5.1 Addons/tr

From Gramps
This page list Third-party Addons written by users and developers to work only with Gramps version 5.1.

Please use carefully on data that is backed up.
Help make these Third-party Addons better by reporting any comments or problems to the author, or issues and Feature requests to the bug tracker
Unless otherwise stated on this page, you can download these plugin by following these instructions
Please note that some Addons have prerequisites that need to be installed before they can be used.
These Third-party Addons unless stated are not officially part of Gramps.
This Addon/Plugin system is controlled by the Plugin Manager.

Gramps, tüm kritik özellikleri sağlayan bir çekirdek eklenti seti ile birlikte gelir.

Ancak, bu işlevi ek Üçüncü Taraf Eklentilerle genişletebilirsiniz. Bu eklentiler raporlar, süzgeçler, Görünüm kipleri, Grampletler ve daha fazlasını sağlar.

Gramps Tercihlerinden, mevcut ekstra (veya güncellenmiş) eklentileri kontrol edebilir ve hangilerinin indirileceğini seçebilirsiniz. Ardından, internetteki Gramps-Project dosya sunucusundan alınacak ve bilgisayarınıza yerel olarak yüklenecektir.

Kurulduktan sonra, aynı Türdeki yerleşik bir özellik ile aynı yerde bir eklenti bulunur. Diğer bir deyişle, Araç eklentileri Araçlar menüsünde yeni menü öğeleri haline gelirken... Eklenti Gramplet'leri uygun Kategori Görünümü kenar çubuğu, alt çubuk veya Gösterge Tablosu seçeneklerinde yeni seçenekler haline gelir.

Yüklü eklentiler, Eklenti Yöneticisi aracılığıyla etkinleştirilebilir veya devre dışı bırakılabilir.

Aradığınızı bulamıyor musunuz?

Eklenti Yöneticisi ve Tercihler, bir özelliği kullanırken zorlandığınızda arama yapmak için iyi yerlerdir.

Eklentiler genellikle viki'de çapraz referans verilmez ve ara yüzde beklediğiniz yerde olmayabilir.

Rapor olarak hatırladığınız şey aslında bir Hızlı Görünüm olabilir... ve bunlar tamamen farklı menülerde bulunur. Veya farklı bir makine için veya Gramps'ın başka bir sürümü için bir Eklenti yüklemiş olabilirsiniz.

Bu nedenle, indirilebilecek ve yüklü olanlar arasında bulunan eklentilere bakmak, özelliği yeniden keşfetmenize yardımcı olabilir.

Gramps'ta Eklenti Kurulumu

Highlighted section showing recommended settings for Addons to be managed Automatically

You can have Gramps manage the process of checking and downloading Addon updates by changing your settings to match the highlighted section in the screenshot to the right or read the following.

To configure Gramps for Addons:

  1. Start Gramps
  2. Select Menu Edit -> Preferences...
  3. Go to the General tab
  4. In the Third party addons management section:
  5. Change Check for addon updates: so when you start Gramps, it checks for updated Addons:
    1. Never - never checks for updates when you start Gramps (This is the default setting)
    2. Once a month - checks for updates when you start Gramps once a month
    3. Once a week - checks for updates when you start Gramps once a week (This is the recommended setting)
    4. Once a day - checks for updates when you start Gramps once a day
    5. Always - checks for updates whenever you start Gramps
  6. Change What to check so when you check for updates, it checks for:
    1. Updated addons only - does not check for new addons
    2. New addons only - does not check for updated addons (This is the default setting)
    3. New and updated addons - checks for all new and updated addons (This is the recommended setting)
  7. Verify that the Where to check has the correct URL. To locate the list of addons for your current language and version, it should be set to:
  8. Change the Do not ask about previously notified addons check box:
    1. Checked: Means that new/updated addons are only asked about once; afterwards it doesn't show them to you (This is the default setting)
    2. Unchecked: Means that new/updated addons are always shown to you (This is the recommended setting)
  9. Assuming you have an Internet connection. You can now optionally select the Check for updated addons now button to force a check for Addons using the updated settings.
  10. From the Available Gramps Updates for Addons window you will be shown a list broken down by Type that you can view by selecting the "Select" column expand out each "Type".
  11. You can then select the check box of those Addons you want to install.
  12. Then select the Install Selected Addons button to download those Addons from the Internet.
  13. Once downloaded from the Done downloading and installing addons dialog select the Close button
  14. From the Preferences dialog select Close button.
  15. To use the Addons you need to Family Trees>Quit and restart Gramps.
"Available Gramps Updates for Addons" window showing example listing output for Gramps 5.1

Eklenti Listesi

Eklentiler, yukarıda açıklanan arabirim aracılığıyla Gramps'in içinde listelenir. Eklenti Yöneticisi listesi, yerleşik Grampletlerin yanı sıra aşağıdaki listedekiler gibi indirilen tüm 3. taraf eklentileri içerir.


Her sütunun ayrıntıları için.

Eklenti / Belgeler Tür Görüntü Açıklama Kullanıcı Derece (4 üzerinden) Bağlantı İndirme
All Names of All People Hızlı Görünüm
Tüm kiişler için tüm adları gösterir Kullanıcılar 4 Doug Blank AllNamesQuickview.addon.tgz
Ancestors map Görünüm
Coğrafya kategorisine Ana Kişinin üstsoyu ile ilgili Etkinlik Yerlerini haritalayan bir Görünüm Kipi ekler. Kullanıcılar 1 Gramps Bugtracker
Serge Noiraud
Attach Source Araç
Bir grup kişiye kaynak eklemek için bir araç. Kullanıcılar 1 Doug Blank AttachSourceTool.addon.tgz
Avatar Generator Tool Araç
Süzülerek seçilmiş bir dizi kişi için bir veya birkaç görüntü eklemenize ve kaldırmanıza izin veren bir araç. Kullanıcılar 4 Matthias Kemmer AvatarGenerator.addon.tgz
DNA Segment Map Gramplet
Eşleşen bir DNA segment haritasını (nitelik) gösteren Gramplet Kullanıcılar 4 Gramps Bugtracker
Nick Hall, Gary Griffin
Event Description Editor Araç
Birden çok etkinliğin etkinlik açıklamasında bir metin dizesini bulmanızı ve değiştirmenizi sağlayan bir araç. Kullanıcılar 4 Matthias Kemmer EventDescriptionEditor.addon.tgz
Number of ancestors Hızlı Görünüm
A quickview similar to the Number of Ancestors text report. Kullanıcılar 4 Matthias Kemmer NumberOfAncestorsQuickview.addon.tgz
Family Relationship Tool Araç N/A Birden fazla ailenin aile ilişkilerini düzenlemeye izin veren bir araç. Kullanıcılar 4 Matthias Kemmer FamilyRelationshipTool.addon.tgz
Heatmap Rapor
Heatmap webreport 51.jpeg
Create a heatmap web report. Kullanıcılar 4 Matthias Kemmer Heatmap.addon.tgzz
Media Report Rapor
Media Report Example.png
A text report for images, which allows custom headings and custom notes as well as image data like notes, citations, tags, attributes and people references. Kullanıcılar 4 Matthias Kemmer MediaReport.addon.tgz
Double Cousin Rapor N/A Çifte Kuzen, çifte kuzenler gibi özel çok sayıda kuzeni listeleyen bir metin raporudur. Kullanıcılar 4 Matthias Kemmer DoubleCousins.addon.tgz
Set Privacy Tool Araç
The Set Privacy Tool allows you to manage privacy status of people, events and media Kullanıcılar 4 Matthias Kemmer SetPrivacyTool.addon.tgz
Birthdays Gramplet BirthdaysGramplet-addon-example-with-config-dialog-51.png Yaklaşan doğum günlerini gösterir. Kullanıcılar 1 Peter Potrowl BirthdaysGramplet.addon.tgz
Sort Children in Birth order Araç BirthOrder.png Ailelerdeki çocukları doğum sırasına göre sıralar. Kullanıcılar 3 Paul Culley BirthOrder.addon.tgz
Media Browser Gramplet MediaBrowserGramplet-detached-example-51.png Görünüm, bir kişiye bağlı ortam nesnelerinin ayrıntılarını gösterir. Kullanıcılar 4 Gramps Bugtracker MediaBrowser.addon.tgz
Clock Gramplet
Cairo saat gramplet'i. Geliştirici 1 Doug Blank ClockGramplet.addon.tgz
Calculate Estimated Dates Araç
Tahmini doğum ve ölüm tarihlerini belirlemek için bir araç. Kullanıcılar 2 Doug Blank CalculateEstimatedDates.addon.tgz
Combined Görünüm
A Relationships category View Mode showing relationships and events for a person. Like the built-in Relationships View but on steroids. Kullanıcılar 1 Gramps Bugtracker
Nick Hall
Collections Clipboard Gramplet
Hızlı erişim için öğelerin birlikte gruplamasına izin verir. Kullanıcılar 2 Doug Blank ClipboardGramplet.addon.tgz
Command Line Merge Araç N/A Merge primary object via the command line. (Note: Used by Gramps project to test its code you can see an example of how it used programmatically here) Geliştirici 3 Gramps Bugtracker
Michiel D. Nauta
D3 Ancestral and Descendant Charts Web Raporu D3-AncestralCollapsibleTree-WebReport-Addon-example-50.png Create ancestral/descendant web based interactive D3 charts. Kullanıcılar 3 Matt Keenan D3Charts.addon.tgz
Database Differences Report Rapor Database-differences-report-example-50.png Geçerli veritabanı ile Gramps XML dosyası arasında çoğunlukla eksiksiz bir karşılaştırmaya izin verir. Kullanıcılar 2 Gramps Bugtracker Differences.addon.tgz
Data Entry Gramplet Gramplet
Kişiler verileri için Hızlı Veri Girişi Uzman kullanıcılar 4 Gramps Bugtracker DataEntryGramplet.addon.tgz
Date Calculator Gramplet
Allows you to do date math. Normal kullanıcı 3 Gramps Bugtracker DateCalculator.addon.tgz
Deep Connections Gramplet Gramplet
Finds deep relationships between home and active people Kullanıcılar 3 Gramps Bugtracker DeepConnectionsGramplet.addon.tgz
DenominoViso Web Raporu
Creates interactive graphical ancestor/descendant tree on a webpage. Kullanıcılar 3 Gramps Bugtracker
Michiel Nauta
Descendant Book
Detailed Descendant Book
Rapor DescendantBook-TextReports-addon-ReportOptions-tab-defaults-50.png Bir süzgeç kullanarak altsoy veya ayrıntılı altsoy raporlarından oluşan bir kitap oluşturur. Kullanıcılar 4 Matt Keenan
Giansalvo Gusinu
Descendant Count Gramplet ve Hızlı Görünüm
Her kişinin sahip olduğu torun sayısını gösterir. Kullanıcılar 4 Doug Blank DescendantCount.addon.tgz
Descendants Lines Rapor DescendantsLines GalileoGenealogy.png Generates a graphical descendants tree using orthogonal edges and routing ("square edges"). Kullanıcılar 3 Gramps Bugtracker
Adam Sampson
Giansalvo Gusinu
Download media files from the internet Araç
Download media from web pages Kullanıcılar 1 Gramps Bugtracker DownloadMedia.addon.tgz
Dynamic Web Report Rapor DynamicWeb-tree1.png Exports the Family Tree as Web pages that are generated dynamically by client-side Javascript(no server required). Kullanıcılar 3 Gramps Bugtracker
Pierre Bélissent
Export Raw Dışa aktarıcı
A Gramps exporter that will dump your BSDDB database into a flat text version (.raw) of the Python objects. Geliştirici 4 Doug Blank ExportRaw.addon.tgz
Extract Place Data from a Place Title Araç
Attempts to extract city and state/province from a place title Kullanıcılar 3 Gramps Bugtracker ExtractCity.addon.tgz
Family Sheet Rapor
Sample Family Sheet
Generates a form with all information about a person, its spouses and its children. (Requires: PIL (Python Imaging Library).) Kullanıcılar 4 Gramps Bugtracker
Reinhard Müller
Family Tree Rapor
Generates a graphical tree of a family with its ancestors and/or descendants. Kullanıcılar 3 Gramps Bugtracker
Reinhard Müller
Fix Capitalization of Given Names Araç
Fix Capitalization of Given Names Kullanıcılar 2 Donald N. Allingham
Doug Blank
Forms Gramplet Gramplet Form Selector.png Forms gramplet that allows users to create and edit structured source data in a single form, such as birth, marriage and death certificates and parish register entries. Kullanıcılar 1 Nick Hall Form.addon.tgz
Export GEDCOM Extensions (GED2) Dışa aktarıcı
Collection of unofficial GEDCOM extensions which extend Gramps GedcomWriter to include common non-compliant GEDCOM additions.. Uzman kullanıcılar 2 Gramps Bugtracker
Doug Blank
Tree Reports:
  • Ancestor Tree
  • Descendant Tree
  • Grandparent Tree
  • Sandclock Tree
  • Sandclock Tree for a Family
Rapor GenealogyTree-Addon-AncestorTree-example-50.png A group of 5 Tree reports that use LaTeX genealogytree (the Pedigree and genealogical tree diagrams package) to create professional looking trees for the active person. Four report are available. Requires: texlive/texlive-pictures and texlive-fontsextra Geliştirici
Uzman kullanıcılar
Intermediate user
3 Gramps Bugtracker
Nick Hall
Geneanet import for Gramps Araç
A tool that allows you to import Geneanet ascendants and descendants of a selected person into Gramps. Requires both the Request and lxml prerequisites to work. Kullanıcılar 3 Bruno Cornec GeneanetForGramps.addon.tgz
GetGOV Gramplet
Download places from the GOV genealogical gazetteer. Uzman kullanıcılar 2 Gary Griffin GetGOV.addon.tgz
GoogleEarth Harita servisi
Yerleri GoogleEarth ile göster. Kullanıcılar 3 Peter Landgren GoogleEarthWriteKML.addon.tgz
SQLite Export
SQLite Import
Dışa aktarıcı/İçe aktarıcı
SQLite Export addon 51.png
A Gramps exporter and importer that will export/import your Family Tree as a fully-relational SQLite database. Uzman kullanıcılar 3 Doug Blank Sqlite.addon.tgz
Graph View Görünüm
A Graph category View Mode that can display the active persons ancestor tree and descendant tree. Requires PyGoocanvas and Goocanvas. Kullanıcılar 3 Gramps Bugtracker
Gary Burton
Edit Image Exif Metadata Gramplet
Gramplet to view, edit, and save image Exif metadata. Kullanıcılar 3 Rob G. Healey, Paul Culley editexifmetadata.py
Headline News Gramplet
Shows Gramps breaking news, once per hour Kullanıcılar 4 Gramps Bugtracker HeadlineNewsGramplet.addon.tgz
House Timeline Gramplet
Lists the Residents of an Address by Timeline Kullanıcılar 4 Gramps Bugtracker HouseTimelineGramplet.addon.tgz
H-Tree Pedigree Görünüm
A Graph category View Mode with an H-tree based layout that can be used to display ancestral trees. Kullanıcılar 3 Gramps Bugtracker HtreePedigreeView.addon.tgz
Import Text Gramplet
Metni doğrudan aşağıdaki biçimlerde içe aktarmak için arabirim: CSV (e-tablo girişi), Gramps XML, VCard. Geliştiriciler 2 Doug Blank ImportGramplet.addon.tgz
Import and Merge tool Araç
Compares a Gramps XML database with the current one, and allows merging of the differences. Kullanıcılar 4 Paul Culley ImportMerge.addon.tgz
Information Graph Rapor N/A Generate detailed GraphViz graphs by spidering over the database. Kullanıcılar 0 Bob Ham GVInformationGraph.py
Interactive Family Tree Araç
Opens an interactive tree in the browser. This tool uses the Topola Genealogy Viewer to display the family tree. Kullanıcılar 4 GitHub issue tracker Topola.addon.tgz
Last Change Gramplet and Report
A gramplet and report to display the last ten records changed in the open family tree. The gramplet only displays persons, while the report can display changed families, places, and events too. Kullanıcılar 1 Jakim Friant LastChange.addon.tgz
Generic DB Access lib Kütüphane
The Generic DB Access lib (AKA libaccess) is an experimental library that provides generic access to the database and the gen.lib interface. Geliştirici 1 Doug Blank libaccess.addon.tgz
Life Line Ancestor Chart
Life Line Descendant Chart
A Graph category View Mode which shows individuals as lines in an ancestor or descendant chart along a time span. Kullanıcılar 3 Gramps Bugtracker
Lines of Descendency Report Rapor
Prints out all descendency lines from a given ancestor to a given descendant in text. Kullanıcılar 2.5 User:Lcc (e-mail) LinesOfDescendency.addon.tgz
Merge Media Araç
Searches for Media entries that point to the same media file and merges them together. Kullanıcılar 4 Paul Culley MediaMerge.addon.tgz
Media Verify Araç
Verify a one-to-one relationship between media objects and files in the media directory. The main purpose of the tool is to locate files that have been moved and fix the paths. Kullanıcılar 4 Gramps Bugtracker MediaVerify.addon.tgz
MongoDB Database N/A MongoDB database backend support. For Experts only! This is an Experimental Unreleased addon. Geliştirici 2 Gramps Bugtracker MongoDB.addon.tgz
Network Chart Website
Shakespeare network 1 dynamic url.svg
Generate a single graph showing connectivity between individuals Uzman kullanıcılar 3 Mark B. NetworkChart.addon.tgz
Note Gramplet Gramplet
A data entry gramplet for notes. Kullanıcılar 3 Doug Blank NoteGramplet.addon.tgz
Note Cleanup Araç
Note Cleanup Tool.png
A tool to clean up html and convert to Styled Text in notes. Also converts Web links to Styled text. Kullanıcılar 3 Paul Culley NoteCleanup.addon.tgz
Number of descendants Hızlı Görünüm
Shows the number of descendants of the current active person Kullanıcılar 4 Gramps Bugtracker
Reinhard Müller
Participants Gramplet ParticipantsGramplet-detached-example-51.png Display the participants in an event. Kullanıcılar 4 Gramps Bugtracker Participants.addon.tgz
Pedigree Chart Rapor
A version of the classic pedigree chart that is suitable for printing. (Can optionally use - numpy if installed) Kullanıcılar 1 Jakim Friant PedigreeChart.addon.tgz
PersonEverything Report Rapor
Show absolutely everything about one person, including all events, notes, citations, sources, attributes, media and the family information about the families they are involved in. Kullanıcılar 4 Gramps Bugtracker PersonEverything.addon.tgz
Photo Tagging Gramplet
Enables tagging people in photographs, i.e. associating regions of images with Gramps persons. (Requires: OpenCV(for automatic face detection)& Numpy ) Kullanıcılar 4 Gramps Bugtracker PhotoTaggingGramplet.addon.tgz
Place and Coordinates

Place Coordinate Gramplet view

Gramplet simplifies setting the coordinates of a place and also provides an additional Geography category View Mode . Kullanıcılar 3 Christian Schulze PlaceCoordinateGeoView.py
Place Cleanup Gramplet
Place Cleanup Gramplet assists in merging places, as well as completing places from the GeoNames web database. Kullanıcılar 3 Paul Culley PlaceCleanup.addon.tgz
PlaceCompletion Araç
A tool to fill in places. Kullanıcılar 3 Gramps Bugtracker PlaceCompletion.addon.tgz
PlaceUpdate Gramplet
Gramplet to manipulate multiple places. Kullanıcılar 3 Kari Kujansuu
Gramps Bugtracker
PostgreSQL Database N/A PostgreSQL database backend support. Uzman kullanıcılar 2 Gramps Bugtracker PostgreSQL.addon.tgz
Prerequisites Checker Gramplet PrerequisitesCheckerGramplet-Addon-example-50.png Diagnostic tool to help work out if users have the required prerequisites installed as well as the latest version of Gramps. Uzman kullanıcılar 1 Gramps Bugtracker PrerequisitesCheckerGramplet.addon.tgz
Python Shell Gramplet
Interactive Python Shell Geliştirici 4 Gramps Bugtracker PythonGramplet.addon.tgz
Plugin Manager Enhanced Plugin lib and Gramplet
A Plugin manager with additional capabilities Kullanıcılar 4 Paul Culley PluginManager.addon.tgz
Sources and Citations Report Rapor
A text report for source and citations with notes. Kullanıcılar 4 Gramps Bugtracker SourcesCitationsReport.addon.tgz
Sync Associations Araç N/A Add reciprocal Associations if missing. Kullanıcılar 2 Gary Griffin SyncAssociations.addon.tgz
Tiny Tafel
(Liste éclair)
Provides a compact way of describing the main surnames found in a family genealogy, which can be read by humans and matched by computers using a Tafel Matching System. Kullanıcılar 4 Gramps Bugtracker
Eric doutreleau
Query Gramplet Gramplet and Report
A SQL-like query system. Kullanıcılar 1 Doug Blank Query.addon.tgz
Quilt Chart Görünüm
A Graph category View Mode that presents your family tree in the form of a grid. Uzman kullanıcılar 3 Gramps Bugtracker
Serge Noiraud, Nick Hall
Related Relatives Gramplet RelatedRelativesGramplet-addon-example-50.png Display all persons in the database with a relation to a relative. Kullanıcılar 1 Heinz Brinker RelatedRelativesGramplet.addon.tgz
Add/Remove Tag Tool Araç
The Add/Remove Tag Tool allows you to add or remove one tag from a selected set of filtered objects e.g. people. Kullanıcılar 4 Matthias Kemmer RemoveTagTool.addon.tgz
Repositories Report Rapor
A set of Text reports to list repositories and their related sources information, useful when going to a repository (like an archive). Kullanıcılar 3 Gramps Bugtracker
Jérôme Rapinat
Set Attribute Araç
A tool for setting attributes and their values on people. Kullanıcılar 2 Doug Blank SetAttributeTool.addon.tgz
Theme preferences Ayarlar
An addition to Preferences for simple Theme and Font adjustment. Especially useful for Windows users. Kullanıcılar 3 Paul Culley Themes.addon.tgz
This Day in Family History Gramplet This Day In Family History Gramplet - Sample output with content.png Display the upcoming a concise report of the user defined list of events that happened on this day and month. Kullanıcılar 1 Stephen Adams ThisDayInFamilyHistory.addon.tgz
Thumbnail Generator Araç ThumbnailGeneratorTool-win.png Generates thumbnails for media files. Kullanıcılar 3 Nick Hall ThumbnailGenerator.addon.tgz
Type Cleanup Araç
A tool to Remove unneeded custom Types. Kullanıcılar 4 Paul Culley TypeCleanup.addon.tgz
Timeline Hızlı Görünüm
Shows timeline of events in immediate family members' lives Kullanıcılar 4 Doug Blank TimelineQuickview.addon.tgz
Timeline Pedigree Görünüm
A Graph category View Mode showing Pedigree timeline and relationships. Kullanıcılar 3 Doug Blank TimelinePedigreeView.addon.tgz
Todo Report Rapor
Tag notes as ToDo (or anything else) and you can generate a report with the notes and the records they are attached to. Another way of maintaining a to-do list within Gramps. Kullanıcılar 1 Jakim Friant ToDoReport.addon.tgz
Web Connect Pack
DE Web Connect Pack
FR Web Connect Pack
NL Web Connect Pack
RU Web Connect Pack
UK Web Connect Pack
US Web Connect Pack
Collection of Web sites for various countries (DE/FR/UK/US) Only install the country you need. (* Requires libwebconnect) Kullanıcılar 4 Gramps Bugtracker libwebconnect.addon.tgz

Manually installed Addons

A few addons have to be installed manually (or are scripts and need to be installed as described in the documentation).

Addons in the exploratory stages tend to be initially posted to the GitHub Gramps-Project repositories and have to be manually installed. Be certain to backup your Tree before installing anything. There is a potential for data loss with such preliminary versions.

  1. Click on a download link from the list of Addons below.
  2. Open the compressed file ( *.ZIP ; *.gz ; *.tgz / etc ...using 7-zip ) and save the contents to your Gramps User Directory, in the gramps51/plugins folder
  3. After manually installing any addons, you need to restart Gramps
Addon/Plugin Errors

From the Help > Plugin Manager you can see which addons/plugins failed to load by viewing the Status column, and then double clicking on such an entry shows you the error. You can email this error to the plugin contact.

Plugin / Documentation Type Image Description Use Rating (out of 4) Contact Download
InformationGraph Report N/A Generate detailed GraphViz graphs by spidering over the database. The InformationGraph plugin only works with Gramps 3.2
For a similar report see the: Addon:PersonEverything Report
All 1 Bob Ham GVInformationGraph.py
Handle.bash External utility
A bash script which makes it possible to work with multiple databases merging select branches at will without collisions. All 3 User:Lcc (e-mail) Handle.bash.tar.gz
Isotammi addons Isotammi project addons


  • Isotammi configuration
  • Dates
  • Position tool


  • Events with an invalid date
  • Events with a valid date


  • Generate source references based on more information
All ? http://wiki.isotammi.net/wiki/Gramps-laajennukset https://github.com/Taapeli/isotammi-addons

Plugins for other versions of Gramps

Plugins for other versions of Gramps can be found on the following pages

See also

Writing an Addon/Plugin