Gramps 5.1 Wiki Manual - Categories/tr

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Soy bilgisi çok geniştir ve son derece ayrıntılı olabilir. Bunu sergilemek, Gramps'ın bilgileri her biri kendi Görüşlerine sahip bir dizi Kategoriye bölerek ve düzenleyerek üstlendiği bir zorluk teşkil eder. Her Görünüm, belirli bir kategoriye göre seçilen toplam bilginin bir bölümünü görüntüler. Farklı Kategorileri keşfettikçe bu daha net hale gelecektir.


Gezginin Kategorileri

The different Categories of the Navigator: The navigator is located at the left of the window and allows selection of the different categories.

By default, the Navigator is configured to select Views by main Category

New users may find that re-configuring to the Drop-Down option would make selecting the alternate View modes more intuitive. The Drop-down and Expander options create mode selectors in close proximity to the Category icon and those interface options will not change with context.

Fig. 4.1 Navigator mode selection drop down list
  • Dashboard Dashboard: Displays different general purpose Gramplets, small widgets that can help in your genealogical research.
  • People People: List of people in the family tree.
  • Relationships Relationships: Displays the relationships between the Active Person and other people in a textual way. This includes the parents, siblings, spouses, and children of that person.
  • Family Families: List of families in the family tree.
  • Charts Charts: Displays graphical trees for the selected person.
  • Events Events: List of events in the family tree.
  • Places Places: List of places in the family tree.
  • Geography Geography: Displays place data of your family tree on a map.
  • Sources (v3.4.x) Sources: List of sources in the family tree.
  • Citations Citations: List of citations in the family tree.
  • Media Media: List of media objects in the family tree.
  • Notes Notes: List of notes in the family tree.
Fig. 4.2 Drop-Down navigator mode showing People Category view modes

The categories can contain several ways of presenting the data. Each specific way is called a View mode. For example:

  • People People view category
    • Grouped People default hierarchical list mode
    • People alternate flat list mode

For each category you have a variety of ways to switch between View modes:

  1. by selecting the relevant icon from the toolbar
  2. from the menu View > ...
  3. from the Navigator bar when the Drop-down or Expander features are selected (See Switching Navigator modes)
  4. Via the number-based keybindings (aka keyboard shortcuts) to Change the view mode to correspond to number key 0/1/2/../9 in this view category

The following sections provide a brief description of each category and the view modes within.

Gösterge Bölümleri

Fig. 4.3 Dashboard Category view

This contains the Dashboard Dashboard, which shows a number of widgets, called Gramplets, that can help you in your research. Two Gramplets are shown by default on start-up (the Top Surname and Welcome to Gramps! Gramplets) in two column configuration. When you have an open Family Tree you can by using the context menu (right-clicking) on an empty area of the Dashboard View, to see a popup menu to "Add a gramplet" that shows a list of the possible Gramplets you may add and use.

  • Age Stats Gramplet - list age span statistics in a number of graphs
  • Age on Date Gramplet - list the people alive and their ages on a particular date
  • Calendar Gramplet - see people's events on a particular date, or in a month in the past
  • FAQ - Frequently asked questions about Gramps.
  • Given Name Cloud Gramplet - most popular given names
  • Quick View - run a Quick View on the current person
  • Records Gramplet - see world's records of your data
  • Session Log Gramplet - keep track of what you have done, and what records you have visited
  • SoundEx Gramplet generates SoundEx codes for the names of people in the database.
  • Statistics Gramplet - see stats on the database
  • Surname Cloud Gramplet - most popular surnames as a "text cloud"
  • To Do Gramplet - a notepad to keep tabs on your research
  • Top Surnames Gramplet - top 10 most popular surnames
  • Welcome Gramplet - a Gramps welcome message
  • What's Next Gramplet - what needs to be done next

In addition, there are a number of Third party Gramplets that you can easily install and use. These include:

  • Headline News Gramplet - current, breaking news from Gramps
  • Data Entry Gramplet - edit active person's name, birth date and place, death date and place, and add people
  • Python Gramplet - a Python shell
  • Note Gramplet - see and edit active person's primary Person Note

and many others. See Third-party Addons for more details.

For more detailed information on using the installed Gramplets, see Gramplets.

Gramplet Layout

Fig. 4.4 Configure the active view button

You can change the Number of Columns: for the Dashboard on the Gramplet Layout tab or change the options for the other displayed Gramplets on the related tabs, click the Gramps-config.pngConfigure the active view button.

People Category

In the People Category the People List view or Grouped People(default) views display a list of all people in the family tree without their connections. From this view, you may add, edit, remove, or merge people. Each view (List or Grouped) display several columns of information about each person.

By default, the view displays the Name, ID, Gender, Birth Date and Death Date columns for each Person. Additional columns for Birth Place, Death Place, Spouse, Number of Parents (in the topmost or Primary family), Number of Marriages, Number of Children, Number of To Do Notes, Private, Tags and Last Changed may be displayed. The People view also defaults to showing the Sidebar tabs and Bottombar

The Column Editor dialog can be used to show, hide and change the order of the displayed columns. This editor can be accessed by selecting View ➡ Configure... from the menu or by clicking the Gramps-config.pngConfigure View... button on the toolbar.

See also

For Information displayed in the columns

Some of the column selection types require that the event being shown has the Role type of Primary eg Birth and Death Dates. This is set via the Event Reference Editor dialog's General tab.

Column counts for Number of xxxxxx

For Number of Marriages only relationships of type Married are counted. For Number of Children only children with a Birth relationship are counted. However, for Number of Parents any parent in the Primary relationship (even those with a relationship of 'None') will be included in the parent count.

Ağaç Görünümü - Gruplandırılmış Kişiler

Fig. 4.5 People Category - Ağaç Görünümü - Gruplandırılmış Kişiler

İnsanlar soyadlarına göre gruplandırılmıştır. Her aile adının solunda tipik olarak ya bir ok ya da başka türde bir gösterge bulunur (örn: +). Bir kez tıklamak, o adı paylaşan kişilerin tüm listesini ortaya çıkaracaktır. Göstergeye tekrar tıklamak listeyi "daraltacak" ve sadece aile adını gösterecektir.

Listeden bir kişi seçip sağ tıklayarak gösterilen bağlam/açılır menüyü kullanarak ek seçenekler mevcuttur:

  • Önceki
  • Sonraki
  • Ana Kişiye Git
  • Ana Kişiyi Belirle
  • Tüm Düğümleri Genişlet
  • Tüm Düğümleri Daralt
  • Ekle…
  • Düzenle…
  • Sil
  • Birleştir…
  • Hızlı Görünüm
    • Tüm Etkinlikler
    • Father Lineage
    • Mother Lineage
    • Person References
    • Relation to Home Person
    • Same Given Names
    • Same Surnames
    • Siblings
Configure the view limitation

For the Group view the first column (Name) cannot be changed as the view is based on showing grouped surnames.

People List View

Tree View - People List View

Fig. 4.6 People Category - People List View

List of all the people in the database, sorted by first column which by default is the Name ▴ column.

Additional options are available by selecting a person from the list and using the context/pop-up menu shown by right-clicking:

  • Back
  • Forward
  • Home
  • Set Home Person
  • Add…
  • Edit…
  • Delete
  • Merge…
  • Quick View
    • All Events
    • Father Lineage
    • Mother Lineage
    • Person References
    • Relation to Home Person
    • Same Given Names
    • Same Surnames
    • Siblings

Kişiler Kategorisi Alt Çubuk sekmeleri

Her iki Ağaç Görünümü (Gruplanmış Kişiler/Kişi Listesi Görünümü) aşağıdaki Alt Çubuk sekmelerine sahiptir. Yapılandırma görünümlerden bağımsızdır.


Ayrıntılar Gramplet'e bakın


Galeri Gramplet'e bakın


Etkinlikler Gramplet'e bakın


Çocuklar Gramplet'e bakın


Alıntılar Gramplet'e bakın


Notlar Gramplet'e bakın


Nitelikler Gramplet'e bakın


Referanslar Gramplet'e bakın

Kişiler Kategorisi Kenar Çubuğu sekmeleri

Her iki Ağaç Görünümü de (Gruplanmış Kişiler/Kişi Listesi Görünümü) varsayılan olarak aşağıdaki Kenar Çubuğu sekmesine sahiptir. Yapılandırma görünümler arasında bağımsızdır.


Süzgeç Gramplet'ine bakınız

Relationships Category

Fig. 4.7 Relationships Category view

The Relationships Category shows the default Relationships Category view which displays all the relationships of the Active Person (the selected person). Specifically, it shows the parents, siblings, spouses, and children of that person.

The Relationships Category is designed to allow for quick navigation. You can quickly change the Active Person simply by clicking the name of any person listed on the page. Each name is actually a hypertext link, similar to a web page.

The name of the Active Person is in bold style. Other names are shown either with or without bold and italic emphasis depending on whether certain relationships exist for the named person. For a person listed as a parent or spouse of the Active Person, the name is emphasized if that person has a parent family. For a person listed as a sibling or child of the Active Person, the name is emphasized if that person has children.

Dates are normally in regular style, and in italic style if the displayed event is a fallback event, i.e., a substitute event for another missing event. That may be christening event for birth event, burial event for death event, etc.

Relationships Category view

For the Relationships Category views via the menu or toolbar you may select:

  • Edit>Edit... or the Edit the active person icon - opens the Person Edit dialog
  • Edit>Add New Parents... or the Add a new set of parents icon - to create a new family with the Active Person listed as a child.
  • Edit>Add Existing Parents... or the Add person as child to and existing family icon - which opens the Select Family selector allowing you to choose from a list of existing families, and then add the person as a child to that family.
  • Edit>Add Partner... or the Add a new family with person as parent icon -
  • Edit>Reorder... or the Change order of parents families icon - to open the Reorder Relationships dialog

The following sections are available:

Active Person

  • At the top of the screen, name, ID, Birth, and Death information, as well as the calculated age of the Active Person is displayed. You may highlight and copy the Birth and Death text fields.
  • On the right hand side a photo of the person if available, will be shown. This photo shows the first image available in the Gallery tab of this person (if any exist). You can click on the photo to open it in the default picture viewer.
  • Next to the person's name is a symbol indicating gender, and an Gramps-notes.pngEdit button. Clicking the Gramps-notes.pngEdit button will allow you to edit all of the person's individual information in the Edit Person dialog.


The Parents section, displays the families in which the person is a child. Since it is possible for a person to have multiple sets of parents, it is possible to have several Parents sections.

You may edit an existing parents by selecting the Gramps-notes.pngEdit button next to the parents. If you select the - button next to a set of parents, then the Active Person will be removed as a child from the parents. This button does not delete the parents' relationship.

See the Configure Relationships section to configure what details to show or hide etc...


If you are not careful, it is possible to create multiple families with the same parents. This is rarely what the user wants to do. If you attempt to add a new family that has the same parents as an existing family, Gramps will issue a Duplicate Family warning dialog. If you get this dialog, you should probably Cancel the edit, and then use the Select button to select the existing family.

Select Family selector
Fig. 4.8 Select Family - selector dialog example

The Select Family selector dialog allows you to link to an already existing Family.

The following columns are shown: ID(default sort for list), Father, Mother, Last Change.

You may use the Find button to filter the list based on one of the options from the drop down list:

  • ID contains (default)
  • ID does not contain
  • Father contains
  • Father does not contain
  • Mother contains
  • Mother does not contain
  • Last Change contains
  • Last Change does not contain


The Sibling section show the active persons brothers and sisters.


Similar to the Parents section is the Family section, which displays families where the Active Person is a parent. Because it is possible for a Person to have been a partner in multiple families, Gramps allows multiple Family sections to describe that. Each family section displays the spouse and any children. Children who were biological offspring of both partners in one Family might be a stepchild or adopted child for one partner of a subsequently formed family.


We use the term spouse for sake of simplicity. However, please note that spouse may in fact be a domestic partner, a partner in a civil union, or various other similar relationships between two people. Spouse relationships are not required to be only between a male and female.

You may add a family by selecting the Add Spouse button in the toolbar. This will create a new family with the Active Person listed as a father or mother.

Selecting the Gramps-notes.pngEdit button next to the spouse will allow you to edit the displayed family. Clicking the - button will remove the person from the displayed family.

Removing a person from a family

Removing a person from a family does not delete the family. The person is removed as the father or mother, and any other relationships in the family continue to exist.


We use the terms father and mother for the sake of simplicity. Even if there are no children in a family, the father and mother terminology is still used. In the case of male/male or female/female relationships, the father and mother labels should be considered to be convenience labels.

Reorder Relationships dialog

Select the Stock reorder.pngChange order of parents families button to display the Reorder Relationships dialog that will allow you to reorder the families. The topmost family is considered the Primary family and is the family used for charts, graphs and summaries.

This option will only be enabled

if more than one set of parents or more than one set of spouses exists for the Active Person.

Fig. 4.9 Reorder Relationships - dialog - example

When more than one set of parents or more than one set of spouses exists for the Active Person.

Select one of the following:

  • the menu Edit > Reorder
  • or the Change order of parents and families toolbar icon button
  • or the Reorder Parents icon near the Parents: label
  • or the Reorder Families icon near the Family: label

to display the Reorder Relationships dialog that will allow you to reorder:

  • the parents order in the top section Parent relationships using the up/down arrow buttons.
  • or families order in the bottom section Family relationships using the up/down arrow buttons.


The Active persons children.


Fig. 4.10 Configure Relationships Category - Content (tab)

You can control how much information is displayed.

Use the View ➡ Configure... menu or click the Gramps-config.pngConfigure the active view button in the Toolbar.

The following options are available:

  • On the Content tab
    • Show Details (checkbox checked by default) show or hide the birth and death information (All except the Active person)
    • Show Siblings (checkbox checked by default) show or hide siblings.

Fig. 4.11 Configure Relationships Category - Layout (tab)
  • On the Layout tab
    • Use shading (checkbox checked by default)
    • Display edit buttons (checkbox checked by default) - show or hide the Gramps-notes.pngEdit button shown next to each person.
    • View links as website links (checkbox unchecked by default)

Relationships Category Bottombar tabs

The Relationships Category view by default displays no Gramplets in the Bottombar tab. You may add them as required.

Relationships Category Sidebar tabs

The Relationships Category view by default displays no Gramplets in the Sidebar tab. You may add them as required.

Families Category

Remove button

Unlike the Relationships Category, clicking the Remove button in this view will remove the family from the database. All people will remain, but all relationships between the people in the family will be removed.

Fig. 4.12 Families Category - (List) View

In the Families Category the Families List view displays a list of all families in the database(see Fig. 4.12). From this view, you may Add a new Family, Edit the selected family, Delete the selected family, Merge the selected (2) families from the list, or Tag the selected rows. The default display lists the ID, Father, Mother, Relationship and Marriage Date. If you configure the active view you can, hide existing columns, show additional columns like Private, Tags, Last Changed, or rearrange the column order.

Additional options are available by selecting a family from the list and using the context/pop-up menu shown by right-clicking:

  • Back
  • Forward
  • Add…
  • Edit…
  • Delete
  • Merge…
  • Make Mother Active Person
  • Make Father Active Person
  • Quick View
    • All Family Events
    • Family References

See also

Children cannot be displayed on the screen in this list view.

The children can be viewed in the associated Children tab in the bottombar or sidebar and Family Editor's Children tab.

Families Category Bottombar tabs

The Families Category shows the following Bottombar tabs as default.


See Gallery Gramplet


See Events Gramplet


See Children Gramplet


See Citations Gramplet


See Notes Gramplet


See Attributes Gramplet


See References Gramplet

Families Category Sidebar tabs

The Families Category shows the following Sidebar tabs as default.


See Filter Gramplet

Charts Category

The Charts Category shows several graphical representations of the ancestry or descendants of the active person.

By default Gramps shows the Pedigree View. With the Fan Chart View and Descendant Fan chart View and 2-Way Fan chart view being selectable from the toolbar or menu via View > Name of Chart View

Want more Chart Views?

Installation of additional downloadable addons contain extra views. See Third-party Addons

Pedigree View

Fig. 4.13 Pedigree view 1 (Default) Tree direction:horizontal to right

The Pedigree View shows up to nine generations in the form of a chart, depending on the size of the window you may need to use the scroll bars to see parts of the chart.

Each person is indicated by a box labeled with his or her name, birth information (indicated by an asterisk * sign), death information (indicated by a plus + sign), a black stripe across the top left corner of the box is shown if the person is deceased (or determined by Gramps to be no longer alive) and optionally the primary image will be displayed if available.

Two lines branch from each person box. The top line leads to the person's father and the bottom line leads to the mother. Solid lines represent the biological birth type relationship, while dashed lines represent non-birth relationships such as adoption, step-parenthood, guardianship, etc.

The left arrow Jump to child... button beside the Active Person is a only selectable if the Active Person has children, clicking this button expands to show a list of the Active Person's children. Selecting one of the children makes that child the Active Person for the chart.

The appearance of the children's names in the menu differentiates the dead ends of the tree from the continuing branches.

Children who have children themselves appear in the menu in the boldface and italic type, while children without children (dead ends) appear in a regular font. If the Active Person has only one child, no menu will be displayed (since there is only one choice) and the child will become the Active Person when the arrow button is clicked.

The right-hand side of the window shows two right arrow buttons. When the top button Jump to father is clicked, the Father of the Active Person becomes the Active Person. When the bottom button Jump to mother is clicked, the Mother of the Active Person becomes the Active Person.

Fig. 4.14 Person context menu showing Children

Right-clicking on any person's box in the Pedigree View will bring up the Person "context menu".

Among other useful items, the context menu has sub-menus listing Spouses , Siblings , Children , Parents and Related of that person.

"Greyed-out" sub-menus indicate the absence of the data in the appropriate category. Similar to the children menu above, Childrens' and Parents' menus distinguish continuing lines from dead ends.

Configure the active view

Fig. 4.15 Charts Category - Pedigree View - Configure the active view - dialog - showing Defaults on Layout tab

Use the View ➡ Configure... menu or click the Gramps-config.pngConfigure the active view button in the Toolbar.

The Layout tab has the following option available:

  • Show images (checked by default)
  • Show marriage data (checked by default)
  • Show unknown people (checked by default)
  • Show tags (unchecked by default)
  • Tree style:
    • Standard(default)
    • Compact
    • Expanded
  • Tree direction:
    • Vertical (↑)
    • Vertical (↓)
    • Horizontal (→)(default)
    • Horizontal (←)
  • Tree size: slider range 2 to 9 generations. Set to 5(by default)
Fig. 4.16 Pedigree view 2 - Tree direction:horizontal to left
Fig. 4.17 Pedigree view 3 - Tree direction:vertical and up
Fig. 4.18 Pedigree view 4 - Tree direction:vertical and down

Fan Chart View

Fig. 4.19 Fan Chart View - full circle

The Fan Chart view shows the active persons ancestry as a pie chart. Clicking on a name in the chart will double the section of the pie allocated to that person. A second click brings the chart back to the original form. Right click brings up a context menu like in the pedigree view, allowing to navigate to other people.

This view enables to see large ancestries in a more compact manner, and to see very quickly which parts of an ancestry need further research.

You can rotate the view by click and drag outside the fan chart. You can move the view by click and drag inside the inner (white) region.

  1. The view can be a circle, a halfcircle or a quadrant of a circle. The latter are always attached to the bottom or side of the view
  2. Children of the center person are shown within the ring at the center
  3. Drag and drop people to the center to change the active person
  4. Color options
    1. Colors of the boxes based on the age of the people
    2. Colors of the boxes depending on the time period the person lived in
    3. White, classic, gender based, and user defined colors
  5. Filtering: use the person filter in the sidebar to quickly obtain insight in the people shown. For example: which people have birth events, who has the attribute blue eyes, ... . Filtered results have bold font, the ones that don’t satisfy the filter are shown transparent
  6. Show up to 11 generations in the view.
  7. Print the view from the toolbar. The view as you see it (after rotating, expanding, changing color) can via the print button be printed or saved as svg (to edit further in Inkscape and view in eg Firefox), pdf or ps.
  8. The font used can be selected and automatically adjust to fit within the boxes. On a darker background, the font is white, and vice versa.

Configure the active view

Fig. 4.20 Charts Category - Fan Chart View - Configure the active view - dialog - showing Defaults Defaults on Layout tab

Use the View ➡ Configure... menu or click the Gramps-config.pngConfigure the active view button in the Toolbar.

  • Max generations: 9 (default)
  • Text Font: Sans (default)
  • Background:
    • Gender colours
    • Generation based gradient (default)
    • Age (0-100) based gradient
    • Single main (filter) colour
    • Time period based gradient
    • White
    • Colour scheme classic report
    • Colour scheme classic view
  • Start gradient/Main colour: #ef2929 (default)
  • End gradient/2nd colour: #3d37e9 (default)
  • Fan chart type:
    • Full Circle (default)
    • Half Circle
    • Quadrant
  • Show names on two lines
  • Flip name on the left of the fan
  • Show children ring
  • Show gramps id

See also

Descendant Fan View

Fig. 4.21 Descendant Fan Chart View - full circle

View showing the active person's direct descendants as a fan chart.

Configure the active view

Fig. 4.22 Charts Category - Descendant Fan Chart View - Configure the active view - dialog - showing Defaults on Layout tab

Use the View ➡ Configure... menu or click the Gramps-config.pngConfigure the active view button in the Toolbar.

  • Max generations: 9 (default)
  • Text Font: Sans (default)
  • Background:
    • Gender colours
    • Generation based gradient (default)
    • Age (0-100) based gradient
    • Single main (filter) colour
    • Time period based gradient
    • White
    • Colour scheme classic report
    • Colour scheme classic view
  • Start gradient/Main colour: #ef2929 (default)
  • End gradient/2nd colour: #3d37e9 (default)
  • Fan chart type:
    • Full Circle (default)
    • Half Circle
    • Quadrant
  • Fan chart distributions:
    • Homogeneous children distribution
    • Size proportional to number of descendants (default)
  • Show names on two lines
  • Flip name on the left of the fan
  • Show gramps id

See also

2-Way Fan View

Fig. 4.23 2-Way Fan Chart View - 4 Generations of Ancestors (Top) / 4 Generations of Descendants (bottom)

Chart consisting of both ascendants and descendants.

Configure the active view

Fig. 4.24 Charts Category - 2-Way Fan Chart View - Configure the active view - dialog - showing Defaults on Layout tab

Use the View ➡ Configure... menu or click the Gramps-config.pngConfigure the active view button in the Toolbar.

  • Max ancestor generations: 4 (default)
  • Max descendant generations: 4 (default)
  • Text Font: Sans (default)
  • Background:
    • Gender colours
    • Generation based gradient (default)
    • Age (0-100) based gradient
    • Single main (filter) colour
    • Time period based gradient
    • White
    • Colour scheme classic report
    • Colour scheme classic view
  • Add global background coloured gradient
  • Start gradient/Main colour: #ef2929 (default)
  • End gradient/2nd colour: #3d37e9 (default)
  • Colour for duplicates: #888a85 (default)
  • Fan chart distribution:
    • Homogeneous children distribution
    • Size proportional to number of descendants (default)
  • Show names on two lines
  • Flip name on the left of the fan
  • Show gramps id

See also

Charts Category Bottombar tabs

The Charts Category by default displays no Gramplets in the Bottombar tab. You may add them as required.

Charts Category Sidebar tabs

The Charts Category shows the following Sidebar tabs.


Only the Fan Chart View and Descendant Fan View have a Filter shown by default.

See Filter Gramplet

Events Category

The Events Category shows the Events View that lists the all the events recorded in the Family Tree. Events can be shared between multiple people and multiple families.

See also:

Events View

Fig. 4.25 Events Category - Events (List) View - example

From the Events View list the following columns are available for display: Description , ID , Type , Main Participants , Date , Place and Last Changed.

The default view displays the Description , ID , Type , Date and Place of the event. The Column Editor dialog can be used to add, remove and rearrange the displayed columns. This can be accessed from the Configure View... button on the toolbar.

The list of Events can be sorted in the usual manner, by clicking on the column heading. Clicking once sorts in ascending order, clicking again sorts in descending order.

Additional options are available by selecting an event from the list and using the context/pop-up menu shown by right-clicking:

  • Back
  • Forward
  • Add…
  • Edit…
  • Delete
  • Merge…
  • Quick View
    • Event References
    • On This Day

Use meaningful event descriptions

Because events can be shared, you should take the extra time to give each event a unique and meaningful description. This will help you find the correct event when you share events.

⚙ Configuration Options

As with most list style Views, you can control the layout (which columns will be displayed and their order of display) by clicking the Gramps-config.pngConfigure... button, choosing View ➡ Configure... from the View menu, or pressing the Configure active view keyboard keybinding.

The displayable columns include:

  • Type
  • Main Participants
  • Date
  • Place
  • Description
  • ID
  • Private
  • Tags
  • Last Changed

Drag and drop columns to change their order in the Event list. The view will not be changed unless the Apply button is clicked. Clicking Close without first clicking Apply will abandon the changes.

Events Category Bottombar tabs

The Events Category shows the following Bottombar tabs.


See Gallery Gramplet


See Citations Gramplet


See Notes Gramplet


See Attributes Gramplet


See References Gramplet

Events Category Sidebar tabs

The Events Category shows the following Sidebar tabs.


See Filter Gramplet

Places Category

The Places Category holds two views that show places: either as grouped (hierarchically in a tree) or ungrouped (in a simple flat list). Each view lists the geographical places in which the events of the database took place. These could be places of birth, death, and marriages of people, as well as their home, employment, education addresses, or any other conceivable reference to the geographical location.

Fig. 4.26 Configure Relationships Category - Content (tab)

The Places View lists the places' Name , Title , ID , Type , Code , Latitude , Longitude , Private , Tags , and Last Changed. All of these columns can be used for sorting by clicking on a column heading.

When giving a map co-ordinate, latitude always precedes longitude

Latitude (north or south) parallels and longitude (east or west) meridians are divided in degrees (°), minutes (’) and seconds (”). There are 60 minutes to a degree and 60 seconds to a minute.

⚙ Configuration Options

Fig. 4.27 View menu for the People category View

You can control the layout (which columns will be displayed and their order of display) by clicking the Gramps-config.pngConfigure... button, choosing View ➡ Configure... from the View menu, or pressing the Configure active view keyboard keybinding.

Fig. 4.28 Configure Person Category View

The Column Editor dialog may be used to add, remove and rearrange the displayed columns. Changes will only be enacted when the Apply button is clicked.

Once the View columns are shown, clicking once on the column header sorts in ascending order, clicking again sorts in descending order.

These Configuration options and the current filters also constrain the data exported via the Family Trees ➡ Export View...

Places List View

Fig. 4.29 Places Category - Place (List) View - example

The Place List View shows all the places in one long list.

Additional options are available by selecting a place from the list and using the context/pop-up menu shown by right-clicking:

  • Back
  • Forward
  • Add…
  • Edit…
  • Delete
  • Merge…
  • Quick View ▶ Place References
  • Look up with Map Service

Places Tree View

Fig. 4.30 Places Tree View - example

The Place Tree View groups the places in a hierarchy: country, county, ... etc

You can expand the listing using the arrows.

All the nodes of the tree view mode can be simultaneously collapsed or expanded from the context/pop-up menu shown by selecting a place and right-clicking:

  • Expand this Entire Group
  • Collapse this Entire Group
  • Expand all Nodes
  • Collapse all Nodes
  • Add…
  • Edit…
  • Delete
  • Merge…
  • Quick View ▶ Place References
  • Look up with Map Service

Map Service

This feature needs Longitude and Latitude in Places

If the enclosed Place record does not yet have coordinates information, then Gramps will not request a map service marker for the Place associated with that person or event.

Fig. 4.31 Places Category - "Attempt to see selected locations with a Map Service (OpenstreetMap, Google Maps, ..." button - example

If a place has been highlighted, you may display the place in a web browser by selecting the Attempt to see selected locations with a Map Service (OpenstreetMap, Google Maps, ... button.

Your default web browser should open, attempting to use either the recorded coordinates (longitude and latitude) or the place name to display the location using the Maps provider web site. Different map services might have different requirements for the location description.

Fig. 4.32 Places Category - "Select a Map Service" button - showing list of options

From the Select a Map Service drop down list you can choose the map service you want to use from the following three options:

  • OpenStreetMap(default) - Uses longitude and latitude coordinates if present, otherwise uses city and country, or uses description of the place.
  • EniroMaps - Valid for places within Sweden and Denmark, only if longitude and latitude are available, otherwise uses city and country, or uses description of the place.
  • GoogleMaps - Uses longitude and latitude coordinates if present, otherwise uses city and country, or uses description of the place.

See also:

Places Category Bottombar tabs

The Places Category shows the following Bottombar tabs.


See Details Gramplet


See Locations Gramplet


See Gallery Gramplet


See Events Gramplet


See Citations Gramplet


See Notes Gramplet


See References Gramplet

Places Category Sidebar tabs

The Places Category shows the following Sidebar tabs.


See Filter Gramplet

Geography Category


The Geography category is only present if the prerequisite program OsmGpsMap is present that Gramps can use.

Fig. 4.33 "All known Places" GeoPlaces View - Geography Category - example using Openstreetmap - sidebar and bottombar hidden

The Geography Category shows place event data visually on a map. It contains many Geographic Views, which allows you to see the people and their events placed on a map via an internet map provider (OpenStreetMap, Google maps ...).

The following Geographic Views are available:

  • Show all places in your family tree
  • Show all places connected to the active person
  • Show all places connected to the active family
  • Show all places connected to all events
  • Show all places connected to a filtered selection of events
  • Show if two people have been able to meet
  • Show if two families have been able to meet
  • Show all displacements or moves for one person and their descendants

These views are accessible via the buttons on the toolbar. To filter on places or events, activate the filter sidebar via the menu View->Filter Sidebar

To have these Geographic views work correctly, you need:

  • To have events related to places.
  • These places must have coordinates : latitude and longitude.
  • If one place has no coordinates, it will never appear on the map.
  • If you have an active internet connection, for all moves on the map, all zoom ... all tile maps are saved.
    • When you are without an internet connection, all tile maps are cached from the previous session and can be used.
    • So, the map can be used without an internet connection and all already visited places can be shown again.
    • The only thing to do is for each place or area you want to use without an internet connection is to select them, zoom into these places. You'll be able to use them again without connection.

The Geography Category views may use many Gigabytes of storage space on your computer. If you use several maps, you need to have this same gigabytes size multiply by the number of map used.

The different views

All known places
Fig. 4.34 "All known Places" GeoPlaces View - Geography Category - example using Openstreetmap - sidebar and bottombar hidden

This view show all places with coordinates in the database.

From Gramps 4.2.2, for performances reason, by default, the view show only the place related to the places history or the filtered places. If you really want to see all places, you need to select the popup menu from the context menu right button and select "show all places".

Fig. 4.35 The places marker color tab for the "All known Places" GeoPlaces View - Configure the active view
Configure the active view
The places marker color tab

The configuration menu tab for has the following options:

The All known Places view is the only Geography view that allows you to change the color used for the place type markers.

The colors are green for the following map renders:

  • Openstreetmap
  • Maps for free
  • Opencyclemap and Public transport.

All other marker renders are red.

Click on the Configure the active view button on the toolbar.

Then click on the The places marker color tab.

For each type of place, you can select and choose a color. The default color is green "#008b00"

See also:

All known places for one Family
Fig. 4.36 "All known places for one Family" GeoFamily View - Geography Category - example using Openstreetmap - sidebar and bottombar hidden

This view show all places visited by all family members during their lives.

This view is not connected to filters. It only depend on the active family and the history.

Configure the active view
Specific parameters tab

The configuration menu tab for this view has no additional options.

Buluşabildiler mi?
Fig. 4.37 "Have they been able to meet ?" GeoClose View - Geography Category - example using Openstreetmap - sidebar and bottombar hidden

Bu görüş, iki kişinin hayatları boyunca karşılaşıp karşılaşmadıklarını göstermek için kullanılır.

Bir karşılaştırma kişisi seçmelisiniz:
  1. Menü açılır penceresinden: Karşılaştırma kişisini seçin
  2. Araç çubuğundan

Karşılaştırma kişisi etkin olduğunda, onun yaşam yolunu göreceksiniz. Koordinatları bilinen her yer için boylamına bağlı olarak bir daire veya oval göreceksiniz. Daire yarıçapı, yapılandırma görünümünde ayarlanabilir. Bu değer, derecenin onda biri olarak tanımlanır.

Fig. 4.38 "The selection parameters" tab for the "Have they been able to meet ?" GeoClose View - Configure the active view
Etkin görünümü yapılandırın
Seçim katsayısı sekmesi

Ek seçenekler için yapılandırma menüsü sekmesine bakın.

All places related to Events
Fig. 4.39 "All places related to Events" GeoEvents View - Geography Category - example using Openstreetmap - sidebar and bottombar hidden

This view is used to show all places related to events. It can take some time to show when we have many events.

from Gramps 4.2.2, for performances reason, by default, the view show only the place related to the events history or the filtered events. If you really want to see all events, you need to select the popup menu from the context menu right button and select "show all events".

Configure the active view
Specific parameters tab

The configuration menu tab for this view has no additional options.

Bir Kişi için bilinen tüm yerler
Fig. 4.40 "All known places for one Person" GeoPerson View - Geography Category - example using Openstreetmap - sidebar and bottombar hidden

Bu görüntü, bir kişinin hayatı boyunca ziyaret ettiği tüm yerleri gösterir.

Bu görünüm süzgeçlere bağlı değil. Sadece etkin kişiye ve tarihe bağlıdır.

Canlandırma işlevini kullanmak istiyorsanız, farenin sağ düğmesine tıklayın. Bir açılır menü gelecektir. Açılır menüden, o anki kişinin yaşam yolunu görmek için 'canlandır'ı seçebilirsiniz:

Etkin kişinin birkaç ilgili olayı varsa, bu işaretçiler arasında sanal bir hareket görebilirsiniz. Hareket, yıl veya mesafe ile ilgilidir ve kişi haritası tercihlerinde değiştirilebilir. İşaretçilere olan uzaklık derecenin onda biri değerinden büyükse, yıllar yerine mesafeye bağlı hareketler gösteririz. Bu durumda, bu iki işaret arasındaki adım sayısı değiştirilebilir. Adımlar arasında animasyon hızını değiştirebilirsiniz. Hareketler, ilk etkinlik yılından son etkinlik yılına kadar devam eder.

Fig. 4.41 "The animation parameters" tab for the "All known places for one Person" GeoPerson View - Configure the active view
Configure the active view
The animation parameters tab

See the configuration menu tab for the following options you can change:

  • A slider to set the Animation speed in milliseconds(big value means slower:) (default: 100)
  • A slider to set the How many steps between two markers when we are on large move?: (default: 20)
  • A slider to set the The minimum latitude/longitude to select large move. The value is in tenth of degree. (default: 5)

Grafiksel bilgileri olan bir kişi için bilinen tüm yerler (KML dosyaları)
Fig. 4.42 3 KML dosyası olan bir kişi

KML dosyaları çeşitli kayıtlar için Galeri sekmesinde Ortam nesneleri olarak eklenirse, bu Coğrafya görünümü her KML dosyası için bir yol veya bir yüzey gösterecektir.

Aşağıdaki örnekte, bu Kişi tarafından referans verilen farklı Galeri sekmelerinden oluşturulan 3 katmanlı KML dosyalarını görüyorsunuz:

  • a farm limits outline KML in the Birth Event.
  • a path KML used to go to school in the Education Event.
  • a parish (or municipality) limits outline KLM in the Place Gallery tab for the Baptism Event.

In the case of the Farm limits outline, the KLM was added to the Gallery tab of the Birth Event (rather than being applied to that of the re-useable 'Farm' type Place) because acreage was bought and sold over the years. This outline represented the Farm size at the date of birth.

See Adding places from KML files

What is a KML file ?

See the article Keyhole Markup Language From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Every residence or move for a person and any descendants
Fig. 4.43 "Every residence or move for a person and any descendants" GeoMoves View - Geography Category - example using Openstreetmap - sidebar and bottombar hidden

This view is used to show all descendant's life ways.

They are displayed by generation. You can change the delay between the generation display in the view configuration.

This view is not connected to filters. It only depend on the active person and the history.

Fig. 4.44 "The parameters for moves" tab for the "Every residence or move for a person and any descendants" GeoMoves View - Configure the active view
Configure the active view
The parameters for moves tab

See the configuration menu tab for the following options you can change:

  • A slider to set The maximum number of generations. to show. (default: 20)
  • A slider to set the Time in milliseconds between drawing two generations. (default: 500)

Have these two families been able to meet ?
Fig. 4.45 "Have these two families been able to meet ?" GeoFamClose View - Geography Category - example using Openstreetmap - sidebar and bottombar hidden

This view is used to show if two families were able to meet during their life.

You must select one reference family :

  • From the menu popup : Choose the reference family
  • From the toolbar

When the reference family is active, you'll see all its member's life way. For each known place with coordinates, you'll see a circle or an oval depending on the longitude.

The circle radius can be tuned in the configuration view. This value is defined in tenth of degree.

Fig. 4.46 "The selection parameters" tab for the "Have these two families been able to meet ?" GeoFamClose View - Configure the active view
Configure the active view
The selection parameters tab

See the configuration menu tab for additional options.


The configuration

Via the toolbar Configure View... button (or via the menu View)

All views
Fig. 4.47 Configure Geography - "The map" tab

The map tab contains options common to all Geography views:

  • Where to save the tiles of the tiles for offline mode.: (default is $HOME/.gramps/maps). If required you can change the directory where map tile files are stored on your computer. Be careful, it can take several gigabytes, and if on a metered internet connection may result in a monetary cost to you..
    • Select tile cache directory for offline mode button
  • A slider for Zoom used when centering: (default: 12). The zoom level for when we center the map or when we select one marker. Every time the Geographic View redraws the map, this zoomlevel will be used.
  • A slider for The maximum number of places to show: (default: 5000). Reducing this number for faster map drawing but with less life ways.
  • Use keypad for shortcuts: Either we choose the + and - from the keypad if we select this or we use the characters from the keyboard. - checkbox selected by default.

Specific views

See the description of the view.

How to zoom and move around the map ?

Zoom in and Zoom out the map

To zoom, you can use :

  • The +/- buttons on the top left of the map
  • The scroll mouse.
  • The "+" or "-" key on the keypad (default).

You can replace the numeric keypad by the alpha numeric keyboard in the configuration view.

Move around the map

To move around the map, you can :

  • Click on the map, then drag it.
  • Use the arrows.

The mouse actions on the map

The right button below is for one right handed person. This will be the left button for one left handed person.

button 1 ( left button )

You have two usages for the button 1 :

  1. The marker selection.
  2. Valid the region selection
button 2 ( middle button )

The only usage for this button is to select an area on the map.

  1. when pressed : start the region selection
  2. when released, end the region selection.

You must use the button 1 to validate the selected region when finished.

düğme 3 (sağ düğme)

Bu düğme için yalnızca bir kullanım.

The mouse over a marker

When the mouse is placed over one marker, we display the place name in the status bar.

The menu popup

From this context menu, you have the following functions available for views :

  • hide or show the crosshair
  • lock or unlock the zoom
  • change the default map (provider)
  • add a place and link a place at the mouse position
  • add a place from kml file
  • center the map at the mouse position.
  • center the map depending on a place from sub menu.
  • remove all tiles already uploaded for the current provider
  • "show all places" or "show all events" for the "all known places" view or "all places related to events" view.

Click on a marker

We have two cases :

  1. events : For each event, we can edit this event or center the map on this place.
  2. places : For each place, we can edit this place or center the map on this place.

When centering the map, the zoom used is defined in the geography preferences.

We may have several markers in the click area depending on the zoom. In this case, We show for each marker all related events and/or places. We obtain a mix between the two cases described above.

Adding or Linking to a place

For this, click on the right button of the mouse, you'll get a popup menu. In this menu, you can select Add place or Link place

When you add a place or try to link a place to the position of the mouse, you'll get a place selection in a region. You'll see on the map a circle in which you may choose markers place names. You can adjust the circle size with the cursor. Depending on the diameter of this circle, a list is created. If the place has already some filled fields, you'll see these values in a green color row. If you agree, you double click on this row. if you don't agree, you can choose another row.

Another way to set latitude and longitude :

Adding places from KML files

For this, click on the right button of the mouse, you'll get a context popup menu.

In this menu, you can select Add place from KML

You will get the Select a kml file used to add places file chooser dialog. Select the file you want to add.

If you have several places in the same KML file, you will get one place editor for each place. Be careful.

How to change the map provider ?

Several map providers are available in Gramps.

Click on the right button of the mouse, you'll get a popup menu.

In the bottom of this menu, you can select a new provider.

The following providers are available :

  • OpenStreetMap (default) : The advantage of OpenStreetMap is that it is a free project, so you can update the maps yourself with missing information via their website.
  • Maps For Free
  • OpenCycleMap
  • Public Transport
  • Google street
  • Google sat
  • Google hybrid
  • Virtualearth street
  • Virtualearth sat
  • Virtualearth hybrid
Some maps are not free, please read the map provider Terms of Service :

Google street, Google sat, Google hybrid, Virtualearth street, Virtualearth sat, and Virtualearth hybrid

Note that Virtualearth is now Bing maps

Can we change the marker's color ?

Only the All known Places view supports changing the place type markers colors all the other views are hard coded in Gramps.

How to get/remove the crosshair ?

It can be useful to have the crosshair visible to see the center of the map. This functionality is available with the right button of the mouse. you'll get a popup menu. Select Add or Remove cross hair. This is useful to add or link places to the correct latitude-longitude coordinates

How to lock/unlock the map ?

When we change the map ( person to family, ... ), the zoom is recalculated. It can be useful in some case to keep the same zoom and position when we change the map provider. For this, click on the right button of the mouse, you'll get a popup menu. In this menu, you can select lock or unlock zoom and position.

Prerequisites to see the geography view

For Gramps 5.x, you need to install osmgpsmap version 1.0 and above and the associated gir package.

For example on ubuntu, you must have: gir1.2-osmgpsmap-1.0 and libosmgpsmap-1.0-0

Possible problems

  • No view : do you have osmgpsmap installed ? (gramps -v from the command line may help you)
  • No tiles : do you have an internet connection active ?
  • No tiles for one provider : if other providers are OK, file a bug
  • Missing tiles : you have no internet connection and it's the first time you try to show the current place.
  • Missing tiles : this can be the same as no tiles for one provider if they modify the access rules (i.e user-agent)
  • Other : Report a bug

Geography Category Bottombar tabs

The Geography Category by default displays no Gramplets in the Bottombar tab. You may add them as required.

Geography Category Sidebar tabs

The Geography Category shows the following Sidebar tabs.


The filter type may change depending on the view selected.

See Filter Gramplet

Sources Category

The Sources Category offers two view modes (Citation Tree View and Sources List View (default)) that list the sources of certain information stored in the family tree. The record selection, column configuration and Gramplet selections are independent for each view mode.

Sources can include various documents: birth, death, and marriage certificates; books; films; journals; private diaries - nearly anything that can be described as genealogical evidence. Gramps gives you the option to provide citations of sources for each (Event, Person, Place, Media, Note, et cetera) object you create.

By default, the Sources View mode lists the Title, ID, and Author of the source, as well as any Publication information that may be associated with it. The list of Sources can be re-sorted by clicking on a different column heading. Clicking the header the first time sorts the rows in ascending order based on that column. Clicking again reverses to descending order.

The Column Editor tab of the Configure Sources dialog can be used to add, remove and rearrange the displayed columns. Click the Gramps-config.png Configure the active view toolbar button or select Configure… from the Edit menu to open the dialog.

You can select the STOCK_ADD Add a new source toolbar button to create a new source or STOCK_EDIT Edit the selected source button to edit the sources selected in the list. Either action will invoke the Source Editor dialog.

Citation Tree View

Fig. 4.48 Sources Category - Citation Tree - View

The Citation Tree View mode list will also show all the sources. In addition, it allows the user to see the Citations associated with each source by clicking on the disclosure triangle node expand or collapse disclosure triangular widget.

All the nodes of the tree view mode can be simultaneously collapsed or expanded from the context/pop-up menu shown by right-clicking:

  • Back
  • Forward
  • Expand all Nodes
  • Collapse all Nodes
  • Add…
  • Add citation…
  • Edit…
  • Delete
  • Merge…
  • Quick View ▶ Source or Citation References

Sources List View

Fig. 4.49 Sources Category - (List) View

The default, Sources View mode only shows the Sources as a list and displays the Title, ID, and Author of the source, as well as any Publication information that may be associated with it. The list of Sources can be re-sorted by clicking on a different column heading. Clicking the header the first time sorts the rows in ascending order based on that column. Clicking again reverses to descending order.

Additional options are available by selecting a source from the list and using the context/pop-up menu shown by right-clicking:

  • Back
  • Forward
  • Add…
  • Edit…
  • Delete
  • Merge…
  • Quick View ▶ Source References

Sources Category Bottombar tabs

The Sources Category shows the following Bottombar tabs.


See Gallery Gramplet


See Notes Gramplet


See References Gramplet

Sources Category Sidebar tabs

The Sources Category shows the following Sidebar tabs.


See Filter Gramplet

Alıntılar Bölümü

Alıntılar Bölümü, soy ağacında saklanan belirli bilgiler için alıntıları gösteren Alıntı listesi Görünümünü açar.

Alıntılar, bir kaynağın hangi bölümlerinin veri tabanındaki bilgilerle ilgili olduğunu belirtir. Örneğin, Kaynak bir kitap olabilir ve alıntı kitaptaki belirli bir sayfa olabilir. Gramps, kaydettiğiniz her olay (doğumlar, ölümler, evlilikler vb.) için size bir alıntı yapma seçeneği sunar.

Alıntılar Liste Görünümü

Fig. 4.50 Alıntılar Bölümü - Alıntılar (Liste) Görünümü - örnek

Alıntılar Liste Görünümü, alıntının Cilt/Sayfa , KNo ve Tarihinin yanı sıra kanıtlara olan Güveni gösterir.

Alıntılar listesi, bir sütun başlığına tıklanarak sıralanabilir.

Bir kez tıklama artan düzende, tekrar tıklama azalan düzende sıralar. Sütun Düzenleyici iletişim kutusu, görüntülenen sütunları eklemek, kaldırmak ve yeniden düzenlemek için kullanılabilir.

Listeden bir alıntı seçip sağ tıklayarak gösterilen bağlam/açılır menüyü kullanarak ek seçenekler mevcuttur:

  • Back
  • Forward
  • Add…
  • Edit…
  • Delete
  • Merge…
  • Quick View ▶ Citation References

Citations Category Bottombar tabs

The Citations Category shows the following Bottombar tabs.


See Gallery Gramplet


See Notes Gramplet


See References Gramplet

Citations Category Sidebar tabs

The Citations Category shows the following Sidebar tabs.


See Filter Gramplet

Repositories Category

The Repositories Category shows the Repository List View. A repository can be thought of as a collection of sources. Each source in the family tree may be a reference to a repository (such as a library) in which it belongs.

Repository List View

Fig. 4.51 Repositories (list) view - example

This view shows a list of all recorded repositories.

Additional options are available by selecting a repository from the list and using the context/pop-up menu shown by right-clicking:

  • Back
  • Forward
  • Add…
  • Edit…
  • Delete
  • Merge…
  • Quick View ▶ Repository References

Repository Category Bottombar tabs

The Repository Category shows the following Bottombar tabs.


See Details Gramplet


See Notes Gramplet


See References Gramplet

Repository Category Sidebar tabs

The Repository Category shows the following Sidebar tabs.


See Filter Gramplet

Media Category

The Media Category shows the Media List View, which list the Media Objects stored in the family tree.

Media Objects are technically any files that relate somehow to the stored genealogical data.

Most frequently, these are images, audio files, animation files, etc.

Media List View

Fig. 4.52 Media Category - Media (List) View - example

The Media List View shows the following columns for the list Name , ID , Type, Path and Date of the Media Object.

The Column Editor dialog may be used to rearrange the displayed columns, which obey usual sorting rules.

Selecting a media item from the list and using the context menu (right-clicking) offers the following options

  • Back
  • Forward
  • View - show the media item using an external program.
  • Open Containing Folder - which opens to the folder containing the media item.
  • Add…
  • Edit…
  • Delete
  • Merge…
  • Quick View
    • Media References

Media Category Bottombar tabs

The Media Category shows the following Bottombar tabs.


In the "Preview" tab you can double click on the media/photo to open it in the default picture viewer.

See Media Preview Gramplet


See Citations Gramplet


See Notes Gramplet


See Attributes Gramplet

Image Metadata

See Image Metadata Gramplet


See References Gramplet

Media Category Sidebar tabs

The Media Category shows the following Sidebar tabs.


See Filter Gramplet

Notes Category

The Notes Category View shows a List mode, which inventories the text notes (either pure text or pre-formatted) that can be referenced by the other objects.

See also:

  • Using the Note Editor to make new annotations or editing information about existing notes

Notes List View

Fig. 4.53 Notes Category - Notes (List) view

The Notes List View shows a list of text notes.

The functionality of the notes View is similar to the other views. The view lists all Notes stored in the Family Tree.

Using the menu View ->Configure View... you open the Column Editor and you can change the displayed columns. The possibilities are Preview, ID, Type, Private, Tags and Last Changed.

The Type can be (amongst others): Event Note, Address Note, Source text, Place Note. (In version 5.1, the built-in Type list includes: Citation, General, HTML code, Link, Report, Research, Source text, To Do, Transcript, Unknown)

Selecting a Note item from the list and using the context menu (right-clicking) offers the following options

  • Back
  • Forward
  • Add…
  • Edit…
  • Delete
  • Merge…
  • Quick View
    • Link References
    • Note References

Double-clicking on a Note item in the list will bring up the Note editor window where you can edit the Note. You can change fonts, font color and background color. A spellchecker is available for English and your local language.

Notes Category Bottombar tabs

The Notes Category shows the following Bottombar tabs.


See References Gramplet

Notes Category Sidebar tabs

The Notes Category shows the following Sidebar tabs.


See Filter Gramplet

Önceki Dizin Sonraki
Gnome-important.png Telif hakkı bildirimi: Bu sayfadaki tüm düzenlemeler iki farklı telif hakkı lisansı kapsamındadır:

Bu lisanslar, Gramps projesinin bu wiki kılavuzunu gelecekteki Gramps sürümlerinde ücretsiz içerik olarak maksimum düzeyde kullanmasına izin verir. Bu ikili lisansı kabul etmiyorsanız, bu sayfayı düzenlemeyin. Viki'de yalnızca GFDL lisansı kapsamına giren diğer sayfalara harici bağlantılar aracılığıyla ([]) sözdizimini kullanarak) bağlantı verebilirsiniz, dahili bağlantılar yoluyla değil.
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