Gramps 4.2.1 veröffentlicht.
Das Gramps Team hat die Version 4.2.1 veröffentlicht. Eine Fehlerbehebungsveröffentlichung.
- 7601: Support for Retina and HiDPI Display, added 24px icons
- 8799: Fix verification tool with "Estimate missing or inexact dates"
- 3670: Fix missing link in hourglass graph report
- 8168: Sort custom place types in editors
- 8971: Allow Easter calculation with python3
- 8936: Fix crash on Descendants-detailed report
- 8914: FanChartDescendants View should at least have 2 generations
- 8930: Allow hyphenated gramps-id in Graphviz reports
- 8889: Complete Individual Report fails to run
- 8888: Fix broken wiki help links
- 8833: Set TextOption widget to expand vertically
- 6684: Unused Object Dialog box too small
- 2531: Short cut keys does not work in 'Change Event Types' dialog
- 6824 8481: Update some Tips of the day
- 8863: Error when extracting place names
- 7595: Custom filters for note text repaired
- 8824: Fix Pedigreeview crash when selecting Compact view
- 8471: Set "visable_window" in GtkEventBox to fix transparency
- 8377: Faster scrolling
- cache database access for column values
- cache do_get_path lookups
- speed up load access on treeviews with no filters
- neue LRU Größe von 1k (war 250)
- use cache in do_get_path from siblings
- 8775: Avoid using person-centric date matching for places
- 8789: Use place title as default name in GEDCOM import
- 8810: Ensure place names are not empty after upgrade
- 8842: Fix proxy to include all referenced place objects
- 8897: Fix bug that prevented any addons being loaded onto the Mac version
- 8517: Remove copy button from family tree manager
- 8112: Consistency for name fields on Person Editor
- 8902: [Geography] Place.set_name(name) requires a PlaceName()
- 8637: [Geography] Fix and improvements on place selection
- 8188: Limit problems with existing selection in media reference editor
- 8849 8956: Stability fixes on Mac port
- 8959 8929: Mac port localization crash with non-standard locale (e.g. en_IT).
- Fix color on history
- Länderauswahl für Feiertage korrigiert
- Fix missing markups into textual reports
- All sidebars with Types now show custom types in combo list
- [Neu] Orte zu CSV Import/Export hinzugefügt
- Some fixes on installer (setup.py)
- Various improvements on gen.plug.utils
- 8937: Fix graph reports [in Greek locale]
- 5505: New date handler for Hungarian locale
- Aktualisierte Übersetzungen : cs, de, el, en_GB, fi, fr, hu, is, sv
Siehe das Changelog.