
From Gramps


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The Set Privacy Tool allows you to manage the privacy status of people, events and media from the year range that you select.

Items marked as private can be hidden in Gramps e.g. in report generation or ignored e.g. when exporting the database.


Once this plugin has been installed:

  • Select Menu Tools > Family Tree Processing -> Set Privacy Tool...
Undo history warning

Proceeding with this tool will erase the undo history for this session. In particular, you will not be able to revert the changes made by this tool or any changes made prior to it. If you think you may want to revert running this tool, please stop here and backup your database.

  • From the Undo history warning dialogue you can choose Stop or Proceed with the tool.

Version 1.0.8

Available through the Third party addons management section of the General Tab in Preferences.

  • The Option tab is displayed with the following:
    • [ ] Persons: If checked, all persons with a birth date in the given time range (Years) will be set private
    • [ ] Events: If checked, all events with a date in the given time range (Years) will be set private
    • [ ] Media: If checked, all media with a date in the given time range (Years) will be set private
    • [ ] Always private if no date: Checkbox option, if checked all objects without a valid date will also be set private
    • Years: The number of years back from today which should be considered as private

Once you have made your choices, you can either choose Close or Execute to apply the change.

Version 1.0.9

Posted 6 July 2021 and only available through the Pull Request system on GitHub. Currently queued for code review and release via the Plugin Manager.

Ambiguity is subject to penalties with automated mass updates

This tool is selective but not intelligent. It does exactly what it is told to do... even when that is a really bad choice.
Also it does not use the Probably Alive Proxy calculation. It uses the Birth year when filtering Person records.
So the dates of any other items in the Person's timeline (other Events, defining life events of offspring, siblings, or parents) are not considered. You may want to provide some better direction by using the Calculate Estimated Dates Tool addon to estimate a Birth year.]

Set Privacy Tool - Option dialog

The Option tab is displayed with the following:

  • Years:
    • numeric text box with -+ buttons
      The number of years (counted backwards from today) which should be excluded from being updated.
    • Always private if no date.
      If selected, any objects without a valid date will also be updated.
  • PeoplePerson Filter:
    • Entire Database ▼ (default)
      Pull down menu to select any Person custom filter.
    • Persons
      If selected, only Person objects with a birth date in the given time range (Years) will be updated.
  • Events Event Filter:
    • Entire Database ▼ (default)
      Pull down menu to select any Event custom filter.
    • Events
      If selected, only Event objects within the Years range will be updated.
  • MediaMedia Filter:
    • Entire Database ▼ (default)
      Pull down menu to select any Media custom filter.
    • Media
      If selected, only Media objects within the Years range will be updated.
  • Internet type filter:
    • Entire Database ▼ (default)
      Pull down menu to select a specific Type of Internet record:
      • All (default)
      • Unknown
      • E-Mail
      • Web Home
      • Web Search
      • FTP
    • Internet
      If selected, only Internet records of the selected Type will be updated.
  • Addresses
    • Address
      If selected, any Address records within the Years range will be updated.

Once you have made your choices, you can either choose Close or Execute to apply the change.