From Gramps
Revision as of 07:03, 9 June 2020 by JStockman67 (talk | contribs)
Alla on kolmansien osapuolinen tekemiä arvosteluja Grampsistä (uusimmasta vanhimpaan). Onko sinulla kokemusta GRAMPSistä ja arvosteluasi ei ole listassa? Ota meihin yhteyttä, niin lisäämmen arvostelusi listaan.
- 2008
- GRAMPS, Tekijä: PropHead's Blog - HR's Industrial Strength Portal, 2008-12-9
- Gramps for Geneology, by Murray Cumming, 2008-11-13
- GRAMPS, client-server, SQL: Django? by B. Malengier - Observations from the castle Blog 2008-09-10
- GRAMPS: Open Source Genealogy - By Mackenzie Morgan - 2008-07-05
- Some Thoughts on GRAMPS for Windows, by Tamura Jones 2008-05-19
- 2007
- Interview: GRAMPS Developer,(Starts on page 24) Interviewed Don Allingham by Adrian Rea for Full Circle Magazine, June 2007 (Go to Downloads, Issue 2, and download the pdf).
- Review: GRAMPS genealogy software,(Starts on page 29) Written by Adrian Rea for Full Circle Magazine, June 2007 (Go to Downloads, Issue 1, and download the pdf).
- Track your ancestors with GRAMPS, by Alex Roitman,, 2007-02-2
- Software Review - GRAMPS, by Tom Clark, Requisite Systems, January 2007
- 2006
- Genealogy with GRAMPS, by Ryan Cartwright, Free Software Magazine, 2006-12-22
- 2005
- Family Trees with GRAMPS, by Scott Granneman, Linux Magazine, 2005-12-7
- Bloodlines - Managing your family tree with GRAMPS, by Kevin Donnelly, Linux Magazine, October 2005
- GRAMPS for Silicon Valley Computer Genealogy Club, by Robert B. White, Silicon Valley Computer Genealogy Club, August 2005
- GRAMPS for Linux, UNIX and Macintosh OS X, by Dick Eastman, Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter, 2005-03-15
- Tracking your GRAMPS, by Joe Barr, Newsforge, January 2005
- 2004
- GRAMPS 1.0.0, a Genealogy Program for Linux, by Dick Eastman, Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter, 2004-12-17
- From Shared Resources, Your Personal History, by Peter Wayner, The New York Times, April 2004
- 2002
- The ScreenSavers. In 2002 GRAMPS was featured on the TechTV show, "The ScreenSavers". The video is available on line from G4TV, but it appears to be in a Windows Media format.