i.e. disconnected from event
- 8225 8311: Crash on geneweb export with python3
- 8468: GuiColorOption missing avail-changed event handler
- 7742: Bad generation of [timeline report] ODT files since 4.0.0
- 8233: Fix bad handle in explanation note for unknown event
- Fix spurious generation of empty 'Alternative Name' in place.merge()
- 7155: Support creating directories in various scenarios
- 8450: Attempting to add a bookmark causes an error.
- 7992: Long series of "unhandled exception" popup boxes while doing a check & repair
- 8435: Crash when trying to link existing place as an enclosing place using P0001 number
- 8023: HTML view fails to load
- 8430: Relationship Graph crashes
- 8423: Python3 needs new_subpixbuf not subpixbuf
- 7824: Regression: running gramps from crontab fails
- 8380: tag_map is not initialized
- 8103: Some labels now fit better on citations sidebar filter
- 8213: Event columns in web narrative are too narrow
- 8473: Problem by start program (launcher)
- 8456: Translation string missing in Not Related tool for help and close button
- 8477: Date format month/year is not well reported at editing time [in Italian]
- 8451: Fix unknown gender relationships handler for the french locale
- Fix a handle type bug on sidebar filter
- Tidy up About dialog - 8408 better design
- Cleanup on some man files
- Convert some remaining unicode literals
- Fix mac menubar setting
- Enable python3 to run po/
- Updated translations: cs, de, fr, is, nl
See the Changelog.
Gramps team releases version 3.4.9 the Final maintenance release in the Gramps 3.4.x series.
- 8134: Error converting python2 utf-8 strings to python3 str when loading data from database
- 1360: Gedcom input: SUBN and SUBM record handling
- 2370: [Gedcom] import/export round trip causes lost information
- 8355: [Gedcom] Gramps can't import estim. date period exported by itself
- 7398: [Gedcom] import deletes first char of notes
- 8347: [Gedcom] import of embedded notes attached to media does not work
- 8401: [Gedcom] NameError in importer
- 8283: [Gedcom] export does not export media attached to citations
- 7014: [Gedcom] Errors handling owner/submitter information
- 8322: [Gedcom] Event address is lost on import, i.e. disconnected from event
- 4412: [Gedcom] Entering a witness to an event such as marriage might be ignored
- 8014: [Gedcom] Importing file containing multibyte UTF-8 characters fails
- 7770: Event list in editors does not display content into 'Main Participants' column
- 5024: Fix 'Last Change' column into Person Selector
- 7155: Support creating directories in various scenarios
- 8380: tag_map is not initialized
- 8233: Fix bad handle in explanation note for unknown event
- 7739: Narrative website: Missing webpage for media with missing thumbnail on person page
- Enable the "default" CSS choice for the narrated web report
- 7888: Crash while scrolling in person view
- 7299: Crash when attempting to create Places Report
- 7533: Error in Session Log gramplet with no active person
- 7861: In Ahnentafel Report, Use Christening Date if no Birth Date Present
- 8316: Family with children but no parents is lost on filtered export
- 8103: Some labels now fit better on citations sidebar filter
- 8240: Can't disable box shadow in SVG descendant tree
- 8237: Descendant tree graphical report, syntax error in svg output
- 8234: Various problems with docgen.TextDoc.add_media_object
- 8196: Spurious spaces in CLI List Family Trees, tab delimited output. Print statements changed to assemble the whole line before output.
- 8468: GuiColorOption missing avail-changed event handler
- 7824: Regression: running gramps from crontab fails
- 6934: Better support for handling custom media attributes on edition
- 8122: DB lock not checked when opening database from the recent opened trees menu item
- 7784: List index out of range" on [initial CLI "gramps -t"]
- 7929: HTML View fails to load on Debian unstable
- 8451: Fix unknown gender relationships hander for the french locale
- 8051: Can't fill in calculated and estimated dates in czech locale
- Enhance Serbian date handler to handle Cyrillic dates
- Updated translations: cs, de, fr, hu, it
- Fix mac menubar setting
- Fix mac OsmGpsMaps setting
- Enable PIL with Freetype2 support on mac
See the Changelog.
Gramps team releases version 4.1.2.
- 8134: Error converting python2 utf-8 strings to python3 str when loading data from database
- 8055 8344: Removing a parent place from a place leaves a dangling reference
- 7274: Error during checking the database
- 7930: Stubborn blank space in database won't be removed, fix removing rows in flat list views
- 7844: Database upgrade fails if default media path is not set
- 8152: Error converting database after upgrade to Gramps 4.1.1
- 8020: Error in a single place within the places section
- Improvements and fixes to editors
- 8125: Entries from the add-or-choose selector of Place/Source/Media/Note cannot be dragged
- 8058 8056: Enclosing places tab should work like other similar tabs, new place reference editor
- 8095: Association editor refuses dropped persons
- 8149: Error on opening twice an object from clipboard
- 8350: Incorrect spacing in export assistant file chooser
- 5150: new Event types are saved as a disordered list
- 7770: Always display main participants
- 8057 7942: Place titles can now be generated on-the-fly by a place displayer, default is still to use the place title field
- 8347: GEDCOM import of embedded notes attached to media does not work
- 7866: Crash on .ged import; consistent.
- 7014: Errors handling owner/submitter information in GEDCOM files. Only import researcher from GEDCOM or XML if the family tree was originally empty.
- 8283: GEDCOM export does not export media attached to citations.
- 8102: The fanchart view crashes if max generation is set to 1 away.
- 7860: Sidebar Filters do not match placetypes in new placeview, two new filter rules (HasTitle, HasData)
- 7299: Fix bug when family has no parents
- 8233: Fix bad handle in explanation note for unknown event
- 7362 8103: some labels now fit better on citations sidebar filter
- 8037: Improvements and fixes to the Geography category
- 7149: Views in Geography should not always use the last option set by the user
- 8327: Request for keyboard-controlled zoom on Geography view
- 8142: Error geography view - Displaying main menu
- 7948: Configure screen needs a file selector to select directory for "offline mode" files
- 7615 8314: Filter panel on geography view displays improperly
- Fix on plugins, reports, tools
- 8320: Detailed descendant report crashes, bibliography (citations)
- 8240: Can't disable box shadow in SVG descendant tree
- 8237: Descendant tree graphical report, syntax error in svg output
- 8184: Regression: Complete Individual report has partially-untranslated output
- 6435: Events Page in Narrative Report not working
- 8185: Gramps freeze after defining a report style with German cm values
- 8234: Various problems with docgen.TextDoc.add_media_object
- 6355: Report event attribute name is not translated
- Fix to gramplets
- 8119: Records Gramplet uses wrong text
- 7865: Closing detached gramplet causes python to crash
- 8353: Cannot reduce size of gramplets detached from a gramplet bar
- 8351: Gramplets don't fill window when detached from dashboard
- 8157: ImageMetadata doesn't show metadata
- 8267: typo on GLib call, used by an addon only
- 7604: Fix error setting gramplet tab label
- 7533: Check for active person in session log gramplet
- 8196: Spurious spaces in CLI List Family Trees, tab delimited output. Print statements changed to assemble the whole line before output.
- 8029: Gtk3 warning and custom undoableentry widget, see bugzilla_id 644927
- 8126: Warnings: deprecated Gtk properties and errors loading theme icon. Fix: database manager dialog is inconsistent for older gtk+3 versions. Warnings: deprecated Gtk properties and errors loading theme icon. Fix: Error loading theme icon 'gtk-apply'
- 7857: gramps fails to start with gtk+-3.13.3
- 8242: Places in data.gramps are not in the new Place hierarchy
- Upgrade the version of some dependencies for Mac OS and Windows OS.
- 8288: Keywords entry in gramps.desktop does not work
- 6548: 'Available Gramps Updates for Addons' window not on top
- 8154: Some text not translatable in context menu fancharts
- 7658: Fix for Unit test
- 8175 8257: date inflections in, update for Ukrainian, Russian, Croatian
- 8139 8140: Better support for Serbian and Turkish locales
- New translation: Icelandic
- 8148: Re-enable Turkish support after a major review. Thank you Uğur.
- Updated translations: cs, de, eo, fi, fr, hr, hu, it, nb, nn, ru, sk, sr, sv, uk, zh_CN
See the Changelog.
Gramps team releases version 4.1.1.
- 7842: Fix custom place types in the place editor
- Allow place type combobox to receive focus.
- Store custom place types in the metadata table
- 7904: Fix place type for places without a main location
- 7911: Fix bug adding parent places to a new place
- 7915: Prevent user creating a cycle in the place hierarchy
- 7846: Avoid infinite loop when place cycle encountered
- Prevent creation of a place cycle when merging
- 7856: Fix error when no place is selected
- Check that a place has been selected when saving.
- Use the standard place selection widget to be consistent.
- 7893: Add a new Top Level place through the Place Reference Editor
- 8011: Fix backlinks code in place report
- Backlinks for places can now also be places as well as events.
- 7931: Fix check and repair tool for empty placerefs
- 8015: Update location utilities to work with proxies
- 7839: Place report does not run
- 7902: Update place details gramplet
- Add Place name, type and alternative names.
- Locations are now displayed in a new separate gramplet.
- 7813: Add check for empty handle in gramplets
- 8122: Check DB lock on the recent opened trees list
- 8103: Sidebarfilter gramplet does not fit well into People, Events or Media views
- 8096: Fix new event default type considering existing events with *default* role
- 7868: Rebuild secondary indexes after database upgrade
- 8014: Importing gedcom files containing multibyte UTF-8 characters fails
- 7861: Ahnentafel Report did not use Christening Date if no Birth Date
- 7739: [Narweb:] Missing webpage for media under some circumstances
- 8033: Fix narrated web report with gendex option enabled
- Tweak to "default" CSS choice for the narrated web report
- 7882: Invalid link for Merge citation Help button
- 7883: Fix 'todo' gramplet
- 7837: Fix path when using drag & drop to add media
- 7836: Limit the number of generations displayed in the ancestor gramplet
- 7834: Export of a subset of the tree failed
- 7828: Fix issues in python3, and bytes-string mismatch with ICU
- 7258: Fix url/uri handling with non-ascii characters under linux and mac
- 8021: Fix name format on graphical reports
- 8012: Fix name format on textual reports
- 6934: Better GUI support for embeded custom attributes list on media object
- 8062: Better keys for search under linux shells (.desktop file)
- 8113: 'Unknown' person in detailed ancestor report can not be translated
- 7851: Translations don't show in many labels
- Ensure python text domain gets the right encoding.
- 7276: Translate some punctuation marks
- Various fixes around Geography and osmgpsmap
- Allow gramplets to be displayed in the dashboard only
- Update FSF address
- Add Arabic-script, Islamic-date, Thai script, Married Name and more dates examples
- Fix on czech date handler for calculated and estimated dates
- Enhance Serbian date handler to handle Cyrillic dates
- Simplify Canadian Ash Wednesday holiday
- Re-enable Esperanto support (for non-Windows OS only) after a large review
- New translation: Serbian
- Various fixes in German and Czech
- Updated translations: ar, cs, de, fi, fr, it, sv
See the Changelog.
Gramps team releases version 4.1.0.
New features:
- GEP 006: Better Place handling
- New Tags support on Event, Place, Repository, Source, and Citation
- Source/Citation Data becomes Attributes
- Add optional support for checksum on Media object
- New place hierarchies model
- By default, you can choose navigator modes with a drop down.
- New Place editor
- Enhanced MediaReference Editor
- Some debug tools move to new gramplets
- Full Python 3 support
- New functions and widgets related to Place and Media selections
- Enhancements on to_struct()
- New methods on Date handlers
- Better support on translation for inflection rules
See the Changelog.
Gramps team releases version 3.4.8. (Final stable version 3.x.x family of releases before 4.x.x major upgrade.)
- 6194: [Database] Database corrupted - TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'
- 7559: [Database] Fix bug in abandon changes and quit
- 7152: [Command line] Fix error when importing database from the CLI
- 7620: [Settings] 'Display as' field in Name Editor reverts to Preferences default
- 7368: [Geography] View does not communicate over proxy server with autorisation
- 7419: [Search/Filtering] Event gramplet filter does not have field for primary role
- [Search/Filtering] New HasDayOfWeek filter rule
- 7429: [GUI - interface] Error when leaving a Gramps type field blank in an editor
- 5690: [GUI - interface] Fix creation of events with same Gramps-ID
- 7342 7137: [GUI - interface] Enhancements and consitency on events gramplet, selector and view
- [GUI - interface] Enhanced Citation Editor
- 7584: [GUI - interface] Fix update of active object after merge
- 7510: [Other] Do not drag and drop more than one data into editor tabs
- 7435: [Other] Media Editor error if Path value was changed to a non existing file
- 7119: [Other] Register history objects at startup
- 7477: [Reports] Users should not be allowed to edit and delete 'default' style into Style Editor
- 7662: [Web Reports] Missing closing bracket in Web_Basic-Spruce.css
- 7488: [Web Reports] Some temporary files remains in /tmp with NarrativeWeb report
- 7097: [Spell] Some fixes and enhancements
- 7598: [Port to Mac] No narrative.css File After Running Narrated Website Report
- 566: [Localization, Reports] Paper names and Styles values are now translated
- 7276: [Localization] Translate some punctuation marks
- 7671: Fix Relationships handler for Portuguese
- Updated translations: ar, cs, de, es, fr, he, it, ru, sk, sv
See the Changelog.
Gramps team releases version 4.0.4.
- 7470: [Database] Upgrade to db version 17 fails in Python 3 due to use of iteritems
- 6194: [Database] Database corrupted - TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'
- 7559: [Database] Fix bug in abandon changes and quit
- 7258: [Database] Paths, unicode and bsddb module
- 7582: [Database] Consistency on create_id method
- 7519: [Settings] Better handling for non-ASCII characters on database-path
- 7666: [File format] Better support for ANSEL characters
- 7620: [Settings] 'Display as' field in Name Editor reverts to Preferences default
- 7212: [Import] Fix vcard date converter
- 7368: [Geography] View does not communicate over proxy server with autorisation
- 7240: [Geography] Enhanced Bookmark support
- 7419: [Search/Filtering] Event gramplet filter does not have field for primary role
- [Search/Filtering] New HasDayOfWeek filter rule
- 7429: [GUI - interface] Error when leaving a Gramps type field blank in an editor
- 5690: [GUI - interface] Fix creation of events with same Gramps-ID
- 7449: [GUI - interface] Crash when opening details of a person
- 7570: [GUI - interface] Fix spacing on dialogs for some recent linux distributions
- 7117: [GUI - interface] date editor and Date class allow e.g. Hebrew dates with newyear (Mar25)
- 7710: [GUI - interface] Fix crash in fan chart view when scrolling
- 6808: [GUI - interface] Poor contrast mouse on mouse over
- 7510: [GUI - interface] Drag and drop only one data into Editors tabs
- 7342 7137: [GUI - interface] Enhancements and consitency on events gramplet, selector and view
- 7501: [GUI - interface] Sometimes says 'no data exists for note' when saving
- [GUI - interface] Enhanced Citation Editor
- 7572: [GUI - interface] Do not always raise errors when some plugins are hidden
- 7455: [GUI - interface] Remove hover selection from embedded lists - was added for 1772
- 7584: [GUI - interface] Fix update of active object after merge
- 7026: [CLI] Cleanup on warnings and messages around locale directory
- 7435: [Other] Media Editor error if Path value was changed to a non existing file
- 7119: [Other] Register history objects at startup
- 7258: [Other] Avoid dumb encoding error when compiling gpr file
- 7258: [Other] Work around Py2Cairo
- 7476: [Gramplet] Given Name Cloud Gramplet splits up given names into words
- 7477: [Reports] Users should not be allowed to edit and delete 'default' style into Style Editor
- 7332: [Reports] Filename Decoding Error in Graphical Reports
- 7662: [Web Reports] Missing closing bracket in Web_Basic-Spruce.css
- 7469: [Tools] Reorder tool: global name 'gen' is not defined
- 7097: [Spell] Some fixes and enhancements
- 7377: [Port for Mac] Fix start in East Asian language, force UTF-8 locale on Mac
- 7122: [Port for Mac] Fix apple_collation
- 6854: [Port for Mac] Spelling messages at random cause hang for a few seconds.
- 7434: [Port for Windows] Media viewer list crashes during start if one try to select an entry where the media isn't available
- 6548: [Port for Windows] 'Available Gramps Updates for Addons' window not on top
- 7447: [Debian] HTML View fails to load
- 566: [Localization, Reports] Paper names and Styles values are now translated
- 6696: [Localization] Sort failure using glocale.sort_key
- 6538: [Localization] Improve support for collation variants
- 7276: [Localization] Translate some punctuation marks
- 7530: Fix unit tests and python3 issues
- Fix Relationships handler for Portuguese
- Updated translations: ar, cs, de, fi, fr, he, it, lt, nb, nl, pl, pt_BR, ru, sv, uk
See the Changelog and Changelog for 3.4.x for more details.
Gramps team releases version 3.4.7.
- Add new filter rule matching citations having a source with a <text> on a note / 7183
- Add primary role option to event filter / 6519
- Add Groups support and reduce number of lines in Event types selector / 7342
- Add 'Last Change' column on selectors, when missing / 5024
- Fix a filter rule on citation sidebar (Source:Note) / 7183
- Fix url in Welcome gramplet when detached / 7388
- Fix bug in associations filter / 5123
- Better support for objects having citations as subobjects / 7157
- Check Tag handling on people views / 7075
- Keep at least one column on views / 7361
- Reorder tool now updates citation IDs / 5775
- Performance improvement in ancestor filter / 7340
- Better support on GEDCOM file format for tags like family _UID, add support for _FSFTID, by Enno Borgsteede / 6380
- Reduce number of columns in LDS temple selector / 7333
- Fix menu action for last recently opened family trees / 7327
- Fix minor visual issue on Merge Person dialog / 7147, 7001
- Use 'Bat Mitzvah' (en_US event name) / 6921
- "Add citation" missing in pop-up menu / 7300
- Improvements on image region handling / 7290
- Some fixes on images for ODF file format, thanks to Matthias Basler for the initial patch / 7288
- Fix HTML spacing on GraphViz output / 7256
- Various fixes related to bookmark handling in navigation views / 7229 , 7240
- Invalid dates (like 2013-02-30) no longer crash the date editor or file import / 7212
- Enhancement on date validation into Date Editor / 7198, 7212 , 7317
- Various fixes on date handling / 7197
- Consistent GUI confirmation during bulk deletions / 7086
- Multiple maintainability and usability improvements.
- Better documentation for name / 6955
- Update holidays for France / 7151
- Translation update: de, fr, ru
See the Changelog for more details.
Gramps team releases version 4.0.3.
- Fix copy via context menu on Views into Charts Category / 7399
- Fix Tab sequence in Name Editor / 6868
- Fix citations gramplet into media view / 7232
- Fix unhandled exception when inspecting media / 7348
- Fix Citation sidebar filter for python3 / 7370
- Fix add link to a "Html code" note / 7357
- Fix message on backup dialog / 6690
- Fix space for selection lists / 7331 7409
- Fix spell with myspell and LANG / 7339
- Fix changes root cursor to hand / 7336
- Recent file parser now gives the file location / 7327
- Fix vertical overflows on check and repair-tool dialog / 7316
- Fix custom key/value (data item) on Database difference report / 7209
- Fix unhandled exception in media exif information under Windows OS / 7182
- Fix person selector in searchfilter under Windows OS/ 7179
- Starting Gramps without console is now possible under Windows OS/ 7378
- Specific OS handling / 7313
- Common fixes and changes with 3.4.7.
- Updated translations: ca, de, fi, fr, ru
See the Changelog for more details.
Version 4.0.2, the "Welcome to our humble abode", has been released. This is a maintenance release for the next generation of Gramps, don't upgrade before verifying your system can run it.
- Citation merge works better for all objects with citations
- Fixed citations attached to family events
- Fixed several crashes, hangs, and data corruption scenarios
- Fixed bugs in determining whether a person is alive, potentially resolving private data leak via export or report
- VCF export/import now support gender information
- Several bugs with filtering fixed, most filters now support regular expressions
- Fixed bug in Hebrew calendar date calculations
- Fix some regressions on GEDCOM file format export and enhancement on CONT/CONC handling
- Multiple fixes and improvements on gramplets
- Multiple fixes in the narrated website and web calendar reports
- Enhancements on date and calendar
- Some fixes and improvements of the webapp
- Fix on Database Differences module
- Enhancements of the citation tree view (Sources category)
- For add-on developers: improvements in User class interface
- Polish and consistency on Gramps XML export
- Bump XML schema to 1.5.1
- Fixed several long-standing problems with report generation
- Better support of RTL locales (Arabic, Hebrew, etc.) in GUI
- Better support for language selection on some reports
- Better way for displaying missing dependencies
- Better spellchecking support
- Platform-specific fixes for Mac and Windows
- Add printing functionality for all geography views
- New date handlers for Arabic and Greek
- Translation updates (ar, cs, de, fr, lt, nb, nl, ru, sv) and translation-related fixes
- Repaired and enhanced tests broken since 3.3.x, resulting in overall reliability improvements
- Add a support for AppData
- New command-line options -y/--yes and -q/--quiet
Installation status
- OS X: Mac OS X will see an official installer shortly after release with all components
- Linux: We expect Linux packages for different distributions. Gramps 4.0 will only work on distributions released since October 2012, use virtualbox for older distributions. Some optional dependencies are not available yet on most distribution at the time of release. If you want those, you need to install them from source, see Ubuntu derivatives walkthrough in the installation guide for these. Specifically for Ubuntu derivatives spell checking, geography view and exiv image data require installation of source components.
- Windows: Much work has been done the last months to obtain the stack needed for Gramps on Windows. A first AIO installer is available on the download page.
See the Changelog for more details.
Gramps team releases version 3.4.6.
- Citation merge works better for all objects with citations
- Fixed citations attached to family events
- Fixed several crashes, hangs, and data corruption scenarios
- Fixed bugs in determining whether a person is alive, potentially resolving private data leak via export or report
- VCF export/import now support gender information
- Several bugs with filtering fixed, most filters now support regular expressions
- Fixed bug in Hebrew calendar date calculations
- Support space in Gramps ID with GEDCOM file format export/import
- Multiple fixes in gramplets
- Multiple fixes in the narrated website report
- Some fixes and improvements of the webapp
- Enhancements of the citation tree view (Sources category)
- Polish and consistency on Gramps XML export
- Bump XML schema to 1.5.1
- Fixed several long-standing problems with report generation
- Better support of RTL locales (Arabic, Hebrew, etc.) in GUI
- Platform-specific fixes for Mac and Windows
- New date handler for Arabic
- Translation updates and translation-related fixes
- Repaired and enhanced tests broken since 3.3.x, resulting in overall reliability improvements
See the Changelog for more details.
Version 4.0.1, the "What is washing when we are on the verge of a great scientific breakthrough?", has been released. This is a maintenance release for the next generation of Gramps, don't upgrade before verifying your system can run it.
- Gtk3: fix menu on person editor and Geography views, convert deprecated code for the indicator in entryfield
- Gedcom: Fix crash on export when there are addresses, fix space on ID
- Disallow bookmarking a source in the Citation Tree View
- Better RTL support on Pedigreeview and position for gramplets
- Fix bad scaling in address editor
- Fix crash on ancestor chart report
- Fix navigation issues with selected line
- Fix size of the 'Tip of the day' dialog
- Fix right-click on tables in Quick Views
- Fix cursor corruption on Pedigree view
- Improvements when exporting via CLI
- Reports: Various fixes on dialogs, output file formats and cleanup on error messages
- MacOS: Fix bad filename on Gramps URL, osm-gps-map revision, image paths, resource-path file, maclocale
- Move the HTML resources from gramps/plugins/webstuff to Data and Images
- Alternate Names in Person Details Gramplet (patch by Heinz Brinker)
- New holidays, date and relationship handlers for Ukrainian
- Enhancements for testing localized Relationship handlers (contribution by Fedir)
- More names and events on data.gramps sample
- Translations updated: cs, de, es, fr, hu, nb, nl, ru, uk, and new support for Arabic
Installation status
- OS X: Mac OS X will see an official installer shortly after release with all components
- Linux: We expect Linux packages for different distributions. Gramps 4.0 will only work on distributions released since October 2012, use virtualbox for older distributions. Some optional dependencies are not available yet on most distribution at the time of release. If you want those, you need to install them from source, see Ubuntu derivatives walkthrough in the installation guide for these. Specifically for Ubuntu derivatives spell checking, geography view and exiv image data require installation of source components.
- Windows: Much work has been done the last months to obtain the stack needed for Gramps on Windows. At the moment only a rough guide on source installation is present. We hope this will allow windows developers to construct an AIO installer as for the 3.4 version
See the Changelog for more details.
In order to fix one issue introduced in 3.4.4 and to continue support for the 3.4.x branch, the Gramps team releases version 3.4.5.
The important change:
- Problem after upgrading to 3.4.4 from 3.3.1, 6746
Other changes are on reports:
- Ability to keep custom filename on output, 6720:
- Book report: Sub reports forget/overwrite their settings when trying to re-configure them, 6657:
- End of Line Report options window - changing Output Format cause change active tab to "report options", 1780:
- Various updated translations: de, es, fr, nb, nl, pl, sk
See the Changelog for more details.
Version 4.0.0, the "The Miracle of Birth", has been released. This is a major release, don't upgrade before verifying your system can run it.
As one of the very first big (>386,000 loc estimates at 100 man-years or $5.4 million by OpenHub using the COCOMO model), multi-platform (Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, ...), non-Gnome GTK applications, Gramps makes the jump to GTK 3. At the same time python 2.7 and python 3 are supported, though the last must still be considered experimental. Gramps 4.0 further uses distutils for distribution, so the install sequence is changed.
The Gramps developers have tried to make Gramps 4.0 as identical as possible to 3.4, so no data changes are done, nor are there big interface changes. In other words, a .gramps backup file of version 4.0 will open without problems in Gramps 3.4, giving users the possibility to fully try Gramps 4.0.
Don't be mistaken though, a huge amount of code is new and changed! In order to bring this release we thank the many developers who helped the GTK support on Mac, Windows and Linux forward. Note however, Gramps 4.0 will only work on a top of a very recent sortware stack. A Windows installer will probably not be available soon. In Linux current distro's don't contain the optional packages in the form Gramps 4.0 needs. All this should make clear you can safely keep using version 3.4 and wait for packagers to catch up. People who cannot upgrade the required components but want to use Gramps 4.0 should use it in Virtualbox.
Before Upgrade
Before you upgrade, make sure your family tree data is secure. The best way to do this is:
- Start Gramps 3.4
- Open your family tree
- Export the family tree to the gramps xml format or the gramps xml package format (which includes your photographs and other media files associated with your family tree data). Export your tree via menu Family Trees->Backup....
- Close this family tree and repeat the above steps for any other family trees you have
- Keep the resulting file(s) in a safe place
Overview of big changes
- Conversion to GTK 3 and use of gobject introspection, GEPS 029
- Support for python 3, GEPS 031
- Code reorganization, GEPS 008
- Autotools is no longer used for building Gramps, distutils is used, GEPS 026
- Completely reworked localization handling
Overview of visible changes
See screenshots.
- The Gramplet view has been renamed Dashboard. This to avoid an overload of the word Gramplet, and to make it more clear to new users what can be expected in this view
- GTK 3 uses new themes, so users not on Gnome must set a nice GTK 3 theme to fully appreciate Gramps 4.0. Install a GTK 3 theme and set it. If Gramps looks ugly, you made an error in this step.
- Different sidebar navigators can be installed
- New Ancestor Fan Chart View and Descendant Fan Chart View, which offer a lot of insight in your family tree on a small space. Direct printing is available from these views.
- All wizards are reworked, so the exporter dialog, help and bug report dialog are different from version 3.4, but offer the same functions
- New To Do Gramplets listing all To Do Notes
- More reports support output in a different language than the interface language
- Narrative Web has been reworked to make it more stable.
Installation status
- OS X: Mac OS X will see an official installer shortly after release with all components
- Linux: We expect Linux packages for different distributions. Gramps 4.0 will only work on distributions released since October 2012, use virtualbox for older distributions. Some optional dependencies are not available yet on most distribution at the time of release. If you want those, you need to install them from source, see Ubuntu derivatives walkthrough in the installation guide for these. Specifically for Ubuntu derivatives spell checking, geography view and exiv image data require installation of source components.
- Windows: Much work has been done the last months to obtain the stack needed for Gramps on Windows. At the moment only a rough guide on source installation is present. We hope this will allow windows developers to construct an AIO installer as for the 3.4 version
See the Changelog for more details.
In order to fix some bugs introduced in 3.4.3 and to prepare for the imminent release of version 4.0.0, the Gramps team releases version 3.4.4.
We advise everybody on 3.x versions to upgrade to this latest and most stable of Gramps versions.
For all users on Linux versions older than October 2012, the 3.4 releases will be the last versions of Gramps that can be easily installed. Therefore, bug fixes will continue for the 3.4 series for at least another year.
Most important changes:
- 6515 infinite recursion bug in narrative web generation
- protection on family trees when using version 3.4 and 4.0 on the same PC (road to 4.0)
- merging notes of media with citations now works
- 6493: crash during Calculate Preview of a filtered XML export
- fix annoying errors on navigation related to citations gramplet and tag object.
- 6483: listing the Family Trees can corrupt them.
Other changes are:
- various fix around handling Gedcom file format
- fix citations and sources import on ProGen format
- better date handling and better alternate translation support on some textual reports according to locale under windows
- avoid Errors when setting wrong value as markup for invalid dates (Preferences)
- fix paragraph layout on PDF format or print output
- New: New-Zealand holidays
- Polish and backport code on XML import (road to 4.0)
- Regular expression rules now use search rather than match, fix design issues on regex filter rules
- Disable/Enable indent spouse on descendants tree
- fix regular expressions on Place filter rule
- consistency on cli arguments (road to 4.0)
- fix call of non-existant process on references proxy, enhanced tests on proxy filter
- fix NarWeb creation via cli for some non-english locales
- Various updated translations: ca, de, fr, it, nl, pt_BR, ru, sv, uk
See the Changelog for more details.
One month after Gramps 4.0.0 alpha5, the Gramps Developers have released:
The first Gramps 4.0.0 beta release. This is a preview, so use for testing!"
It is recommended to use Gramps 4.0.0 with python 3.2 so as to be ready for the future (python 2.7 works though).
The dependencies for Gramps 4.0.0 are completely different than 3.4 due to the switch to GObject introspection, and the removal of autotools. So only install 4.0.0 if you are certain you can obtain the dependencies, see README and INSTALL.
Major enhancements in Gramps 4.0.0:
- GEP 8: code reorganization: GEPS_008:_File_Organization
- GEP 26: Replace make: GEPS_026:_Replace_'make'_for_Gramps_build
- GEP 29: Gtk 3 : GEPS_029:_GTK3-GObject_introspection_Conversion
- GEP 31: Python 3 support : GEPS_031:_Python_3_support
More info in the manual
Everybody is invited to update the manual to make it current!
Changes since alpha5:
- solidify detection for locale and date environment
- prevent DB corruptions related to environment (python and bsddb versions)
- some fixes on bytes, python3, encoding issues
- some fixes on CLI, draw and textual reports
- bug fixes on interface, editors, widgets, tree models, handles manager
- bug fixes on tools, exporter, name, quick views
- fixes on proxies (references, filters)
- fix on narrativeweb report
- fix on book report
- fix on grampletbar and citations gramplet
- callback support for TAG class
- improvement on version (versioning)
- Gedcom: improvements on ADDR tag and Repositories support
- better logging
- better support for pro-gen file format
- some updated translations
The Gramps Developers have released:
Version 3.4.3 of Gramps! "'Whenever life gets you down, Mrs. Brown'", a maintenance release.
The main changes are:
- Sorting of names, places etc. uses the International Components for Unicode (ICU) libraries which resolves many bugs particularly on MS Windows, and ensures that sorting is the same for all platforms.
- Addon checking and download works again.
- A large number of fixes to Narrative Web. In particular, media objects attached to events and sources are now output.
- Many other bug fixes.
Detailed changes are as follows (numbers in brackets refer to bug numbers):
- Sorting (both in the main display window, and particularly in Narrative Web output) now uses ICU/PyICU (if that module is available). Inclusion of PyICU is 'strongly recommended'. This resolves a number of bugs particularly related to sorting of non-Latin characters, and sorting on MS Windows and Mac OS X. Some changes have been made in Narrative Web to support contractions for alphabetic indices (2933 3434 3933 4423 5088 5645 5767)
- The automatic Addon checking and download now works once again (the location used in Gramps 3.4.2 and before had been changed, so the the automatic process was no longer working)
- Import from Pro-Gen has been updated (at last) to take account of the change to Citations (in 3.4.0) (6195)
- Import and Export of address fields in GEDCOM has been improved so that the round-trip works properly (6382)
- GEDCOM Repositories not imported correctly from FTM for Windows and Heredis (6507)
- Fixes to a number of errors in filtering notes (5058)
- Fix some errors in determining whether someone is alive (e.g. for filtering out alive people) (4719)
- Make availability of GraphViz settings depend on output format
- Improve the descriptions and tooltip for GraphViz aspect ratio option
- Fixed update problems with citation bottombar gramplet (6336)
- Fixed Open Document Text output in Book report (6457)
- fails to load (6514)
- change the lock strategy and split transactions in Merge citation (06459)
- Crash when attempting to use Book Report (6247, 6229)
- A number of changes to Narrative Web:
- Fix Media objects attached to Marriage events and Sources are not included in Narrative Web Site (6009)
- restructure the families index so families are indexed under both spouses, and the family name is normalised
- separate out Families section in individual and families pages so individual page links to the family page and family page links to both people
- normalise links to families so the link is only displayed if the family page is present, and the gid is included when appropriate
- remove highlighting of media subregions except in the media pages (it was confusing and not very well implemented)
- include people whose surname is absent in the individual, surname and families indexes
- html_escape names and surnames
- always display media thumbnails for first image in Gallery list (in some cases they were suppressed if they had been displayed at the top of the page)
- change partner and parent columns in families index to improve the layout of the HTML and put the comma between multiple partners in the right place
- use event description (where present) instead of just event type in back references
- fix bug in the way obj_dict and bkref_dict were initialised
- fix missing document.png for missing media
- fixed problems that bibliography ignores media attached to citations, so if that is the only 'interesting' thing about the citation, the citation media is not output
- Replaced person link routine with one that takes into account whether there is a page for the person
- Included repository reference media type and call number in the 'Repositories' section of the relevant source instead of the Repository page
- Implemented a generalised back reference function to display the 'References' section of all pages. This recursively displays references till one is found for which a page exists
- Removed list of people and families from heading of the event pages as these are now in the 'References' section
- Fixed Narrated Web Site not copying Source Citations files such as jpg or pdf docs to web site (5968)
- Fixed GRAMPS failed to insert jpeg image into proper place for an event" by displaying a thumbnail for citation media in the 'Source References' section (with a link to the media page) (5946)
- Tidy up media pages - remove unused parameters, use list of media items generated in first pass (2365, 5905 and 6009)
- Tidy up sources pages - fix numbering of repositories, remove unused parameters, fix title of individual source pages
- Reset NarrWeb navigation menu layout when style sheet doesn't support it
- Change Source Pages to use the list of sources generated by the first pass that finds objects to be output, and simplify references section on the Source page to use the references passed to it
- Fix option to suppress Gramps ID (6237)
- a number of technical changes to Narrative Web
- Removed a lot of redundant code and parameters (mainly connected with the old way of determining the objects to be included in the report).
- Movement of some large chunks of code within the source file and some initial work towards GEPS 022: Narrative Website Refactor. Functionality should be unchanged.
- Moved routines for calculating objects to be output so they can be part of default list building classes
- Various updated translations: da, de, es, fr, it, nb, nl, pt_BR, pt_PT, sv, uk
See the Changelog for more details.
The Gramps Developers have released:
UNSTABLE Gramps 4.0.0 Alpha5 release.
Changes since alpha4:
- Move to grampslocale, const
- Move from pyexiv2 to GExiv2, metadata
- Better log statements
- Improvements on encoding, unicode
- Consistency on dialogs and options (reports)
- Some fixes on Web reports
- PyICU integration, sort functions
- OS specific: Mac, Windows
- Geography views
- Ability to use latest gtkspell version
- Debug on tools, libs, DB stuff
- Fixes on filename, filter, proxy and export assistant
- New install script as launcher for UNIX-like OS
- Improvements for thumbnails, gdkpixbuf under Windows OS
The Gramps Developers have released:
UNSTABLE Gramps 4.0.0 Alpha4 release.
Changes since alpha3:
- Impovements on installer
- Better version handling with svn version support
- Fix some OS and dependencies issues
- Optional close button on gramplet bar tabs
- Gramplets view becomes Dashboard
- Add private column to views
- Fix encoding issues
- IO enhancements for XML import
- Web app improvements
- Consistency on Bookmarks, better Navigation and review on View models
- New filter matching twins on a family
- New ToDo gramplet
- Better python 3 support
- Ability to get better results by using PyICU
- Bug fixes (book report, file formats, tools, etc …)
- Some translation updates
The Gramps Developers have released:
UNSTABLE Gramps 4.0.0 Alpha3 release.
This release should fix a major bug in upgrade code that causes broken family trees if you upgrade a family tree from 3.3.x.
Changes since alpha2:
- ability to add a tag when importing. Adds preference, and tag on import for CSV, XML, and GEDCOM file formats.
- improvements on
- New URL for gramps-addons
- better LANG variable management
- better support for python 2 and python 3
- bug fixes
The Gramps Developers have released:
UNSTABLE Gramps 4.0.0 Alpha2 release.
This is a technology preview to allow plugin writers and packagers-installer writers to update their plugins and scripts. This release is not production ready, so use for testing!"
It is recommended to use Gramps 4.0.0 with python 3.2 so as to be ready for the future (python 2.7 works though).
The dependencies for Gramps 4.0.0 are completely different than 3.4 due to the switch to GObject introspection, and the removal of autotools. So only install 4.0.0 if you are certain you can obtain the dependencies, see README and INSTALL.
Major enhancements in Gramps 4.0.0:
- GEP 8: code reorganization: GEPS_008:_File_Organization
- GEP 26: Replace make: GEPS_026:_Replace_'make'_for_Gramps_build
- GEP 29: Gtk 3 : GEPS_029:_GTK3-GObject_introspection_Conversion
- GEP 31: Python 3 support : GEPS_031:_Python_3_support
More info in the manual
Everybody is invited to update the manual to make it current!
On 2012, there was around 2227 commits on code, making an average of more than:
- 6 changes per day
- 43 per week
- 185 per month.
The Gramps Developers have released:
UNSTABLE Gramps 4.0.0 Alpha1 release.
This is a technology preview to allow plugin writers and packagers-installer writers to update their plugins and scripts. This release is not production ready, so use for testing!"
It is recommended to use Gramps 4.0.0 with python 3.2 so as to be ready for the future (python 2.7 works though).
The dependencies for Gramps 4.0.0 are completely different than 3.4 due to the switch to GObject introspection, and the removal of autotools. So only install 4.0.0 if you are certain you can obtain the dependencies, see README and INSTALL.
Major enhancements in Gramps 4.0.0:
- GEP 8: code reorganization: GEPS_008:_File_Organization
- GEP 26: Replace make: GEPS_026:_Replace_'make'_for_Gramps_build
- GEP 29: Gtk 3 : GEPS_029:_GTK3-GObject_introspection_Conversion
- GEP 31: Python 3 support : GEPS_031:_Python_3_support
More info in the manual
Everybody is invited to update the manual to make it current!
The Gramps Developers have released:
Version 3.4.2 of Gramps! "'We're all individuals!", a maintenance release.
- Some fixes on NarrativeWeb report
- Some fixes on book report
- Improvement on database path interface and user's preferences
- Consistency on Name display and regex support
- Some platform-specific fixes for Windows system environment
- Better support for media links on Gedcom file format
- Fix possible incorrect family relations on Gedcom file format
- Various fixes on citation records
- Fix and improve places handling on Geography views
- Fix on command line arguments
- Consistency on PDF file format
- New language: Greek
- Various updated translations
See the changelog for more details.
The Gramps Developers have released:
Version 3.4.1 of Gramps! "A tiger? In Africa?!", a maintenance release.
Upgrading is advised for three critical issues:
- the Merge Citations tool sometimes ignores the presence of Notes when deciding whether to merge citations, now fixed
- error in export to xml of family order in 3.4.0, now fixed
- crash in windows after some use due to too much terminal output in 3.4.0, now fixed
- Some platform-specific fixes (Windows, OSX)
- Bug fixes
- Translation updates
See the changelog for more details.
The Gramps Developers have released:
Version 3.4.0 of Gramps! "The always look on the bright side of life feature release.
- 'Source References' have been replaced by 'Citations' which have the new characteristic that they can be shared and can have media objects and 'data' elements attached to them (see GEPS 023 for a long rationale and explanation of the change)
- 5599: New GEDCOM import report that shows any problems encountered with the import
- common check during all imports to fix any dangling refernces
- lots of changes and bug fixes to every part of Gramps, including XML import/export, image handling, gedom handling, Gramplets, date handling, citations, reports, more!
- some platform-specific fixes (Windows, OSX, Linux)
- many translation updates
- 30 bug fixes and improvements [[1]]
More information (and what to do before you upgrade)
The Gramps Developers have released:
'Version 3.3.2 of Gramps! "The Knights who say 'Ni", a bug fix release.
- expressive error when trying to load familytree with downgraded Berkeley db
- fix in the image offset calculation (MediaRef Editor)
- improved focus and bug fixes on Editors
- enhancements on ODT file format
- improved synchronization on gramplets
- export, filtering and database log improvements
- call of living proxy is more accurate when using NarrativeWeb report
- fixes on Check and Repair, Sort Events and Clipboard tools
- fix automate version
- fixes on PedigreeView (database state and mouse events)
- various fixes and improvements on merge code
- minor fixes on report interface and output
- various fixes on Narrative and Web Calendar reports
- minor issues on Gedcom handling
- cleanup
- add Japanese holidays (reports)
- add a Relationship calculator for Catalan
- more than 50 bug fixes and improvements [[2]]
- translations update: ca, cs, de, es, fr, hr, hu, it, nb, nl, nn, pl, sv, zh
With this disc, you can boot and run Linux genealogical (and other) software without touching anything on the hard drive. In addition to the Live Session, this disk also allows permanent installation of Linux and genealogical software on your computer's hard drive.
Download and details: see Linux Genealogy CD
The Gramps Developers have released:
Version 3.3.1 of Gramps! "The Tenth Anniversary Edition", a bug fix release.
- translation updates: ca, cs, de, fr, hr, it, nb, nl, pl, pt_br, sk, sl, sv, uk, zh_cn
- new languages in this release: ja (Japanese), vi (Vietnamese)
- 36 bugs closed since v3.3.0 [[3]]
- 79 translation commits since v3.3.0
- 189 code commits since v3.3.0
- ten years since v0.1.1 was first released
- "Thank you!" to Donald Allingham, The Gramps Developers, translators, and our every day users
The Gramps Developers have released:
Version 3.3.0 of Gramps! The "Prelude to the next version", a new major release.
- many translation updates: Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Irish, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Slovenian, Swedish, Ukrainian, and more!
- new “person name” dialog and workflow with better (or new!) support for nickname, complicated multiple surnames, patronymic as surname, family nickname, and name format preferences
- gramplet bottombar and sidebar per view, with new gramplets such as details view and image metadata viewer/editor
- ability to tag objects; this is the next version of what used to be called “markers” in previous versions of Gramps
- geography view now uses osm-gps-map
- new locality field in the place editor; hierarchy is now: Country, State, County, City, Locality, Street
- automatic check and upgrade of plugins on startup
- improved merge support of objects
- better descendant/ancestor tree reports
- undo/redo on entry fields (CTRL+Z, CTRL+⇧ Shift+Z)
- backup option in the exporter
- exporter based on filters with preview
- many more changes; see What’s new.
The Gramps Developers have released:
Version 3.2.6 of Gramps! The "So far, so good." bug fix release.
- fix memory leaks
- fix corrupted reports
- fix crash in gramplets
- fix gedcom import and export
- import speed improvements
- NarrativeWeb fixes
- prevent corrupting databases
- many translation updates
- other changes; see the changelog and the 3.2.6 roadmap
The Gramps Developers have released:
Version 3.2.5 of Gramps! The "I intend to live forever" bug fix release.
- fix Gramps so it again runs with Python 2.5
- write all notes and sources to gedcom files
- cli fixes
- GeneWeb and LegacyGedcom fixes
- NarrativeWeb fixes
- memory leak fixes
- various other small fixes
- many translation updates
The Gramps Developers have released:
Version 3.2.4 of Gramps! The "Tententen" bug fix release.
- fix a crash on newer distro's after an export is finished
- styled notes cleanup and consistency improvement (nar web behaves like the pdf/html output of reports)
- newlines in styled notes are written as newlines so users can make simple lists
- many NarrativeWeb fixes
- gedcom output fixes
- non latin character fixes (mainly for windows)
- recursive filter fixes
- undo fixes
- many translation updates
The Gramps Developers have released:
Version 3.2.3 of Gramps! The "I used to eat there. Really good noodles." release.
- Bug fixes:
- several GLADE fixes
- several GEDCOM fixes (both export and import)
- several crash fixes
- encoding fix (Windows only)
- privacy/living fixes
- updates to NarrativeWeb and the css stylsheets
- Translation updates: bg, ca, de, es, fr, he, nb, nl, pl, sk, sv
The Gramps Developers have released:
Version 3.2.2 of Gramps! The "Mea navis aëricumbens anguillis abundat" release.
- This release is a quick fix to a problem introduced by NarrativeWeb in the previous release.
- Also includes a few small fixes and translation updates to hr and it.
- See the release notes from the 3.2.1 release for the full list of changes and translation updates.
The Gramps Developers have released:
Version 3.2.1 of Gramps! The "One of those men is my father" release.
- Many bug fixes:
- fixed missing icons
- load/reload plugins must unload old plugins
- import/export fixes (date ranges, underscore, latitude/longitude)
- narrative web crash fixes and many updates, html notes, css updates
- geoview fixes and updates
- unicode error in soundex
- fixed crash on data entry
- Translation updates: bg, ca, de, es, fr, he, hr, it, nb, nl, sk, sv
The Gramps Developers have released:
Version 3.2.0 of Gramps! The "I am your father" release.
- New Plugin System:
- In the Help Menu -> Menu Status, all available plugins are visible. All plugins can be hidden, saving resources and hiding options you do not need.
- Faster:
- Many under the hood improvements have occurred that should improve performance enormously. New features are implemented as plugins that can be hidden.
- Performance improvement example: Insertion of a new person in a family tree with 30000 people previously took 4 seconds on a 1.4GHz PC running Gramps 3.1, but now takes milliseconds.
- New Views:
- There are new views, and some existing views have been greatly improved.
- People view can now be sorted on the columns.
- A Place treeview is present, nicely grouping your places under country groups.
- GeoView has left it's beta status behind and shows your data on an online map (OpenStreetMap or Google Maps, a fast internet connection is required).
- Help Menu -> Extra Reports/Tools open a webpage with downloadable views.
- Other improvements:
- Styled Notes now in most output formats that support styles.
- New languages.
- Select language in which report should be created (not yet available in all reports).
The GRAMPS Developers have released:
Version 3.1.3 of GRAMPS! The "What Name?" release.
- Contains translation updates, crash fixes, bug fixes, and minor updates.
- fixes and updates to:
- notes, date handler, GEDCOM parser, GEDCOM export, PlaceView,
- thumbnails, unicode/text truncation, Gramplets, gtk 2.18/Ubuntu 9.10,
- xml export/import data loss, GeneWeb GEDCOM import, css updates
- several MacPorts-specific fixes
- several Windows-specific fixes
The GRAMPS Developers have released:
Version 3.1.2 of GRAMPS! The "Skip the impersonations" release.
- Contains mostly translation updates and small bug fixes. No new features.
- sv, de, fr, ca, sk, ru, pt_br, it, he, nl, cs, nb, nl, pl
- fixes a failure in 'Check & Repair Database'
- fixes to Gramplets
- fixes to CLI regressions
- fixes to use of Latin1 character set in Graphviz reprts
- fixes to many reports
- fixes to the clipboard
- fixes to NarrativeWeb
- fixes to importing from older XML files
The GRAMPS Developers in collaboration with Green Midget Café presents:
Version 3.1.1 of GRAMPS! The "Spam, bacon, sausage, and spam" release.
- The release of 3.1.1 is primarily to fix a crash bug that needed to be addressed immediately:
- bug #2792, crash with the message "need more than 6 values to unpack"
- Several other small fixes snuck into the release over the last 2 days between 3.1.0 and 3.1.1:
- add a warning when installing from .tar.gz
- bug #2121 - graphviz reports were generated off-page
- various gramplet fixes
- several text typo fixes and translation updates (de, fr)
- bug #2772 - name display format
- bug #2789 - fix for HTTP 404 in NarrativeWeb due to bad relative path
The GRAMPS Developers and community proudly presents:
Version 3.1.0 of GRAMPS! The "I am the director of a publishing company" release.
- Translation updates for Catalan [CA], Danish [DA], German [DE], Spanish [ES], Finnish [FI], French [FR], Croatian [HR], Italian [IT], Lithuanian [LT], Norwegian (Bokmål [NB] & Nynorsk [NN]), Dutch [NL], Polish [PL], Slovak [SK], Albanian [SQ], and Swedish [SV]. Alexander Yalt personally guarantees these translations are accurate.
- "I will not buy this record." (Too many changes and bug fixes to list since 3.0.0 was released 1 year ago in March 2008.)
- "My hovercraft is full of eels." (Fixes, fixes, and more fixes. Several new features, styled notes, updates to gramplets and reports.)
- "If I said you have a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?" (Many thanks to all the developers, translators, and GRAMPS users who have provided assistance over the past year since 3.0.0 was first released.)
- "You have beautiful thighs." (Since 3.0.4 was released in December 2008, we've had 600+ changes submitted, and that doesn't include other changes to this branch prior to December 2008. This is a very active release! See ChangeLog for the full details.)
- Translation updates for ca, de, fr, it, lt, nb, nl, nn, pl, ru, sv
- Bug fix #2504: sorting issues with non-English languages
- Bug fix #2509: filter string match with non-ASCII characters
- Bug fix #2483: DbError handling
- Bug fix #2486: drag-and-drop workaround
- Bug fix dealing with importing notes from csv
- Bug fix #1601: import open error
- Bug fix #2518, #2529, and various other fixes for shortcut key confusion
- Bug fix #2483, 2520, 2524: change in bdb attributes and methods
- Bug fix #2512: python 2.6 support
- Bug fix #2485: cannot create new family tree
- Bug fix #2507: unhandled exception when pasting invalid string
- Bug fix #2503: change to use of md5 module
- Bug fix to .desktop file
- Fix to prevent GRAMPS from hanging when running Graphviz reports
- New translation: Catalan (ca)
- Translation updates for de, fr, it, nb, nl, no, ru
- Clean up references to gconf
- Fixes for linking to the wiki manual
- Small fixes in grampsxml DTD
- Translation updates for de, fr, hr, nl, no, pl, ru, sv
- Many bug fixes (see ChangeLog for full list)
- Several fixes backported from trunk
- Many fixes to report plugins
- Windows-specific fix for RCS
- GEDCOM fix for ADDR
- Fix for media with non-ASCII characters in filename
- Fixes to Gramplets
With this disc, you can boot and run Linux genealogical (and other) software without touching anything on the hard drive. In addition to the Live Session, this disk also allows permanent installation of Linux and genealogical software on your computer's hard drive.
Download and details: see Linux Genealogy CD
- Translation updates for de, es, fi, fr, hr, lt, nb, nl, pl, sk, and sv!
- Bug fixes for the book report!
- Various improvements for the Relationship, Familylines and Hourglass graphs!
- Improvements to the narrative web report!
- Many miscellaneous bug fixes!
- See ChangeLog for full list of changes!
- New database format: family trees (grdb format deprecated, only for import)
- New Family Tree manager, allowing create, deletion, renaming, repair and revision control. Only Family Trees can be edited, all other supported formats must be imported.
- Notes as separate objects, see all your notes in the NoteView
- Objects can have multiple notes.
- Gramplets: small genealogy applications within GRAMPS
- Quick Reports: small reports accessible from the views
- Reports: new reports and report improvements, among which improved and restyled narrated web report and family lines
- Rewrite of the GEDCOM parser
- Filtered export to all export formats
- New artwork based on the Tango guidelines
- LDS temple definitions moved to supporting file
- Export views to a spreadsheet
- A wiki manual
- Many, many, many other great and small improvements (new export assistant, no more gconf, new filters, ...)
Gramps team releases version 2.2.10. (Final stable version 2.x.x family of releases before 3.x.x major upgrade.)
Version 2.2.10 -- the "Lemon Curry?" release:
- fixes for several database corruption issues and crashes (Benny, Gary, Jim)
- fixes for Gedcom, ANSEL and XML import/export issues (Jim, Benny)
- translation updates (various: bg, de, fi, fr, lt, nb, nl, no)
- various small fixes to several reports (Stéphane, Gary, Benny)