
From Gramps

Addon:DNASegmentMapGramplet (Addon:DNAgramplet was the original name but is now a double re-direct.)

Manual Generation 5.1 Offline PDF Manual Generation for Gramps 5.1.x and newer

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The Relationship DNA Reportis a report of all DNA Associations to the Active Person with details.


All of the Notes containing DNA segment information in all DNA Associations of the Active Person are summarized in a table. The fields for each Association (sorted by decreasing cM) are:

  • Sum of all cM for the Association
  • Name of the Associated Person
  • Relationship to Active Person
  • Common Ancestor

Users first enter the DNA data into a Note of the Associated person, using an Association of type DNA. This should be either a single number (for data from Ancestry) or each segment information (for data from GEDmatch or FTNDA, for instance). This data could have been created by FamilyTree DNA or manually. Once entered, this data can be used by any of the DNA tools (such as DNA Segment Map )

To Do


  • The cM value is the sum of each segment in the Note. If segments are short and not included, the total value will be lower than reported by the testing company.
  • The Style is very dependent on the Output Format. Users may need to make a new Style to get a clean report.
  • Printing Plain Text requires at least 120 characters per line to avoid wrapping the line
  • Common ancestor uses the closest path. If there are multiple paths, only the shortest will be printed.

See also