Addon:Form Testing

From Gramps
Form Testing

This page is intended for users who wish to share their custom Form definitions for the Form Addons with other members of the Gramps community.
Please note the Census Addon was replaced in Gramps 4.2.X by the Form Gramplet Addon.

Guidelines for submitters

Please adhere to the following guidelines when submitting custom definitions for testing:

  • The id for each Form should be unique and follow existing naming conventions.
  • Attribute names should be consistent with other definitions for the country/region.

See: Form Addons: Writing your own form definitions

Existing Supported definitions

To see a full list of the supported Code's for definitions included with the addon that are available, See: Form Definitions

Instructions for testers

You can test any file in the following section by downloading the test.xml file and placing it in your Form Addons User directory.


Do not test with your research data. If definitions change, you will have to manually update your census entries.


This section is for definitions submitted by users. Feel free to add entries to this section.


Files in this section have not been reviewed and are subject to change.


Some of these files are hosted on Dropbox. You do not need to have or create a Dropbox account to download these files. At the bottom of the pop up box you will see "No thanks, continue to download". Click on No thanks and then save the file.

Description Keys Download Contact
Various US Federal and State Definitions 1860 Mortality Schedule - US1860-M, 1880 Agricultural Schedule - US1880-A, 1855 Illinois Census - USIL1855, 1885 Nebraska Census - USNE1885, 1915 North Dakota Census - USND1915 For Gramps 4.2.X - Form Addons
Allen Crider
New York State Census (1855-1925) NY1855 NY1865 NY1875 NY1892 NY1905 NY1915 NY1925 Old census plugin: test-census.xml
Forms plugin: test-forms.xml
Ben Pritchard
Iowa State Census (1885-1905) IA1885, IA1895, IA1905 (for Forms plugin) test.xml David McMurray
1921 Canadian Census CA1921 For Gramps 3.4.9 to 4.1.X - Census Gramplet
Simon C. Tremblay
1921 Canadian Census CA1921 For Gramps 4.2.X - Form Addons
Simon C. Tremblay
Various US Federal and State Definitions
New Census added
US1850-A, US1860-A, US1890-V, CO1885, IA1844, IA1851, IA1856, IA1885, IA1895, IA1905, IA1915, IA1925, KS1865, KS1875, KS1885, KS1895, KS1905, KS1915, KS1925, MN1875, MN1885, MN1895, MN1905, MO1868, MO1876, NC1784, SD1905, SD1915, SD1925, SD1935, SD1945, WI1836, WI1855, WI1865, WI1875, WI1885, WI1885-V, WI1895, WI1895-V, WI1905 For Gramps 3.4.9 to 4.1.X - Census Gramplet
US Birth, Marriage, and Death Forms USBirth, USMarriage, USDeath (send suggestions to mailing list or email directly) test.xml David McMurray
Canada Birth and Death Forms. Ontario Birth Registration - CA-OntBirth (1858-1913)
British Columbia Death Certificate - CA-BCDeath
test.xml Les Campbell
Various US Federal and State Definitions 1880 Mortality Schedule - US1880-M, 1920 US Census Military and Naval Population Abroad - US1920-M, 1841 Mississippi Census - USMS1841, 1887 Washington Territorial Census - USWA1887 For Gramps 5.1.X - Form Addons
Allen Crider