Gramps 3.4.0 (The "always look on the bright side of life" feature release") released.
The Gramps Developers have released:
Version 3.4.0 of Gramps! "The always look on the bright side of life feature release.
- 'Source References' have been replaced by 'Citations' which have the new characteristic that they can be shared and can have media objects and 'data' elements attached to them (see GEPS 023 for a long rationale and explanation of the change)
- 5599: New GEDCOM import report that shows any problems encountered with the import
- common check during all imports to fix any dangling refernces
- lots of changes and bug fixes to every part of Gramps, including XML import/export, image handling, gedom handling, Gramplets, date handling, citations, reports, more!
- some platform-specific fixes (Windows, OSX, Linux)
- many translation updates
- 30 bug fixes and improvements [[1]]
More information (and what to do before you upgrade)