Ru:Gramps 5.2 Вики Руководство - Ввод и редактирование данных: подробно - часть 3

From Gramps
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В предыдущих разделах был проведён подробный обзор ввода и редактирования основных объектов Gramps. В этом разделе будет продолжен обзор других объектов, которые встречаются в Gramps.

Редактор имён

Имена редактируются в Редакторе имёндоступного из редактора лиц.


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Name Editor dialog

Fig. 7.3.1 Name Editor - Dialog - example

The top of the window allows entry of the type of name (e.g., Birth Name, Married Name, etc) from a dropdown list. Next are elements of the personal name most commonly grouped as Given Name elements. Following the Given Name section is the Family Names section. At the bottom are elements allowing for customization of name sorting, dates for names, name sources, and notes for names.


  • Type: (Birth Namedefault) The Name type dropdown list allows you to select the type of name being entered. You may also directly type in your Custom type into this field.
  • Record is public/private toggle the icon in the top right corner to mark this name record as private. This will give you a chance to omit this name from being included in reports if you choose so among the report generation options.

Given Name(s) Section

The Given Name(s) Section contains all parts of a personal name you can store with Gramps:

  • Given: The person's given names should all be entered here.
  • Call Name: The person's proper legal name that was used most commonly by the person should be entered here. For example, someone named John Raymond Smith who uses the name Raymond should have Raymond entered here. If this person uses Ray commonly, this should be entered as a nickname since Ray is not the proper legal name (see following). In Germany and some other places, it was custom to underline the call name among the different given names (see also here).
  • Title: The person's title, such as Doctor (or Dr.) can be entered here.
  • Suffix: The person's name suffix, such as Junior (Jr.) or III, should be entered here.
  • Nick Name: The person's nickname should be entered here. Nicknames include shortenings of proper legal names such as Greg for Gregory (cf. Call Name above).

Family Names Section

The Family Names Section contains the person's family name elements. Gramps allows for multiple family names as well as multiple kinds of family names.

  • Toolbar - + / Edit / Remove / Move up in list / Move down in list

The following columns are shown:

  • Prefix A prefix for the family name that is not used in sorting (such as "de" or "van").
  • Surname for the main portion of one's family name.
  • Connector often used in matronymic or patronymic naming schemes, such as dotter.
  • Origin indicating the type of family name this is and its derivation.
  • Primary Radiobox indicating if the family name is the primary one.

The following field is shown:

  • Family Nick Name: for families commonly referred to using a more vernacular nickname.

See also: Names in Gramps - wiki article.

Name Editor tab pages


The tab labels reflect the presence of corresponding information: if the tab contains any data, its label appears boldface; if the tab has no data then its label appears regular (not bold).


Options allowing you to adjust specific grouping, sorting, and displaying properties of this name, as well as to provide the date corresponding to the name:

  • The Group as: field provides an alternative grouping node for a name in the person view, overriding the default grouping based on the family name. This may be necessary with similar family names that need to be grouped -- for example Russian names Ivanov and Ivanova are considered the same, but the difference in gender is reflected in different spelling. See Grouping Surnames.
    • Override Check this checkbox to enable typing into this field. (checkbox unchecked by default)
People are displayed according to the name format given in the Preferences (the default).
Here you can make sure this person is displayed according to a custom name format (extra formats can be set in the Preferences).
  • The Sort as and Display as determine how the name appears in the People View and the reports. The sort allows you to override the name pattern set in the Gramps preferences in the sorting of the name. For example, you suddenly have a branch of Swedish names with given and patronymic, but the rest of your database sorts names on Family name, Given. You can indicate here to sort this name always as Patronymic, Given.
Here you can make sure this person is sorted according to a custom name format (extra formats can be set in the Preferences).
The display allows you to say how the name is displayed. You might, for example, want to sort a name in a specific manner, but still have the display of the name which can be set in your preferences.
The Person Tree view groups people under the primary surname. You can override this by setting here a group value. You will be asked if you want to group this person only or all people with this specific primary surname.
  • The Date can provide information on the validity of this name -- use date spans as necessary. The edit date icon opens the Date Editor. Eg. for a Married Name, enter the date that the name is first used or the marriage date.

Source Citations

The Source Citations tab displays information about sources and citations relevant to this name and controls allowing its modification. The central part displays the list of all such citations and sources stored in the database. The buttons + , Edit , and - allow you to correspondingly add, modify, and remove a citation to this name. Note that the Edit and - buttons become available only when a source reference is selected from the list.

More info: Citations editor


The Note tab displays any notes concerning the name. To add a note or modify existing notes simply edit the text in the text entry field.

More info: Note Editor


When you add or edit an Attributes from the Edit Person dialogs Attributes tab the Attribute Editor dialog will be shown.

Attribute Editor dialog


Some predefined attributes are present because they are defined in the GEDCOM standard.

Fig. 7.3.2 Attribute Editor - Dialog - default

The top of the window shows the dialog title including the name of the person whose attribute is being edited. The central part of the window displays three notebook tabs containing different categories of available information. You can bring any tab to the top for viewing or editing by clicking on the appropriate tab heading. The bottom part has OK and Cancel buttons. Clicking the OK button at any time will apply all the changes made in all tabs and close the dialog window. Clicking the Cancel button at any time will close the window without applying any changes.

The top section allows editing of the most general information about the attribute:

  • Attribute: (Identification Numberdefault) The name of an attribute you want to use. For example: Height (for a person), Weather on this Day (for an event), ... Use this to store snippets of information you collect and want to correctly link to sources. Attributes can be used for people, families, events, and media. The information can be typed in the appropriate text entry fields. The attribute name can also be selected from available choices (if any) listed in the Attribute drop-down menu.
  • Record is public/private Toggle this to mark this attribute record as private or public. This will give you a chance to omit this attribute from being included in the reports if you choose so among the report generation options.
  • Value: Plain text description entry of the attribute. Eg. 1.8m, Sunny, or Blue eyes.

Attribute Editor tab pages


The tab labels reflect the presence of corresponding information: if the tab contains any data, its label appears boldface; if the tab has no data then its label appears regular (not bold).

Source Citations

The Source Citations tab displays information about citations and sources relevant to this attribute and controls allowing its modification. The central part displays the list of all such sources and citations references stored in the database. The buttons + , Edit , and - allow you to correspondingly add, modify, and remove a source reference to this attribute. Note that the Edit and - buttons become available only when a citation/source reference is selected from the list.


The Note tab displays any notes concerning the attribute. To add a note or modify existing notes simply edit the text in the text entry field.


Используйте событие Проживание для хранения информации об адресе.

Смотрите также Почему проживание, а не адрес?

При создании или изменении адреса в Редакторе лиц во вкладке Адреса будет открыт Редактор адресов.

Address Editor dialog

Fig. 7.3.3 Address Editor - Dialog - default

The Address Editor dialog allows you to record a current address by recording the information in the appropriate text entry fields.

The top section of the dialog allows editing and entry of information about the address:

  • Date: Date at which the address is valid.
    • Invoke date editor button
  • Street: The street of the address.
  • Record is public/private button. Toggle this button to mark this address record as private or public. This will give you a chance to omit this address from being included in reports if you choose so among the report generation options.
  • Locality: The locality name of the address.
  • State/County: The state or county of the address in case a mail address must contain this.
  • City: The village or city of the address.
  • Country: Country of the address.
  • ZIP/Postal code: Postal code.
  • Phone: Phone number linked to the address.

The bottom of the dialog has Help, Cancel and OK buttons. Clicking the OK button at any time will apply all the changes made in all tabs and close the dialog window. Clicking the Cancel button at any time will close the window without applying any changes.

Address Editor tab pages

Interface Tip

There is a visible indicator for each tab in editor windows to alert when there is underlying data to explore. This can relieve the compulsion to visit empty tabs for simple confirmation.

The tab label font styling reflects the existence of corresponding information: if the tab contains any data, the tab label will be in boldface and be preceded by an icon; if the tab has no data, then the label appears in regular (plain, not bold) typeface lacking the icon.

The following tabs contain different categories of available information. You can bring any tab to the top for viewing or editing by clicking on the appropriate tab heading.

Source Citations

The Source Citations tab displays information about sources relevant to this address and controls allowing its modification. The central part displays the list of all such sources and citations references stored in the database. The buttons + , Edit , and - allow you to correspondingly add, modify, and remove a citation/source reference to this address. Note that the Edit and - buttons become available only when a source reference is selected from the list.


The Notes tab displays any notes concerning the address. To add a note or modify existing notes simply edit the text in the text entry field.

Merging records

Fig. 7.3.4 Merge the Selected Persons - Toolbar icon highlighted - example

Sometimes several records in your family tree turn out to be describing the same object: same person, same place, or same citation/source. It could happen either when the data is entered twice by mistake, or when new information reveals that the two entries refer to the same person. It can also happen after importing a GEDCOM obtained from a relative, whose database overlaps with your existing data.

Whenever you detect duplicate records, merging them is a useful way of correcting the situation.


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To make a merge, exactly two records have to be selected in the appropriate view (People View, Sources View, or Places View). This is accomplished by selecting one entry and then selecting another person while holding down the Ctrl key.
You will see the Cannot merge people warning dialog if you attempt to merge anything other than two(2) records.

Merge People

Merging people does not discard any information.

The decisions you make during the merge only affect which data parts will become primary and which will become secondary for the resulting merged record.

Fig. 7.3.5 Merge People - "Context Information" sections expanded - dialog - default example

When exactly two people are selected, choose Edit ->Merge... to invoke the Merge People dialog.

The dialog allows you to decide on whether or not the selected records should be merged. If you decide that the records should not be merged, despite similar names, you may click Cancel button to close the dialog without making any changes. Expanding the "Detailed Selection" and the "Context Information" fields on the bottom left shows more information about the people to be merged.

If you decide to proceed with merging, select the appropriate Select radio button to specify the record to be used as the source of primary data, then click OK. The data from the other record will be kept as alternate data.

Specifically, all names from the other record will become alternate names of the merged record. Similarly, parents, spouses, and children of the other record will become alternate parents, spouses, and children of the merged record, and so on.

Fig. 7.3.6 Merge People - "Detailed Selection" & "Context Information" sections expanded - dialog - example

Merge Families

Fig. 7.3.7 Merge Families - dialog - default example

When exactly two families are selected, choose Edit ->Merge... to invoke Merge Families dialog.

The dialog allows you to decide on whether or not the selected records should be merged. If you decide that the records should not be merged, despite being similar, you may click Cancel to close the dialog without making any changes.

You can either choose one of the two families to be the source of the primary data for the new family, or by expanding the "Detailed Selection" field you can individually choose which father is the source of the primary data, which mother is the source of the primary data, and which family (selected by Gramps ID) is the source of the other primary data.

If you decide to proceed with merging, choose the appropriate Select radio button(s) to specify the source(s) of the primary data to be used for the merged family record, and then click OK. The children from both marriages are merged into the new family. The two fathers are merged and the events from the secondary father are attached to the primary father. The names from the secondary father become alternate names for the primary father. The same occurs with the two mothers. The events related to the secondary family (e.g. marriage and any divorce) are transferred to the primary family. The secondary family and the person record for the secondary father and mother are deleted from the database.

Fig. 7.3.8 Merge Families - "Detailed Selection" & "Context Information" sections expanded - dialog - example

Merge Events

Fig. 7.3.9 Merge Events - dialog - default example

When exactly two events are selected, choose Edit ->Merge... to invoke Merge Events dialog.

The dialog allows you to decide on whether or not the selected records should be merged.

If you decide that the records should not be merged, despite similar titles, you may click Cancel to close the dialog without making any changes.

If you decide to proceed with merging, choose the appropriate radio button to specify:

  • Type
  • Date
  • Place
  • Description
  • Gramps ID

to be used for the merged record, then click OK

Fig. 7.3.10 Merge Events - "Detailed Selection" & "Context Information" sections expanded - dialog - example

Merge Places

Fig. 7.3.11 Merge Places - dialog - default example

When exactly two places are selected, choose Edit ->Merge... to invoke Merge Places dialog.

The dialog allows you to decide on whether or not the selected records should be merged.

If you decide that the records should not be merged, despite similar titles, you may click Cancel to close the dialog without making any changes.

If you decide to proceed with merging, choose the appropriate radio button to specify:

  • Title
  • Latitude
  • Longitude
  • Location
  • ID

to be used for the merged record, then click OK.

Fig. 7.3.12 Merge Places - "Detailed Selection" & "Context Information" sections expanded - dialog - example

Merge Sources

Fig. 7.3.13 Merge Sources - dialog - default example

When exactly two sources are selected, choose Edit ->Merge... to invoke Merge Sources dialog.

The dialog allows you to decide on whether or not the selected records should be merged.

If you decide that the records should not be merged, despite similar titles, you may click Cancel to close the dialog without making any changes.

If you decide to proceed with merging, choose the appropriate radio button to specify:

  • Title
  • Author
  • Abbreviated title
  • Publication information
  • ID

to be used for the merged record, then click OK.

Fig. 7.3.14 Merge Sources - "Detailed Selection" & "Context Information" sections expanded - dialog - example

Merge Citations

Fig. 7.3.15 Merge Citations - dialog - default example

When exactly two citations are selected, choose Edit ->Merge... to invoke Merge Citations dialog.

The dialog allows you to decide on whether or not the selected records should be merged.

If you decide that the records should not be merged, despite similar titles, you may click Cancel to close the dialog without making any changes.

If you decide to proceed with merging, choose the appropriate radio button to specify:

  • Volume/Page
  • Date
  • Confidence
  • Gramps ID

to be used for the merged record, then click OK.

See also the Merge Citations... Tool.

Fig. 7.3.16 Merge Citations - "Detailed Selection" & "Context Information" sections expanded - dialog - example

Merge Repositories

Fig. 7.3.17 Merge Repositories - dialog - default example

When exactly two repositories are selected, choose Edit ->Merge... to invoke Merge Repositories dialog.

The dialog allows you to decide on whether or not the selected records should be merged.

If you decide that the records should not be merged, despite similar titles, you may click Cancel to close the dialog without making any changes.

If you decide to proceed with merging, choose the appropriate radio button to specify:

  • Name
  • Type
  • Gramps ID

to be used for the merged record, then click OK

Fig. 7.3.18 Merge Repositories - "Detailed Selection" & "Context Information" sections expanded - dialog - example

Merge Media Objects

Fig. 7.3.19 Merge Media Objects - dialog - default example

When exactly two Media Objects are selected, choose Edit ->Merge... to invoke Merge Media Objects dialog.

The dialog allows you to decide on whether or not the selected records should be merged.

If you decide that the records should not be merged, despite similar titles, you may click Cancel to close the dialog without making any changes.

If you decide to proceed with merging, choose the appropriate radio button to specify:

  • Title
  • Path
  • Date
  • Gramps ID

to be used for the merged record, then click OK

Fig. 7.3.20 Merge Media Objects - "Detailed Selection" & "Context Information" sections expanded - dialog - example

Merge Notes

Fig. 7.3.21 Merge Notes - dialog - default example

When exactly two notes are selected, choose Edit ->Merge... to invoke Merge Notes dialog.

The dialog allows you to decide on whether or not the selected records should be merged.

If you decide that the records should not be merged, despite similar titles, you may click Cancel to close the dialog without making any changes.

If you decide to proceed with merging, choose the appropriate radio button to specify:

  • Text
  • Type
  • Format
  • Gramps ID

to be used for the merged record, then click OK

Fig. 7.3.22 Merge Notes - "Detailed Selection" & "Context Information" sections expanded - dialog - example

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Gnome-important.png Особое уведомление об авторских правах: Все правки на этой странице должны удовлетворять требованиям двух следующих лицензий:

Указанные лицензии позволяют проекту Gramps максимально использовать настоящее вики-руководство в качестве свободного и бесплатного источника информации для будущих версий Gramps. Если Вы не согласны с условиями такого двойного лицензирования размещаемых на страницах вики-руководства материалов, то не редактируйте эту страницу. В этом случае Вы имеете право лишь создавать ссылки на другие страницы настоящего вики-руководства, которые соответствуют требованиям только лицензии GFDL, с использованием внешних ссылок (используя синтаксис: []), но не внутренних ссылок.
Также, используйте только принятые соглашения по оформлению текста.